This is the sequel to Konan's missing flower. major OOC here and is Tobi's pov

Deidara Senpai sat moulding away at the lump of clay, making it into impressive sculptures while the ground shook as almost half the Akatsuki chased after the pieces of papers that was Konan, Hidan cursing away and waving his scyth.

You may wonder, why they are chasing Konan for? Well, it started off partly because I took Konan's flower. (You can read about it in my other story called ''Konan's missing flower''.) Konan had found her paper flower after I left it Sasori-san's work table, causing her to think that Sasori-San was the one who took it.

Sasori-San had a arguement with Konan because of it, since Konan blamed him for taking his flower. Sasori-san denied that he took it, and told Konan he had no interest in her art which was made of paper, and also that she could always make another. ''You don't need to kick up such a big fuss over a folded piece of paper.'' That was what Sasori-san told her.

Konan warned him that if she ever find her flower with him again, she would kill him for it. I think I saw Sasori-San rolled his eyes at her back when she turned to leave his room.

Hidan and Itachi was at the main hall of the base. I think they were talking about jinchuurikies, but I'm not sure. I didn't hear properly. Konan walked into the hall and both of them immediately moved to give her a wide space. When asked why they did that, they said they didn't want to be accused of stealing her flower. I left to go to my own room as Konan glared at them. I didn't want to get involved. I'm a good boy.

Later, I think it was Hidan who had screamed in irritation, since there was alot of bad words. I stayed in my room. Hidan is scary when he is irritated. I too managed to hear Itachi-San saying that he have no idea who took the flower, and that he don't think Sasori will ever take her flower for no reason even if he is asked to by Leader.

Konan was angry that Itachi sided with Sasori. Hidan was on nobody's side. He was just too irritated to decide. Leader came to break the fight before it even started, just as Konan blew up paper bombs in their faces. Leader got caught in it.

Next thing I know, Konan was being chased around by them. At some point Sasori-San joined in. I think he had nothing better to do, or that he wanted revenge. Senpai merely sat at the table moulding his clay. Kakuzu sat aside reading the newspaper, and both Zetsu-san and Kisame isn't around. I sat next to senpai. ''Senpai, what's happening?'' I asked innocently.

''Shut up and go away, hmm.'' Deidara Senpai replied and I did. I was the one who caused all this problem, but I get away. Lady Luck must be smiling at me. I smiled under my mask and returned to my room. I don't mind playing this game everyday. I get away all the time

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