
This is it...Six years (on and off). Were all my chapters beautifully polished? No. Did I have to re-write thousands of words to take on new plot ideas? Yes. Do I ever look back and wonder if this was just wasted minutes, hours, days, even months of my life. Not. Even. Once. It's been liberating, this fan-fiction. I'm not done telling this story, but I'm proud I finally get to show you all, whether you are new or old to the story, my conclusion to Part One. Please, enjoy!

Chapter 30: All Beginnings End Somewhere

Kobi rolled up, rubbing his head. Man, I guess I did end up drinking too much. The pounding of his mind re-enforced his thoughts. Is this what hell feels like? His hand drifted down, feeling a soft lump next to him. Kobi narrowed his eyes, feeling it out some more. The hell is…

As he turned around, he was met with Tsumi's dagger staring eyes. "Having fun, are we?"

Kobi jumped out of the bed in a panic, shifting around and trying to figure out where he was. "T-T-Tsumi! I didn't mean to…I didn't know…" He finally gripped his head. "Why the hell are we in the same bed?"

Tsumi rolled up, stretching. "I hope you can take responsibility for last night…" Kobi turned white, almost screaming. Tsumi began to snicker. "Just kidding." The boy felt his legs shaking as he attempted to regain his air. Tsumi pointed at her clothes. "See? Why would we both still be fully clothed?"

Kobi sighed, wiping away the sweat. "R-right…" He looked around once more, finally realizing the situation. "We're at Kochi's house." He rubbed his head. "Damn, I don't remember getting back here. Guess I had one too many."

Tsumi grabbed another water bottle and chucked it at him. "Here. It won't cure the headache, but it'll help get you back some equilibrium." Kobi nodded, taking a few big gulps. Tsumi stretched, jumping out of bed. "I was pretty bad myself." She poked at her head. "But I still remember everything, lucikly."

Kobi scratched at his cheek with a smirk. "I was surprised at how much we could drink at Kochi's friend's house. That club was something else too." Kobi crossed his arms, biting his thumb. "I just wish I remembered something after that last drink…Hope I didn't blow our cover."

Tsumi laughed gently, walking over to him. "You were just really happy. Your dance moves leave much to be desired, but you really brought a lot of life after that." She poked him in the chest. "Just don't do it again. That's serious stuff, you know?"

Kobi rubbed his head, laughing. His door slammed open. "Hey, back off of my girl, fool! That is…unless you think you're man enough to put down a jonin." Their heads twisted, seeing Shikamira trying to hold in laughter.

Kobi tilted his head. "What?"

Tsumi elbowed him in the gut. "Some jerk-off kept trying to get with me for like, five minutes." Kobi crossed his arms, looking annoyed. "You were sooo jealous."

"I remember that guy now." Kobi pumped his fist. "He's just a scumbag anyways. I'd have flattened him if he tried anything!"

Shikamira pointed her finger up. "He was a chunin though. From the looks of it, he knew a thing or two."

Kobi froze up, laughing nervously. Tsumi patted him on the back. "It's alright. You had this believable aura around you. I've never seen someone abandon the mission as fast as he did."

Shikamira looked around, putting a hand to the side of her face. "So, did you turn her into a woman?"

Kobi paralyzed again and Tsumi ran over and blasted her in the face. "Don't say such annoying things so casually!" The action sent them crashing into the hallway, Tsumi landing on top of Shikamira.

Tsumi then froze up, seeing Nia walk out of Kochi's room. She turned her head towards the two. "Loud this morning, aren't we?" Tsumi and Shikamira stayed still like a statue for a moment. She sighed, turning towards the exit. "Thank your brother for me again, Kochi. I'll see you around."

Kochi walked out yawning with a slight nod. "Sure, sure. Come back anytime you want to know more." Kochi stopped, looking at Tsumi and Shikamira on top of each other. "Huh. Guess Tsumi swings both ways too?"

The girl pushed off, crossing her arms. "So Nia knows?"

Kochi nodded with a smirk. "Yeah, she was worried about me bringing three lightning nins home by myself, so she joined me."

The red-head crossed her arms and sighed. "So much for secrecy. Was she pissed that Kobi straight-up lied?"

Kochi shook her head. "Once I explained my relationship with my brother, she understood that it was all based around facts anyways. I'm honestly impressed you were able to maintain the henge for the whole time. She had a really great time last night."

Kobi walked out of the room now. "So, where did Karui and Zente run off to last night?"

Kochi closed an eye with a cheeky smile. "They made it home safe. Who knows?"

Shikamira rubbed her neck. "All's well that ends well, eh?" She rubbed harder. "Next time, I'm getting a bed."

Kochi showed a little surprise. "Next time, huh?"

Tsumi smirked, putting her hand on her friend. "Yeah, next time you can sleep with Kochi!"

Shikamira weirded out as Kochi waved her off. "I'm only interest in those who are old enough." She put a finger on her lips. "Maybe all three of you can sleep in the bed next time." The thought made them freeze up and flush. Kochi made an ok signal with her hands. "Not a bad situation for a guy, right Kobi?"He elbowed her in the gut, putting her down. She responded by raising a thumb. "...Nice shot."

"You're such a pervert, sis." Kobi crossed his arms in thought. "So, what are we gonna do now?"

Kochi pointed to the kitchen. "Should be obvious. The pattern goes drink, party, pass out, recover, eat, and work off the night before. All we need is to eat and train, right?"

Tsumi uncrossed her arms. "So, you're going to help us train for real?" She scratched her head. "No offense, but are you even that good."

Kochi waved her arm. "None taken. I'm not as strong as Isami and Hitomi, but I train with them all the time. She told me about the shadow clone formulae thingy to, so it's fine."

Shikamira crossed her arms. "To think we're going to be taught by someone who says things like 'formulae thingy.'"

Kobi scratched his head. "Well, I guess we're not in a position to complain that much."


Akiko trailed back with Lili as Hotaru small talked with the gate guard. "Hey, what are your parents like?"

Lili crossed her arms. "Isn't it a bit late to ask about that?" She flipped her hair out while keeping her eyes closed. "My father is Teruya Darui, the Raikage."

