Finally a multichapter story by me. Hope you enjoy reading it.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gakuen Alice but I do own this plot and it's all mine...

Thanks for beta reading the story Kyra Marie

Some women blush when they are kissed.

Some call for police, some swear, some bite.

But the worst are those who laugh.

-William Raye -

Chapter 1 - Perverted Prince

Mikan Sakura.

I wouldn't say I have a boring life. I personally think it's really fantastic as it is— I mean, who wouldn't want a simple life without a stitch of any complication? Raise your hand.

I thought so.

They say people are never satisfied with what they have and I agree a hundred and one percent. Who'd want unnecessary snags gracing their every waking hour? So I, Mikan Sakura, seventeen years old, second year student of only the most prestigious school in the whole of Japan (not that I'm boasting or anything) can perfectly and easily proclaim that I have a wonderful life.

Read: hazel eyes, brown hair that waves until my waist, sweet, optimistic, athletic, vigorous, rich…


Friends to chill around with? Check.

A great family consisting of a father, a mother and a brother? Check.

Solemn high school life? Check.

Father: CEO of Yukihara Group. Definition: Leads one of the top industries in Japan.

Mother: Interior Designer. Definition: Famous.

Yeah, I know right?

This is why I am positive that my whole life is flawless crystal ball.

- Twisted Love Story -

"You're coming, right?" Anna prodded me.

When I didn't give her a straight-out 'yes', she started pulling articles of my clothing with a bit of skin;

"Don't tell me you're not coming!"

Now, the thing you have to remember about Anna is that she's one of the emotional kiddos who can easily break down. She may as well have a "Frail and Fragile" sign taped on her back. But the girl's really sweet, so you have to love her. Maybe that's why her father named his two companies "Sweets and Sweets" and "Chemically Reactive"— after his two girls.

Two girls? You're probably wondering. You heard right, Two.

Anna has a twin sister named Nonoko, and she's the reason Chemically Reactive exists in the first place. Just as Anna is good with cooking, Nonoko's a wizard when it comes to chemicals. Together, they make quite a team, though a really scary one at times.

When it came to me that Anna's physically harassing me, I yelped and pulled my arm, which she just pinched hard. Told you she was emotional. "What was that for?"

"You weren't listening!" She accused me.

As per usual, I tried to snuggle my way out. "I was listening; I just didn't hear that last bit!"

And as per usual, someone halted my snuggling. "She asked if you were coming to the movies tomorrow, stupid. You really become ungraceful and unwomanly with each passing minute, Mikan. You do know that, of course."

I rolled my eyes. "Sumire," I sighed, turning to where her shrill voice came from.

Another thing about my friends: they're all a little weird. Okay, a lot weird.

Sumire Shouda is my best friend and I mean it when I say that, although sometimes it really makes me wonder. Alright, try a load of times. For the most part, she has Bs written all over her: blunt, bossy, bitter and, well, you get the word play. Besides that, I love her to deaths, even though sometimes you don't know if you want to jump a bullet for her or throw a bullet at her. Not only that, it's also grace that her mother is consequently in the big world of industry by owning fashion house "Style with Elegant".

(Between you and me, my friend's 'parents' businesses are named rather oddly.)

And given as her mom's the fashion enthusiast of the decade (try of the current lifetime); Sumire's an up-and-go with the trends and the likes. She dyed her hair green and wouldn't change it back to the original color (you wouldn't even want to know what it was because for the most part, she'd kill me) even though everyone thinks it looks like clumps of seaweeds are sticking on her skull, hence the name 'Permy'. She hates it, Loads. Well if she wants to lose the name, she has to lose the mane.

Since she flicked my bad side, I flicked hers too. "You're a mean beach ball, Permy."

As suspected, her eyes closed and she started breathing in and out with three-count intervals.

"Don't Call Me Permy." Then, she barked, "I have a name and it's Sumire! Sumire!" Realizing her outburst, she stopped and calmed down to say, "I'm okay."

"Well, Mikan?" Nonoko asked. "You're coming?"

"Sure," I replied, not taking my amused eyes off Sumire "PVR tomorrow?"

- Twisted Love Story -

There's something about walking down the streets of Tokyo that makes it so…

I can't even think of a proper word to properly describe this proper feeling.

You might say, "You're rich, you should be showing off your car!" The thing is, if anyone can help it, it'd be better if I'm afar from, ah, say, strenuous activities. I kind of have this habit of, err, panicking.

Take it simply like that.

So I was just minding my own pretty business, enjoying my car-less moment (don't knock it until you've tried it) on my way to a movie with friends, on the bridge, when I saw him.

Dun, dun, dun, dun.

Okay, that was a little uncalled for.

Remember when I said I'm best out of strenuous activities? Well, the reason I'm athletic is because I'm awfully competitive. Emphasis on the word competitive. I mean it. Say 'run' and I'm like, 'Against whom?' and 'How far?' Only, this time, there's no competition and a guy, I now realize, is scaring the wits out of me.

I couldn't even run even though my subconscious' screaming at me.

Next thing I knew, I was tripping and hurdling over the rail, and my subconscious wasn't screaming "Run, Mikan, run" but saying, "Fly, Mikan, fly!"

I can't fly, subconscious. You, of all, should know that.

Have you ever fallen? Let me tell you about it. You're in this state where you want to shout but you can't. You want to move but you can't. It's like being caught by surprise, same as a man proposing to you. Although now I'm sure I won't even meet my so-called Prince Charming because I'm going to die. Right here. Right now. Goodbye, cruel world, I told myself bitterly. Just when things are going so good, you have to steal me away. I closed my eyes and waited for it to happen.

