The arguing grew louder, and then a human voice seemed to blend in with the hissing of the dementors. The next thing Hermione knew, strong hands were holding her and she felt the familiar pull of Apparition. They were leaving...she was safe...but who...she felt a slight chill come over her as the sensations of traveling fell away. They had arrived, but where? And what was the identity of her rescuer? She felt scared, not as terrified as she had been in the dementors' lair, but losing her wand and her sight had left her defenseless and vulnerable.
"Who's there?" she asked softly. There was no answer, although she detected a slight movement to her left. "Please...who's there?" she asked again, this time unable to keep a note of hysteria from creeping into her voice. She reached out in front of her, feeling only emptiness. Panicking, she began to slowly move forward, feeling around her on all sides. Nothing. Only blank, dark, emptiness.
The odd feeling gradually left him, and Terr found that he could move again. He looked at the stick of wood in his hand, and then at his surroundings. They were somewhat the same...yet different. He knew that somehow, they had left the lair. He knew that because he recognized this place. It was a cave, completely hidden yet close to civilization. He had found it once when he was younger, out exploring on his own. He marveled at the fact that they were here, in this particular place. All that he had been thinking back in the lair was that he needed a safe place, somewhere that Lendaur wouldn't find him...he put the stick of wood down quickly and continued to stare at it. All of this was connected to the innocent looking piece of wood, but he didn't know how. It made him nervous, yet he also felt an odd kinship with the stick. He didn't want to let it out of his sight. Gingerly, he picked it up as carefully as he could with his clumsy human hand and placed it back inside the cloak. That was when he heard the woman speaking and moving around, fear evident in her voice. She was moving further into the cave, and Terr studied her curiously. Should he try to speak to her? Would she be afraid of him? Lendaur had said that he would "be of both worlds, an outcast in both." The woman was feeling in front of her, groping blindly in various directions as she sought to acclimate herself. Terr crept closer to her, noting that with the exception of the slight rustling of his cloak, he still had the ability to move silently. She seemed to sense his presence, however, and whipped her head around, throwing her arms up to protect herself. He noticed with a start that tears were forming in the corners of her eyes. Terr quickly put a hand on her arm, and was surprised when she pulled away violently.
"Who are you? What do you want? Identify yourself!" She cried out, and he could hear the panic in her words. Terr closed the gap between them, and took both of her wrists firmly in his hands.
"I am Terr." He said quietly, grateful that his voice sounded more or less human. She began struggling against his hold, but Terr noticed that he was considerably stronger than her.
"Please...let go of me..." She murmured, the tears streaking down her cheeks.
"I do not want you to harm yourself." Terr answered. "You cannot see, can you?"
"I...please...just let go of me, I'll sit down right need to tell me where we are, who you are..." Her breath was coming out in small gasps and he knew that she was trying very hard to control her rising terror.
"I will agree." Terr said, loosening his grip but not letting her go until she was sitting safely on the floor of the cave. Immediately the woman pulled her knees to her chest and wrapped her arms around them. He sat down next to her, close enough so that she could feel him but not exactly touching her. "To answer your questions, we are in a cave. We are safe here, the Dementors will not find us. I have already told you my name, it is Terr." The woman nodded, and took a deep breath.
"I owe you my life. Thank you for saving me from them."
"You're welcome." Terr responded softly. "I couldn't let them harm you." She lifted her head up, her sightless eyes searching.
"Weren't you their prisoner as well? How did you get away? You must have a wand...I need to go home..."
Terr sighed. "What is your name?" He asked. She hesitated for a moment, apparently deciding whether to answer his question or demand the answers to her own.
"Hermione." She finally said.
"Hermione." He tried it out, and liked the way it sounded. "I like saying your name."
"Thank you." She said warily. "Now...I need your wand...there is a spell that will restore my sight..." Terr felt for the wand in his cloak. He did not want to let her have it for a couple of reasons. One, there was the very good chance that she would recognize it as her own. Two, if she could see again, what would he look like to her? Would she harm him?
"It must have been lost when we escaped." Terr said smoothly. "One of them tried to attack me right before we...disappeared."
"Are you sure?" Hermione asked suspiciously. "Did you look around the spot we appeared?"
"Of course I did!" Terr answered defensively. "You are welcome to try, but it is not here." Hermione cocked her head to one side. "Why are you talking like that?" She asked. "I can't place your accent, where are you from?" Terr swallowed. He would have to think of something, and quickly.
"I was not aware that my words are out of the ordinary." He attempted to put a teasing lilt into his voice, and saw Hermione relax slightly.
"Well...I don't know. In any event, we need to find a way out of said we're in a cave?"
"We are safe here." Terr said firmly. "We can't leave yet." He saw a flash of fear cross Hermione's face, and knew that she finally realized the gravity of her predicament...she was a prisoner in the cave.