Akiko stumbled over herself. "Are you serious!?" She regained some composure. "I never would have guessed you were a kage's daughter to."

Lili stuck her hand out. "He's a little dull and laid back. My mother, on the other hand…" She opened her eyes, looking at her. "She's a bit cold and calculating. That's mostly where the 'Teruya' get their virtues and rules."

Akiko shifted her eyes around, putting pieces together. She nodded, understanding. "Ah, I get it; Teruya is a new family name."

Lili blushed, smirking at her perception. "Not much gets passed you, huh?"

Akiko stood tall, putting her hands on her hips. "It makes since why you're so much of a stickler on the rules: you've got a lot of pressure, huh?"

The girl scoffed, turning away. "And here I expected you to call me out…"

Akiko nudged her, moving forward with the crowd. "I feel a lot of that to, being the Hokage's daughter. I respect you more for working hard to help establish your clan's foundation." Akiko glanced up, seeing a short haired blonde chatting with Hotaru and Hitomi with a grin. She leaned over to her sister. "Who's that man?"

Lili whispered back. "That's my father's right hand. His name is Omoi. He's basically the reason Hoshido and Hotaru have their overboard thinking problems." Akiko nodded.

The man looked over. "Oi, Lili. You're father wants to see you and…" He whispered to Hotaru once more before his eyes widened. He got in a thinking pose, muttering before Hotaru knocked him on the head. His attention returned. "Akiko, join Lili please. I'll pass on the important intel before you guys get there." He looked around. "Looks like it wasn't a casual trip. I'll have someone escort the rest of you to your quarters."

Lili looked over to Akiko and nodded. "This may be temporary, but I hope my parents accept what I've done."

Akiko stuck a thumb up. "Don't worry, if it comes down to it, show them shadow clones and the rasengan. I think they'll understand with stuff like that."

-Raikage's Office-

A knock came over the door, making Darui stand. "Come in." His eyes widened, seeing Akiko for himself. "Well, that's surprising in person."

"Akiko, right?" His wife approached her with a chilling look over her face. The mother inspected the child closely, sizing up every detail before crossing her arms. "Well done. I've heard of your plight as well as your deeds. Isami is a wise young man to. You have my respect."

Akiko bowed slightly as Darui rubbed his head. "That's what I'm supposed to say Samui…" He looked back to her. "Anyways, I haven't fully been briefed on the situation. Tell me about the situation."

Akiko nodded. "This was achieved using a very precise technique involving shadow clones, collaboration, and fuuinjutsu. As I am now, I am unable to use the byakugan and am capable of using the storm release." Darui's eyebrows lifted as Akiko continued. "With your permission, I'd like to continue to learn your ways." Samui crossed her arms with a scowl.

Lili stood in front slightly. "I don't want to step out of line, but she has already shared a lot with me in the best interest of combat readiness." Lili turned to her. "But to my knowledge, this is only a temporary thing."

They allowed Akiko to proceed. The girl took out a letter, clearing her throat. "This is a message from Isami. Most of it was a farewell, but also an apology with instructions." She eyed the key point. "'I should have told you this when I had the chance, but I carefully observed everything that occurred in the transformation. On your back right shoulder, there is a three-layer seal. The first one will keep you in your current form until released. The second seal will return you to your true self. However, there is a major discrepancy in our technique: Due to the fact that you will be stuck like this for a week, your current DNA and chakra will have become a part of you. I hope I'm wrong, but I highly suspect that your base state will become a mixture between your old self and your current self.'" Akiko took a pause. "He goes on to apologize like an idiot. Anyways, 'The third and final seal will return you to your base state. The best I could do was make seals that could allow you to enter a state of your old self and new self, but they will not last, and you will revert to your base state. Hopefully, I'm wrong and the second seal is useless."

Lili gasped at the information, while the other two dipped their heads with a somber state. Lili spoke up. "You tested things though. This is a joke, right?"

Akiko scratched her head. "I've made mistakes before, but I had a feeling something like this was pretty possible. Personae are one thing, but they're genetically the same. I would return to my old self in that case." She clinched her hand. "But, it would appear even Isami's fuuinjutsu may not prevent things like this. We didn't have many options, and at least he preserved the old me in some form, but it looks likely I can't go back."

Darui crossed his arms. "You don't know for sure yet though."

Akiko nodded. "Hitomi knows the seals. No matter the case, I'd like to know after this."

Samui put a hand on her hip. "I'm sorry to hear about this, but what makes you think we should allow you to learn the storm-release? You may have learned this by now, but we're a clan of three. The storm-release should be for family. We may be close allies with the leaf, but sharing bloodline jutsu with a separate great nation is foolish."

Lili narrowed her eyes, stepping forward. "If she's stuck between the two, then that means she still has our genes in her." Lili stuck out her hand, forming a rasengan. Both parents pulled back in astonishment. Darui leaned in closer, knowing the implications of such a thing. "Her father allowed us to learn both the rasengan and shadow clones. That is the equivalent to me."

Darui pulled back once more, smiling at his daughter. "Sheesh. I didn't think you'd ever grow attached to anyone, Lili." His daughter let the rasengan dissipate as the man continued. The Raikage pondered in deep consideration. "If that's the way things in fact turn out, then I invite Akiko to come back to our home later." The Raikage looked back to the girl. "I'd like to issue a little test with you and Lili."

Akiko bowed once more. "I graciously accept." She stood formal once more. "You have my thanks, Lord Raikage. I look forward to helping any way I can." The man nodded, allowing them to take their leave.

As the door closed, he looked to his wife. "Uzumakis are pretty troublesome, aren't they?"

Samui leaned against the desk with a smile. "Honestly. They're always biting off more than they can chew with a grin. At some point, you run out of excuses not to admire that foolish Hokage."

-Hitomi's quarters-

After Hitomi's shower, she prepared herself for what was to come. Akiko had arrived, breathing in and out calmly. Hitomi turned her head. "So, you want to go for the third seal, right?"

Akiko nodded. "There's no point in going back now. Whatever happens, I'll deal with it and move forward."

