Disclaimer, I don't own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic or any variants thereof. Except this weird little fic.

During one of my weirder nights, I was listening to my intellectually inclined friend James go into an impassioned monologue about how truly weird the land of Equestria was, and by listening, I mean ignoring him. He picked up on this rather quickly.

"Dude, I don't think you understand how odd that place is. Have you thought about it?"
"You're aware we're both 20 year old males who watch a children's TV show. And you're thinking about the politics and economy of it. Give me your flask." I held out my hand, awaiting his alcohol.

"Not until you admit I'm correct in how weird it is," he told me, waving the container filled with delicious booze out of my reach. A brief fight for it ensued, with myself ending up victorious, mostly due to the fact I sat on him. As we sorted ourselves back to sitting on the couch and staring at the laptop playing all of the episodes in a marathon, James brought up a rather interesting point.

"Hey…what if we were ponies?"

"We're not going to be. You're stupid." I thocked him upside the head and went back to watching the ponies get ready for the Gala. Even if I'd seen it before, the song was still good enough to warrant a second viewing.

"No, I'm serious. What if we got like…sent to Equestria and shit, and then had to live with ponies? It's something to think about, anyway. I mean, isn't it cool? It'd be pretty awesome, you have to admit."

"I'm sorry to say, I don't think we'd adapt. We're human. They are ponies. And we are very different. And while they accepted a zebra into their little community of pony-ness, they're not going to accept humans, even if they did show up, so…shut up and watch the crapping song. You're ruining it."

"But thin-"

"No. Shut up. Singing."

We sat in silence for a while after that, eating pizza and watching the show until it ended. By then, it was past midnight, and he had decided to leave. As I walked him out to his car, I thought I noticed something odd skulking around in the bushes near the parking lot, but brushed it off. We sat and talked about work for a while outside his car for a decent amount of time, thinking of all the things we'd rather be doing than work, namely watching more Pony and doing less work. As James went to put his key in his car, something leapt out of the bush, yelled something unintelligible and shot some sort of bolt at us! The last I could remember was how shiny it looked at night, and then darkness.

I was the first to awake, sitting on top of a hill overlooking what appeared to be….Ponyville? No, I couldn't be drunk still, could I? I hit James until he woke up, groaning in pain. Whatever hit us seemed to hurt him more. He stopped whining shortly after he realized where we were standing.

"Hey James, you still got that flask?"


"Good. Gimme. I'm not drunk enough to deal with this."