Disclaimer – I do not own any of this! :)
Chapter six – Cammie's POV
Due to the number of loyal fans who've asked me to write this last chapter, I will put LOTS of Zammie in it for ya :) I actually didn't want to finish this story so quickly but I had no idea where the story was going to go after chapter four so I thought it best to end before it backfired on me. So here we go, the ending to another great story.
I won't bore you with the details of the lecturing I received from my mother, friends and teachers, but luckily I got away in one piece (after 5 hrs and 27 mins of being yelled at) and retired to my room.
It was good to be home. Weirdly, I remembered every detail of being Lily Archer, and everything before that, so it was kind of funny but sad to remember the way I hadn't known Zach, it must've hurt.
I should go and make it up to him, I thought lazily. But before I could get up to do just that, I heard a slight knocking, I turned and at my window was the hottest spy boy in the world, smirking in at me.
I rushed to open the window for him. As soon as it was open he kissed me, a kiss that lasted exactly 2 mins and 42 secs, though it felt like hours. When we finally broke apart he smirked even wider than before.
'Am I allowed in on this joke Blackthorne Boy?' I smiled.
'Nah, think I'll keep it to myself. More funny that way,' he said.
'Well it better not be something bad about me or I'll come back to get you,' I said walking away from the window. 'Aw, you wouldn't hurt me Gallagher Girl,' Zach cooed as he jumped into the room.
I turned back to him and pounced, pinning him to my bed with a thud. 'Oh wouldn't I?' I challenged. He grinned up at me (for once not his smart-alec smirk) and managed to pull me down and kissed me.
Unfortunately before we could get any further than that Bex knocked loudly on the door. We groaned and got up, I running to answer it and Zach sitting on my bed.
'Oh, I'm not interrupting anything am I?' Bex asked cheekily seeing Zach in the room. Before I could say no Zach said, 'Yes actually. But do go on I've got all day.' I blushed and turned back to him sharply.
He looked at me with an innocently bewildered expression and I growled, which only made him smirk.
'We start classes again tomorrow, and Jonas and Grant will be staying here from now on, I'll see you two love birds around,' Bex smirked as I screamed after her retreating figure and finally calm down when Zach pulled me back into the room.
'So, I'll never be rid of you will I?' I asked tiredly. Zach chuckled. 'Nope. Guess you're stuck with me,' he said. I smiled. 'And I wouldn't' have it any other way,' and I leaned down and kissed him.
It was good to be home.
Sorry it took me so long but I've been way busy what with exams and all that, and please forgive the shortness and crapiness of this last chapter, I wrote it in like five seconds! Thankyou to everyone who's taken the time to read my story, and I hope to create plenty more! Please review! :) Buh-bye for now guys!