The Uchiha nodded, swiping her hand in a specific pattern over the seal. "I guess so. Like before, this is probably going to hurt." She channeled chakra into it swiftly, making the seal glow brilliant blue before Akiko's entire body was engulfed in it.

"Errrg!" Akiko felt her body burn like before, but this time, the transition felt a lot less painful. Hitomi watched as Akiko's clothes changed slightly, looking more like a lightning-style version of Yuuki's old attire and saw her face grow slightly more rigid like Yuuki's. Other than that, the only notable difference was her hair, which became a light brown shade. As she opened her eyes, Hitomi saw the green tint wasn't as vivid, but still very present.

Akiko turned her attention to herself, noting the changes once more. "Looks like Isami added some healing properties to the seal as well." She noted her voice, just slightly higher than before. She closed her eyes. "Guess that settles it."

Hitomi dipped her head. "Sorry. Wish there was a way to change that for you."

"Byakugan!" Yuuki felt her eyes respond, allowing her to see the inner workings of herself. "My chakra's more than it was as Akiko, but looks like it isn't up to my previous standard." She noticed the state of her byakugan. "My eyes aren't nearly as honed anymore either."

She pulled out some chakra paper she got from Datsu and channeled her chakra. The card became soggy, crinkled, and then split in two. Now, one half sparked out and the other froze over. Akiko breathed a massive sigh of relief. "That's a pretty nice outcome, huh? Looks like the Teruya kekkei genkai was more prevalent than the ice-release."

Hitomi gave her a stat card. "Well, this should be more good news then." She smiled, showing her. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since we didn't even include our training in the last stat card. You've jumped your state point average by over one!"

Akiko nodded. "I figured as much. My taijutsu was going to get a big boost since I learned how to fight without gentle fist as well. I'd say my ninjutsu did as well, since now I have two special releases."

The older woman stood, stretching out. "Well, you've got the brains and the brawn still. Keep at it and I know you'll be able to become pretty powerful." She paused for a moment. "Does this mean we have to call you Yukkiko or something?"

She waved her hand, heading for the door. "Just call me Akiko. At least until we've found out who I need to train with for the ice-release."

Hitomi smiled brightly. "Good luck, Akiko! I'll be here if you need me, alright?"

The girl smiled, closing the door.

-Teruya estate-

Akiko was met at the gate by Lili. The Teruya looked away sadly. "I could still tell it was you, but you look different again."

Akiko lifted her hand. "Seriously, don't feel bad for me. Worse things could have happened than me getting stuck like this. Playing with time-space ninjutsu, you're bound to get burned somewhere down the road."

They walked around to the back of the estate as Lili continued. "So, are you still able to use the storm-release?"

The girl smirked, pushing her hair out to the side. "Seems like the Teruya genes are quite potent. I'm also still able to use my Ice-release, so everything is still all good."

Lili grunted back, crossing her arms. "Well, I guess you're just special, aren't you?"

They approached Darui, who shook his head around. "Sorry things ended the way they did, but I guess it can't be helped." The Raikage rubbed his head with one hand. "So, show me what you can do so far."

Akiko looked to Lili, who shook her head. Akiko made a series of complicated hand seals. "Storm release: Elegant thunder!" Darui's eyes widened as he watched the girl command the lightning in various directions before sending it to the sky.

He smiled, clapping slowly. "I barely expected you to be able to use a move with one hand, let alone perform elegant thunder. You're a natural!"

Akiko shook her head. "Lili and I have practiced with shadow clones. Even still, without her guidance, I wouldn't even be close."

Darui rubbed his chin. "It's rather rare for Lili to even get along with others, let alone teach them things." He looked to his daughter. "What gives, Lili?"

Lili blushed, looking to the side. "Please don't judge me. The longer I've been around her, the more I've seen her as…well...like a sister." Her voice was rather hushed, embarrassed to say it out right next to Akiko.

The Raikage's face swept up in shock before it faded to a light smile. "I understand, Lili. I wouldn't judge you for that." The man rubbed his head once more, looking back to Akiko. "Well, you already have your own siblings and family, but if you could continue to be that kind of person for her…"

Akiko bowed in respect. "It's really not a bother to me anyways. The way I am now, I pretty much am half Teruya, and half Uzumaki." She looked over to Lili, who avoided eye-contact. "Her attitude was pretty off putting from the start, but I think I understand her almost as well as I understand my own siblings."

Darui nodded his head. "That's pretty much my test in a nutshell. We have several extra rooms in our estate. If the enemy is keeping tabs on Akiko Teruya, then it would be a red flag to let you stay anywhere else."

Akiko dropped her guard. "Wait, that was the test? I show you a jutsu and talk about Lili?"

The Raikage laughed heartily, something that wasn't common. "You could have shown me nothing and passed. What I wanted to see was why my daughter trusts you to such an extent, and I got a great answer. I'm just glad you were able to make the test less dull."

Lili flushed, crossing her arms. "Father…sheesh. How embarrassing."

Darui halted, rubbing his head once more. "That's right; the whole point you came was to learn how to use your ice-release, right?" Akiko honed in on him at attention. He continued to look away. "The closest thing we have to that is information. There's a hermit that fares over to northern ice shelves of the island of iron. He should be back in a couple weeks. He tends to go out for around three months at a time, so it'll be a hassle to rely on him." The man welcomed them to walk with him. "There's a technique I think you especially should try to learn, just in case you find an effective lead out there."

-Hidden Rivers-

"Whew." Isami wiped his head, seeing a group of river ninja's saluting their approach. Rekano himself appeared, looking over them. Isami rubbed his head. "Long time no see! We could use a break."

The man laughed, waving him in. "That must have been a pretty long week for all of you. Come on, you should eat and rest."


Takeshi patted his stomach. "Oh man, that hit the spot. I couldn't eat more if I tried."

Nezero grinned more, taking the chance to eat more. "Snooze you loose!" The rest of the group grimaced as the boy would not stop eating. "The food is great! Thank you, Kyuuryuukage-san!"

The man smirked, looking back to Isami. "By the way, what in the world was that flash of light followed by that rumble we felt? Did you feel it the other night?"

Isami laughed nervously. "Ah…you noticed that, huh?" Rekano nodded as Isami crossed his arms. "We ran into a situation. Gotta say, self-destruct is a pretty annoying move, no?"