It didn't.

I flicker them open.

I was hanging mid-air.

Someone pulled me up and I held on, and I can't stop thanking the higher power in my mind, Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you…

And I looked up to be met with a very rare pair of bloody crimson eyes.

I thought eyes can never take that color. Aren't they supposed to be sick… or something?

Apparently I've been staring far too long because his lips moved and said, "Would you stop gawking and give me your other hand?"

Honey, I'd give you everything, I told him through my mind. He wouldn't hear it. Without a second thought I reached up for my other hand, and he hoisted me up.

I can breathe.

I'm alive.

Cue Dr. Frankenstein's, it's alive!

And ooh that's some eye-candy. Even I, innocent Mikan Sakura and an admittedly total virgin, can realize that a seemingly sixteen to nineteen years old with muscles and a fresh pretty face is something worth gaping at. And he, ladies and gentlemen, is not the kind of caliente hot. He totally outclasses Adonis. Think: Greek Adonis + Asian genes.

I know, right?

And since I'm a total dweeb (I'm kidding, I'm amazing), I told him breathlessly, "You're my Prince."

It doesn't take a genius to figure out his response which his facial expression preceded. "What?"

"I said," I repeated, "You're my Prince." He didn't say anything. "Prince Eric? Prince Stefan? Ring any bells?" No reaction at all. "Prince Charming? I hope that sticks out as something!"

"Is that so?" He finally said, and smirked. "Then what's my reward for saving a damsel in distress?"

…why do I have a bad feeling about this?

"What do you want?" I asked him tilting my head totally in confusion.

"I'll get it myself." And just as his arms reached for me from drowning to death, he swiped it around my waist and pressed his lips against mine.

In a public place.

In Tokyo.

I said Tokyo people. Cue the gasps.

Oh, and did I mention that I'm a total virgin? Even my lips are virgin.

I couldn't struggle— he was gripping too strong. And then a daunting thought came to me because I'm such an insecure person: how am I? Because honestly, I've never thought of this day, even more that I'd lose it to some stranger who saved me from the tight grasps of death.

He nibbled at my lower lip.

I gasped.

Wrong move.

Next thing I knew, I was tripping and hurdling again, only not over the bridge. I was tripping and hurdling over my words until all my pathetic vocabulary (I'm kidding again, I told you I'm awesome) forced me to launch into a series of curses that would make my mother proud if she were some Mafia queen.

"You're inexperienced," he said bluntly, and before I could let out a huff, he added, "You don't even know how to breathe."

Well excuse me, Mr. I'm-A-Good-Kisser, they didn't teach that to me in the Academy!

"You… you stole my first kiss." I sounded like I was telling it more for myself than him. "You fox!" I screamed, finally at him. "How on earth do you expect me to marry anyone now?"

"You do have some traditions, don't you?"

I blatantly ignore that bit.

"Admit it," Adonis smirked at me. The nerve. He's no Asian Adonis now. He's… he's… he's a hooker. Yeah, even good looks can't make up for a cocky attitude.

"Admit what?" I mumbled, and glared at him darkly.

"You liked it… Polka."


What a stupid name.

I mean, what can be more unoriginal than—

Oh, god no.

1, breathe in.

2, breathe out.

3, breathe in.

4, breathe out.

5, breathe in.

And then it snapped.

"You pervert." I screamed at top of my lungs.

"Don't be excited little girl you are making my ears bleed and didn't you say I'm your prince" he said seductively.

"You are a Perverted Prince" I said pointing at him.

"Anyways, I want to hook up with you but you don't have nice ass or big breasts. Grow up soon little chick and that includes the choice of underwear." saying this he left.

I was stood dumbfounded there.

A French kiss…

My tongue was sucked…

What a perverted prince…..

He is not a prince at all…..

- Twisted Love Story -

"So let me get this straight," Anna said, and paused for a dramatic effect. Honestly? I think I've had enough drama for the day. "Some random guy who saved you when you were a foot from death stole your first kiss?"

"Some random good-looking guy who saved you when you were a foot from death stole your first kiss?" Sumire repeated with a necessary emphasis on the 'g' word.

"I don't care how he looks, and I don't care that he saved me—" Seeing their faces, I corrected, "Alright, maybe I do care that he saved me but his arrogant attitude makes me want to think I should've fell off the bridge instead! He is Good looking guy with the worst attitude I have ever met. I want my kiss back!"

"I don't know, Mikan," Sumire said. "If my first kiss was stolen, I would rather be it with a good-looking guy rather than some utterly random guy with a beer belly down the pub."

Eww, Sumire. Just… Eww.

"Cut it out, Permy," Nonoko rolled her eyes. "And Mikan, don't sulk. What's done is done and you can't do anything about it. Forget it."

Ah, Nonoko. Always the practical one. How convenient in times like these.

"Why don't we go shopping tomorrow?" Anna piped in.



"She got over it fast," Sumire muttered.

I didn't even snap at her.

'I'll erase the memory of the Perverted Prince from my mind. And I'll find my true prince.

Maybe I'll find my Prince tomorrow and he'll let me ride on his white horse and…

You know what? I'm just going to wait. I mean, I do lead a simple life with no— no, that's wrong.

With minimal complications.

A/N : To every reader here is a thing lets dive into "May Madness" an event organized by the writers on Face book.

To join the event you just had to write story and publish it. It's an effort to enrich Gakuen Alice fandom with some new and cool stories, with new/old unique pairing.

I have joined the event hope you all who are reading this will join it.

Thanks for reading the story. Tell me about it Good, Bad what it is. Don't forget to leave the Review.


! Tani !