Rekano's cigarette dropped out of his mouth, not prepared for the tale ahead.

-Hidden Leaf-

"Hey, good luck you two. You'll knock it dead, I'm sure of it!" Kobi grinned, keeping a hand on Chojiko and Shitto. The two smirked back.

"We'll probably be seeing you around. Why? We're not gonna be too far away." Shitto pocketed his hands.

Chojiko wiped his face. "It's a bit hard to leave home like this, but we have important friends with us." Chojiko looked over his shoulder seeing Tsumi smiling wide. He whispered to his friend. "You two have made some good progress, huh?"

Kobi rubbed his nose with a grin as Ripper barked out. "Let's just call it improving in all aspects." Kobi looked over, waving to Kaito and Akano. "I look forward to seeing just how good you two get as well! Don't leave us in the dark, alright?"

Kaito and Akano nodded. Zente and Karui came over, standing close by. "Hey, don't you three get too carried away either, you hear?"

Karui waved in excitement. "Be responsible! I want to fight you three at your best and have more fun later!"

Nia crossed her arms. "Get over it already. We'll probably end up being frequent visitors anyways." The woman looked up to Shin. "There's still a lot of mutual business ahead of us."

Shin sweat out slightly. "Why the hell do you ninja waste so much time saying goodbye? It's not like we're all going to be gone for that long. I give it three weeks before you come back."

Kochi stepped forward with a salute. "Whatever, good luck everyone! We've got our own mission to embark on, you know?"

Garaa stood against a tree, sweating himself. "Should I have waited another fifteen minutes?"

Naruto rubbed his head with a laugh. "Don't be like that. We've had our own long farewells, remember?"

Garaa smiled, looking back to the group. "I hope Nezero can have more friends like this in the future. We'll keep in touch."

Naruto shook his hand, signaling Kochi and her group to him. Shin stood at attention. "Alright, get ready. This is an important escort, everyone be on guard!"

As they left, Naruto looked over the remaining four. "I've received a letter from both Isami and Hitomi. Come on, there's a lot to talk about with everyone."

-Council Meeting Quarters-

The group entered the well lit room that contained a long table with several documents spread around. Kochi tugged on Kobi's shirt, signaling them to sit next to their father. As they did, Kiba smirked, rubbing both of their heads. Shikamira took her seat between her mother and father. Shikamaru put his hand on her back with a smile. Hinata waved over subtly to Tsumi with a warm expression, prompting her to follow.

Everyone rose at once as Naruto entered the room. He took off his hat, setting it on a pedestal before standing at his seat. "Alright, let's settle in. There's some serious information that I've received." As he sat, the council followed suit. Naruto smirked. "It's nice to have some fresh faces around here. You all became stale after so long."

Kiba pointed casually across the table. "That's my line: it's your lack of energy that drives these meetings bland, ya stiff."

Shikamaru smirked, resting his hands under his nose. "Well well, looks like Kiba still has some bite after all these years. Perhaps his children have made him more bold?" Kiba snarled slightly, making both Kobi and Kochi have to choke back a laugh.

Temari pinched her husband's ear. "Oh? You sure you're not the one who's become more bold?" Shikamaru grunted, closing his eyes in defeat.

Naruto leaned over to Tsumi. "Don't worry, this is basically how all of our meetings lead off." Tsumi snickered at the thought. Naruto cleared his throat just as Sasuke was about to pipe up. "Yeah, yeah. We need to get to business before Sasuke gets all moody again." A visible tick of annoyance swept over his face, but Sakura tugged him back into his seat and held him in check. Naruto stood once again. "Both Hitomi's team and Isami's team have successfully arrived at their destinations. Isami's team will be resting in the Village of Rivers until Garaa arrives and finish their trek to the Sand."

Choji breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness." Ino rubbed his back as some casual side-conversations arouse.

Naruto crossed his arms. "Hitomi's group only had one complication along the way that's important to discuss." Sasuke raised his eyes, tapping his finger. Naruto closed his closed his eyes. "A short time in their mission, they came across the leveled, charred remains of a small village. They saw first-hand a lone survivor grieving the death of all his family and friends after marking a grave out for every member." Kobi's eyes widened, as the group of adults dipped their heads. Naruto continued. "But that's not the complication. Just outside of the border of Kumo, they were ambushed by eleven ninja. Most of them were near jonin and above probably."

The table grew incredibly tense as Shikamaru took his cue to approach the black board. "It's not clear exactly how they managed to track down Hitomi's group, but the leader lead off the assault by creating a thick, dark mist. The area it coated was massive, but grew weaker the further away he was from the group." Shikamaru tacked the area showing the defensive formation used by the four teens and the two jonin leaders. "Hitomi was certain this man was much more dangerous than the rest of the group, so she and Hotaru pulled away from the group, hoping to draw half away. The leader pursued with only two allies while the rest were left to deal with Akiko, Datsu, Inora, and Lili."

Sasuke crossed his arms. "This mist…surely the sharingan could still detect people through it."

Shikamaru shook his head. "She tried to no avail. Her visibility was reduced to just ten-feet, and the others had around twenty feet. Hitomi placed Akiko in charge of the group, but they weren't even given a clean window to execute an effective jutsu. That's how defensive they had to be." He now tacked off the two targets near Hotaru. "The lightning jonin successfully took advantage of the fog to use an explosive trap of sorts and readily moved in to assist Hitomi." His hand drifted south to the defensive formation, drawing a long U-shape and arrow pointing down. "Around the same time, Akiko and her group defended Datsu as he made a shadow clone barrier to get away from the dark mist. At this point…" He made another tack against the board. "Inora managed to take out one of the jonin in a decisive blow to the gut. then, the remaining seven formed a long line to prevent a path forward."

Neji nodded. "Arguably the best plan. With more time, they stand more of a chance in driving them off."

Shikamira shook her head. "At that particular range, it seems more likely they were trying to stall for Hitomi and Hotaru to finish their fight."

Shikamaru agreed. "That's right. However, something else came up." The Nara mapped out the earth-explosion-lightning technique. "A team of three ninja entered the fray, using a well organized collaboration. It's likely this maneuver injured a lot of them, and it reportedly took out two of them."

Shikamaru tacked over Hotaru. "Not a moment too soon. This main fighter, named Sainan, appears to be incapable of feeling pain and managed to knock Hotaru out in a single blow. Hitomi reported it likely that she wouldn't have been able to defeat him and protect Hotaru. However, after this collaboration, she reported him saying, 'the target is not here anyways.' And they retreated." Shikamaru cleared his hands.

Naruto rose once more. "It gets much stranger. The group that assisted Akiko and the others were none other than members of Hell's Phoenix." A loud commotion broke out, only silenced by Naruto's hand. "These were newer members, but were ordered to escort Hitomi's group in case the rogue members attacked, as they did." Naruto walked to the board and wrote out names. "There were two males and a female around Akiko's age. The leader was presumably Ryoku, and the other boy was Kokuten, and the female was Yuuhi. They were generally kind and helpful, revealing what they knew about some of the rogue member forces." He continued scratching away. "The group that attacked Hitomi were known as The Carnage."

Shikamaru coughed out. "I suppose this would be a good time to talk about The Savage." Shikamaru quickly went through the events reported by Isami. The parents were concerned, but it ended up just fine. "The only other group out there is known as The Calamity. It'd be wise to assume there are many more oddballs like this out there. These three are brothers, and Isami himself could not confirm that he had seen the last of 'The Savage'."

Temari tapped her fingers. "I'm surprised they were able to slip under the radar...even getting by the sharingan and the byakugan. Was Isami being careless?"

Neji shook his head. "I've seen it before, albeit not often. There are now a few instances where our scouting abilities have been countered."

Naruto nodded, continuing on again. "Now, let's move on to the most key event of all; Isami was contacted by Luna in a fashion similar to Yuuki in the Chunin exams." The group leaned in, listening to every detail. Naruto smirked after the long winded explanation. "I don't know how he was able to pull it off completely, but he deduced that she was the One for All's daughter. Luna claimed there would be no action so long as they did not cross into Hell's Phoenix territory. As it stands and how the evidence stacks up, Hell's Phoenix has branched into a more peaceful approach. The rouge members and Guden are our primary threat at this point."

Sasuke shook his head. "Iwa was a powerful nation. To be eradicated by a technique from Guden like that…we need to up our guard." He crossed his arms. "Isami did well not to act on the opening and spark a war yet. The information these two have recovered was more than I would have expected."

Kiba crossed his arms. "So, what's next? We've scouted to our north and west. Next is east then, eh?"

Naruto nodded. "It's going to be risky, since the rogue members have been a bit north of us, and we know they moved east. I want some of our best to head along the reported destruction path that Guden created." Naruto looked to Kochi. "We're left with some great scouting potential among those still here. I want you to lead Tsumi, Shikamira, and Kobi for the land of waves. I'm sure one of my old friends can be of a lot of help in this situation."

Sasuke crossed his arms. "It's still a big risk. Hidden mist isn't a great deal from there, you know?"

Naruto crossed his arms with a nod. "I'm aware. That's why you four need to take your time, carefully scouting only. Don't engage the enemy unless you are attacked."

The group nodded, understanding the situation. Naruto leaned against the wall, crossing his arms with a serious face. "There's one last detail about my daughter we should all know." The group remained silent. Tsumi tilted her head as Hinata put her arm on Tsumi's shoulder. Naruto rubbed his head. "Well, it's kind of embarrassing for her, but I guess our method did end up paying off in their mission. Akiko wasn't Sainan's target, so he withdrew. It was probably Yuuki who was the target."

"Get to the point." Sasuke glared at him, making Naruto scoff.

"Well, Akiko was basically a full genetic match to Lili. Isami did what he could to maintain her old self, but it became apparent to him that that couldn't happen. Reported by Hitomi, her body is a mix between her old self and 'Akiko'."

Shikamira dropped her arms, gritting her teeth. "That idiot…"

Naruto waved his arms. "It's not like she's really that different. Her Ice-release and byakugan are intact, but now she is capable of a storm release as well. Given the circumstances, for now, just keep in mind everything's on track. We're still to refer to her as Akiko."

Tsumi's head dropped and shook. Why didn't you tell me, Yuuki? What does this mean?

Kobi rubbed his head as he judged Tsumi's expressions. Kiba crossed his arms. "Sorry to hear. It looks like it still worked in her advantage. She'll find a way to deal with it, I'm sure of it."

Naruto nodded, raising his hand. "Alright, that's really all I have. We're still on course, stick around if you have anything to suggest." The group bowed to the man.

-Hotaru's tour-

Hitomi picked at her clothes. "Man, longer skirt, longer sleeves, and no midriff to show." She crossed her arms, smiling. "Who am I kidding, this is much warmer." She turned around. "What'dya think Inora?"

The girl came out, wearing dark pants and lightning light armor with no sleeves. "It'll take some getting used to."

Hitomi nodded. "Right? Lightning women have it rough."

Inora shook her head. "No, I mean maybe Datsu will actually be able to look in your direction without feeling some sexual frustration."

Hitomi rubbed her head, laughing nervously. "I guess I do emphasize mobility a little exaggeratedly."

Inora stuck her hand out. "Mobility, eh? That's a pretty good excuse, huh?"

Hitomi winked as Datsu came out in an outfit similar to Inora's. He looked at the blonde with a smirk. "You're never gonna get a boyfriend with such a manly outfit, you know?"

Inora crossed her arms. "You know, in Kumo, this is considered quite girly."

Datsu's eyes shot open, looking back at his clothes. "AH! No way! How could I have over looked that?" He went to claw at his clothes before narrowing his eyes. Inora and Hitomi shared a laugh at him. He crossed his arms. "Haha, that's hilarious."

"Heeey!" Hotaru approached them, looking over them. "You three look like full-fledged lightning nins now. You wanna track down the other two?"

Datsu pumped his fist. "We shouldn't have let them slip out before us anyways!" The man pumped his fist harder. "It's about time we start our training and get to the mission fixin'!"

Hitomi laughed as they all made their way to the training area. "You sure remind me of someone I know!"

-Lightning Training Area-

They arrived, finding Lili getting healed by a winded brown-haired girl. Datsu dropped his guard. "Who is this now?!" The girl turned, making Datsu flush. Oh damn, she's a looker.

"Datsu, it's me, Akiko. This is how I'm going to look forever, so get used to it." She rose, helping Lili up.

Inora looked between the two, smirking. "I see. That's what happens when two genes are mixed, huh? Sorry about that, but at least you're still attractive."

Akiko pulled back, crossing her arms with a smirk. "No sense in getting depressed about the right choice. You three look a hell of a lot different in Lightning gear, by the way."

Hitomi sighed. "Jeez, you two already went at it to such extents?"

Hotaru shared a look and nodded. "Well, let's get started then. Best not to fall behind."

-Hidden Rivers-

Takeshi finished up his chat with Chojiko, Shitto, and Nagi. "Alright, don't slack off you three. You better be stronger than me by the time I return."

Nagi nodded, waving him on. "Worry about your own hide. I'm going to show you that being an Uchiha isn't enough to beat the byakugan."

Shitto nodded. "Be safe."

Takeshi nodded and looked back at Chojiko. "Did you lose some weight already?"

Chojiko laughed. "Yeah, ten pounds. I learned my sisters calorie bar recipe to, so next time you see me, hopefully I'll be like a new person."

Isami stepped in, giving a thumbs up. "You all have my super-secret training seal, right? You'll get better in no time!" The group nodded as Isami gave a farewell salute to the River ninjas. "Keep up the good work. I'm sure we'll cross paths a few times."

Garaa cracked his back a few times. "Alright, let's try to hurry this along. I've got a village to lead and a wife to get home to."

Isami checked over his group. Takeshi, Hoshido, Tegan, Nezero, Kankiri, and Vin. This'll be a handful for sure, but that's half the fun. "Alright, let's get going while the goings good!" The team pumped their fist at his command.

-Outside the Hokage's Quarters-

Naruto closed up, shocked to find Kochi and her group. "Hey, what's up?"

Shikamira spoke up. "Hokage-san, could we request a couple weeks of training before going on our mission?"

Naruto rubbed his head. "Well, time is critical. I'm not sure how long we can afford to wait."

Tsumi raised her hand. "It's no coincidence Hitomi and Isami's groups were attacked around the same time. The Calamity is most likely preparing to track down a team like ours as well, but they won't mess around with our best ninjas."

Kobi shifted around. "Isn't it just as likely they've predicted our moves to this point?"

Naruto looked dumbfounded before grinning. "Not a bad judgment you three!" The Hokage rubbed his head. "As a matter of fact, Shikamaru and I already came to that conclusion."

Kochi crossed her arms. "Well then? What was the plan?"

Naruto nodded, looking around. "I still want you guys to make a trip out there, but we've decided it'd be best to send Neji, Sasuke, Rock Lee, Sakura, and Kakashi-san out there first. We're going to use a show of force to re-establish our boundaries first." Naruto shrugged. "After that, you're pretty much going to be cleaning off our mission plates to keep our best readily available."

Kobi deflated. "And everyone else had the cool, important mission…"

Tsumi rubbed his back. "Our job is going to be just as important." She clinched her fist. "We all need to catch up as soon as possible in order to be able to helpful in the future."

Naruto crossed his arms sternly before smiling. "That's right. I'm giving you the green light I gave Yuuki. We can't allow anything to hold us back in the coming days; even a parents concern. If anything, you four have all the resources to become way stronger than them!"

Kochi scratched her head. "I'll do my best to help out. I was never able to keep up with Hitomi or Isami, but I'm just as strong as the rest of them!"

Naruto nodded, finally letting out a yawn. "Alright you guys. Get to bed at a decent hour."

Shikamira stretched her arms. "No can do. We've got a lot of work to do." The man gave a puzzled look, observing the team as they strategized their actions. The Hokage grinned, leaving them be. I think I'm forgetting how it was to be that age already.

-Two months Later-

The older man breathed in his hands, signaling ahead. "That's it, right there. To our south is the Land of Blizzards. There's an absolutely impassable mountain pass to go to the land of tundras, and even the water route is un-traversable."

Akiko nodded, looking ahead. "This village is incredibly small. How'd you even find it?"

The hermit trailed off in his thoughts. "Was it from an old tale? A book perhaps?" The man rubbed his chin before letting out a silly laugh. "I'm an adventurer, let's leave it at that!"

As they approached, the village elder greeted the man graciously. "Hello Namio. I see you've brought a guest this time? Such a rare thing."

The two men laughed, grabbing each others arms up to the elbow. Namio spoke up. "You're going to like this one, Ise. Her name is Akiko Teruya."

The man stroked his beard, extended his hand to her. I see. There's a different set of customs here. She grabbed his arm like Namio did with a smile. "It's an honor to finally meet you, Ise-san."

The man laughed, patting her on the shoulder and lead them to his hut. Akiko looked around at the hardworking villagers, cutting up whale carcasses and tending to a few gardens. There seemed to only be around thirty in total.

They entered and Ise signaled for her to sit. "You must be tired." The man put together a bowl of soup with various berries on the side for the two. "The villagers work very hard to keep us all safe and fed. It warms my old heart every time I see them."

Akiko thanked him, glancing outside. "You're all very happy as well…" She looked to him with a skeptical look. "What's out here that you're willing to live isolated to protect?"

Namio dropped his bowl slightly, smiling and pointing between the two. "See? See? She's got a pretty good brain between those eyes."

Ise nodded as Akiko began to eat the food she was given. She grimaced in her head. This isn't exactly gourmet, but it beats starving. "We're here as guidance post. People who have an Ice release like you are rare, and there are certain things that are necessary for ones such as that."

Akiko choked on her soup slightly. "How could you know I had an Ice-release just like that? Are you the same?"

Ise laughed, shaking his head. "Heavens no! I've just always protected information as long as I can remember." He looked around. "As it turns out, the last one with an Ice-release to show themselves here was several generations ago." He looked back. "Are you, by chance, one of their descendants?"

Akiko nodded no. "As it turns out, the last descendant died over twenty years ago from the Yuki clan. I've heard the rest were killed before him, out of fear."

Ise nodded, sighing in relief. "Well, from what I was told about the last one here, that one had a few screws loose anyways. The world outside is perplexing." He reached around. "That's why I decided I would continue the path of my lineage and hope for the chance to guide a new line." Ise laughed out once more. "To think it'd actually happen after decades of the line ending! What a bizarre circumstance!"

Akiko smiled, seeing a tear in his eye. "So, what can I do to learn how to use my Ice-release?"

The man halted, looking at her sternly. "If I may, why do you wish to learn it?"

The girl looked away, clinching her fist. "There's a difficult group of people running around. I've seen a lava-release, and even an entire village consisting of thousands of people were destroyed in an instant by this man."

Ise looked away, resting a hand on his cheek. He looked at his other hand, picking at his nails. "Magma-release, you say? How quick those with power are to abuse it."

Akiko could tell the reason did not sit with him, flustering her. "Please! Hell's Phoenix won't stop with destroying a great nation, they're going to destroy this whole world!"

The man dropped his arms with his eyes held wide open. "H-Hell's Phoenix you say? Who told you about that?"

Akiko pulled back. "That's the name they go by. First time I heard of them, a man named Guden Utsushi said he was the 'tamer of Hell's Phoenix'."

Ise tapped his hand frantically, looking around, breathing shorter breaths. "This is bad." He continued tapping, looking back to her. "The dragons will want to hear about this."

Akiko lost her composure, pulling back. "D-dragons?! What do you mean dragons?"

Ise stopped tapping, closing his eyes. "I'll guide you the best I can, but the dragons are the only ones who decide if they want to properly teach you the Ice-release." He crossed his arms. "Listen, they'll kill you if they deem you unworthy. You can learn how to use the ice-release after practicing for around twenty years, like all the first of a kekkei genkai, but..."

Akiko gulped, clinching her fist. "Based on your reaction, I don't have that kind of time. I'll see them."

Namio sat back, relaxing. "I guess I'll be heading back home early this time. I'll wait to hear her fate."

Ise nodded, leading Akiko out of the hut. "Please tell the villagers for me, old friend." The two rushed out. Ise pointed in a direction. "The Land of Blizzards isn't more than a couple hours from here." Akiko nodded.

-Land of Blizzards-

The brown-haired girl looked with wide eyes in the distance. Lightning flashed wildly as snow and ice whipped around. Ise patted her shoulder, pointing towards a cave. As they moved inside, he channeled chakra into the wall, lighting up the path. They approached the edged of it, seeing an incredibly complex seal. The man pulled his gloves off. "Haveta be extra careful not to mess this up. The Ice dragons are in the center of the Land of Blizzards, but they're protected by being in a different realm…kinda."

As he prepared, Yuuki punched her hand. "Of course, it must be a time/space bubble."

The old man finished, planting his hands. "I recommend you let me do the talking first."

-Lair of the Ice Dragons-

After a quick flash, Akiko stood before a massive creature that snarled awake. Her body trembled, seeing such a beast in person. They were in a huge castle and there were other dragons visible, flying in the distance. The Dragon grunted, standing tall. "Who dares into my realm!"

Ise put a hand on her to calm her nerve. He stepped forward with his hands raised. "What do eskimos get from sitting on ice too long?" The dragon grunted in confusion and Akiko screamed in fear. Ise winked with a thumbs up. "Polaroids!"

Akiko braced herself for her demise, but suddenly, a loud rumbling of laughter came over the castle. "GYAHAHAHA! Ise, it's been too long. You've always got the best jokes!" Akiko couldn't close her jaw. That was just some shitty pun! He gleamed his eye over to her now. "Who's this you have with you?"

Ise stood back, pointing to her. "She is a good soul with the Ice-release nature. She's humbly requested your aid in learning how to utilize her skills."

The dragon grunted, getting very close to get a good look at her. "Really? I also sense the Storm-release within this one." He snarled. "Very well, young one, convince me not to kill you."

Akiko sweat. "Well, you see…there's a lot of lives at stake, and…" She looked as the creature became annoyed and Ise closed his eyes. She jumped up, waving her arms. "Just kidding! Let's see…" God, I'm screwed either way.

-Flash Back-

"God, stop! Too much stupidity is making my ears bleed!" Isami had been lighting off puns left and right. Hinata and Yuuki could barely take anymore, but someone was rolling with laughter.

"Hahahaha! No, stop Isami! You're…going to kill me with laughter! Bwhahaha!" Naruto had been holding his side, barely able to hold in any air. Isami smirked.

-End Flash Back-

Akiko cover her eyes. "What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?" The dragon and man stunned, listening in. She hid her head a little more. "Frostbitten!"

The dragon dropped his jaw. "Ah!"

Akiko peeked out, seeing the stun on his face. You've got to be kidding me… She crossed her arms in thought. "What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?" The dragons eyes shot open. Akiko pointed up. "Anyone can roast beef…"

The dragon coughed slightly. "Gah!" He closed his eyes. "Gyahahaha, not everyone can pee soup. Well executed Bwhahaha!"

-Flash Back-

Isami allowed his father to calm down, smiling in confidence. "I hope you're ready for my ultimate attack…"

-Dragon's Lair-

Akiko looked up in confidence. Alright Isami, my life rest on your line. "You can tune a piano…" The dragon and Ise leaned in, awaiting her next line. Akiko pointed firmly. "But you can't tune a fish!"

The dragon's eyes rolled up in his head. "Ah! Guh!" Finally, he was blasted back against the wall before falling down. "Heh." The laughter caught up with him and he began rolling around. "BAAAAHAHAHAHA, Oh my, HWAHAHAHAAHAHA!"

Akiko sweat nervously, looking over to Ise, who was beside himself. Akiko remembered once more.

-Flash Back-

Hinata held in a chuckle herself, but her dad was rolling all over the house, unable to control himself. Isami laughed, satisfied. Yuuki piped up over the noise. "Why do you even bother thinking of these puns, Isami?"

He looked at her with a smile and a wink. "Remember that last one; it may well save your life one day. This pun could gain you the favor of a god one day!"

Yuuki left the room. "Go to hell."

-Ice Dragon's Domain-

The dragon had finally calmed down after several minutes and sat in a relaxed posture. "I'm sorry I almost ate you. That was the funniest pun I've heard in ages!" He glowed brilliantly, revealing himself in a human form. This form was about late twenties looking with short, shaggy blue hair. He approached her with his hand extended. "My name is Hyouzan. What is your true name?"

Akiko rubbed her head, grabbing his arm like the elder did in his village. "My name is Uzumaki Yuuki. I'm shocked you were able to deduce that."

The man cackled out in laughter. "A name so close to snow, but not. Yet, has an Ice-release. Bahaha, it's like another pun!"

Yuuki nodded her head. "There is a man in the human realm who is capable of tracking names, and I'm a primary target. That's why I ended up like this."

Ise nodded. "Well, I'll take my leave, Hyouzan-sama."

The man lifted a hand. "Next time, ask her for a good joke!" The old man laughed heartily, taking his leave. Hyouzan looked at Yuuki intensely, circling around to find the seal. "Ah, I see. You've been cleaver with space/time ninjutsu, haven't you?"

Yuuki's eyes widened, turning to him. "How could you know just by looking at a three-layered seal?"

The man snickered, tapping his brain. "Space/time ninjutsu is something we dragons have been using for quite some time!" He rubbed his chin. "Could you by chance be able to show me how you ended up like this? It's perplexing me."

Yuuki nodded, putting her hands together. "Kage san Jinbutsu!" On command , Hikari, Rin, and Ayano came out.

Ayano stopped the two from bickering. "You know it's not the time you two."

Hikari grinned as Rin scoffed. Hyouzan looked between the two with a smile. "Well done! I can tell just from this…" He pointed to Ayano. "You can undo the technique now." Yuuki nodded, allowing Ayano to return her to her normal state. He smiled widely. "Here I thought shadow clones died out a long, long time ago." Hyouzan pointed a finger up. "In summary, you had someone with a storm-release use all their chakra in a collaboration jutsu while you didn't have any chakra. Once released, you took on that 'Akiko' Identity and sealed it using a three-layer seal."

Her jaw dropped, bowing her head. "You're perception is spot on. Unfortunately, I don't know much about the seal. My brother, Isami, performed it. He has inexplicable talent with fuuinjutsu."

The dragon nodded, moving on. "So, what is such a threat that Ise would pretty much throw you at me without properly prepping you?"

She rubbed her head. "Honestly, I don't know. I just mentioned the group that was trying to attack me and he flipped out." She looked at him. "What is Hell's Phoenix exactly?"

Hyouzan's eyes widened before he shut them with a stern nod. "I see exactly why."

Yuuki rubbed her head. "Ise panicked more when I told him there's a man claiming to be the tamer of Hell's Phoenix as well."

The dragon snarled, looking away. "Hell's Phoenix isn't a joke. It's an actual Phoenix."

Yuuki's jaw dropped, smacking her head. "Of course! How stupid of me not to put it together!"

Hyouzan shook his head. "Hell's Phoenix is a particularly sinister bird. You can't kill it, and as the name suggest, it want's hell to rise again." Yuuki clinched her fist with an intense look. He shook his head. "I want to help you, but as it stands, there is no way I can keep a human alive in this place. We don't need to eat."

Yuuki rubbed her head. "I've learned a technique that can fix that problem. The issue is, it will pretty much be a bypass around all those complicated pathways you set up to get here."

The man crossed his arms. "Those complex symbols are connecting you to a different space/time. There's not much that you can do other than use that path."

Yuuki began preparing a complex seal herself, but she made it look simple. Hyouzan looked over the symbol looking carefully over it. "This...is brilliant. Who made this technique?"

Yuuki scrounged her brain. "I believe the second Hokage, Tobirama Senju did, and my grandfather further used it. Now, my brother knows it, but the lightning village is able to replicate it."

Hyouzan waved her off. "I don't really understand the current history, but I at least remember the senju." He looked over it once more. "It'll work. You can use this if you want. Just expect that you may not be able to survive my training."

Yuuki crossed her arms. "Like hell I'm going to be defeated by training! I have important people to protect." He turned to her amused. "I won't rest until I'm able to stop Hell's Phoenix."

Hyouzan nodded her off. "Alright, alright. We'll start tomorrow then. You should still wish your friends the best, just in case you actually die."

Yuuki pumped her fist, extremely excited. "I won't let you down Hyouzan-sama!"

Hyouzan cracked his neck as she left. "Hell's Phoenix, huh? Should've known that stupid bird would find a way out of that hell someday. I better train her properly."

-Closing the First Book-

Within a single year, a twenty year peace was burned away in an attack on the Hokage's daughter. After incredibly trying times, Yuuki has managed to emerge as a powerful ninja ready to defend everyone who matters to her. However, she is not the only one. Yuuki has herself ignited a fire in the leaves, and now their entire generation is stepping up, ready to take part in whatever the future holds for them. However, is that really going to be enough?

-End The Burning Leaves: Part One-

-Final A/N-

There it was. This is my longest chapter of Part One. When I review it, I'm reminded of important cuts I had to make. However, those plot cuts paved the way for new, crazy ideas I had, like the party scenes. Writing those scenes really challenged me at a different level, and I absolutely loved it. I also wanted to end the majority of this part with Yuuki. She is the main character, and always will be, but we're going to see different approaches from me as an author in Part Two.

Why end this and break up the story, Ajd09? It's going to make it harder to find!

Simple: I want to be unrestricted by a teen rating for Part Two. I'm not going to go crazy with it, but I had to pull back a couple times in this portion to remind myself of who might read this story.

On my profile, you will find the continuation of this story, a poll, and/or link to my forum containing polls. I want to hear from the readers, and if I even can, help aspiring authors. Fanfiction is not something I write for favs, reviews, or even followers. It is my way of sharing a world that was constructed out of the most basic, yet powerful thing I know: An idea.

Continue the story

The Burning Leaves: Hell's Fury

planned launch: 04/01/2016