This is my first story, it's based off of a dream my younger sister had. The dream is incomplete so I'll need suggestions to finish the story. THIS IS A RE-POST. After I looked again I realized I had huge errors in this chapter so I had my Sister fix them and re-post it. I don't own any of the inheritance series or their characters.

The Portal

I opened my eyes to the bleary world. The alarm screaming annoyingly in my ear. I was about to hit the snooze again but remembered I had already hit it 3 times and if I didn't get up soon I would miss my first period. "BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP…BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP-BEEP"

My body felt like lead and refused to move. Missing first period was sounding better by the second.

"Jaymie you need to get up. Come on, you've already missed to much school." My mother had come into my room and had decided the best way to get me up was to rip my covers off of me.

"Noooo" I complained. Trying to pull them back up. Unfortunately the cool air had done it's job. My heart was beating due to the rude awakening and sleeping now would be impossible.

Fine, I'll get up, I thought. I took a deep breath contemplating what I was about to do. I sat up swung my legs over the side of my bed, sat there for a moment, and then slid slowly off the edge onto the ground with my eyes still shut. Satisfied my mother turned and left through my curtained door.

Sighing I got up. I was only grumbling because I was tired. I had stayed up late last night re-reading Eragon. The Inheritance series was one of my favorites, and when I read a good book I have trouble putting it down. To imagine that the author was younger than me when he started writing the book.

I had just turned 16 a few weeks ago. Normally that's a large thing in any teenage girls life. But like everything in a large family we had to share. That's right I had to share my birthday with my brother. No, no we weren't twins. In fact I was two years older than him. But he was born two days after my birthday. And my parents always insisted on throwing a joint party. So annoying.

Rushing to the bathroom I started brushing my teeth and fixing my hair. My hair was a little shorter than shoulder length, cut in layers. Additionally it was died in what I referred to as cherry cola. It was meant to be a dark brown but in light it appeared red. My lighter roots were showing a bit but I was planning on growing it out anyway.

Finishing my hair I quickly put on some sparse makeup. And took a moment to admire my work. I had a round sweet face with dimples. I wasn't thin per-say more curvy and tall. Which made me look more mature based on how I dressed. There was one time that I had put on some more adult looking clothes and people had mistaken me for a young teacher. Usually I don't have that problem though. If I wear tee shirts and jeans I look just like my friends.

I walked back and looked around my disheveled room. It wasn't much of a room and it didn't provide much privacy either. My room consisted of three walls. Count them three. You see my room was actually the family room... or half of the family room. We had a family of 6. My parents, 3 siblings and me. A large family in this day and age where 2.5 kids was the norm. I had two older sisters and a younger brother. Since our house only had three bedrooms we had shared them two to a room. I had shared with my younger brother when we were little until we got older and my parents decided it was "inappropriate" for a girl and a boy to share a room any longer. That was when they decided to make a room by curtaining off half of the family room. It wasn't to bad really. I had two wardrobes side by side to make up half of my fourth wall so I had lots of storage space. I even had a large desk for homework a computer and even a fireplace. How many friends do you know that have a fireplace in their room? I don't know any.

The major problem is the lack of privacy. No door no lock. I can't block out any sound, and since I'm so close to the living room people come in randomly without knocking all the time.

By this time I had pulled my cloths on a cute tee shirt and finding that I was out of jeans I pulled some off the floor that didn't smell. I then grabbed some perfume and used it to cover up any odor I had missed. I would wash my cloths when I got home.

My time was up and I ran back to my room to grab my backpack. Mom was already in the car waiting for me. I didn't have a license because my parents required I pay for it myself which I couldn't because I had no job. I planned on changing that this summer.

The drive to school was only seven minutes long so we were there before I had a chance to finish my bagel that mom had made for me.

"Have a good day Jaymie." called my mom as I was jumping out. I turned and waved then headed to my first class.

Most of my classes a pretty boring. Though usually I'll chat with my friends, but today my head was still in my adventures in Alegasia, so when my teacher started up the lecture I sneakly opened Eragon behind my textbook.

This went on through my first three periods until I came to my favorite class, Theater.

Ok. So, some people think that acting is lame and for geeks. Honestly anyone who has ever liked a movie, likes actors. We all look up to them we like to read about celebrities in magazines, to know who there dating. They are big figures in our society, some people understand this. But somehow most people seem to forget that the reason they are famous is because they are actors. people seem to forget that when thinking of the class, they think all we do is recite Shakespeare all day. These people are idiots.

My theatre department rocked. We had like 30 people and everyone knew each other. And believe me after spending 5 hours a day in rehearsal for 2 months you get some pretty serious friendships.

After putting down my bag I immediately stepped outside to sit in the sun before class. It was spring in sunny San Diego and I loved the sun.

"Jaymie, what up dawg." called Claire, Waving at me. She was a senior and was one of the best female actors in the department. She was always pretending to be of some ethnicity as a joke. She was one of the whitest people I knew; rail thin, tall, and straight hair died an orangey red.

Smiling I walked over to them. "Hey" I said to the group.

Carlyn another girl wrapped me in a hug attempting to lift me off the ground. Laughing she gave up.

"Gahh. To heavy" she said teasingly, while fake panting.

"Am not." I said pretending to be offended. "so rude. humph... just because your soooo weak-"

"Hay I am not weak. Ok... just strength challenged" she declared carrying on the joke. We all laughed.

We continued chatting until role. Our teacher Mr. Allen was laid back and didn't mind us talking unless he was addressing the class. He had a larger sturdier build, likened to a friendly bear. In his younger days when he made his living off of acting he was usually cast as a cowboy stunt man or a beer commercial guy. I've herd it said that to this day if he gets off of a bus in Texas people will recognize him as "that beer guy". Now days he's balding a bit at the top but, other than that he's bounding with energy, and everyone loves him.

We were heading to our seats when I saw someone enter the room out of the corner of my eye. It was my ex-boyfriend Kenny. Luckily we had gotten passed the "I'm avoiding you stage". It is difficult to avoid someone for long when you spend so much time near one another. He is currently dating Fiorella, another girl in the department. She was actually a friend of mine. After I had gotten over our break up I had encouraged her to go out with him. He really was a great guy, a sweet heart, but we just didn't work out, a fact that I sometimes regretted.

So currently I'm single. Which is one of the reasons I loved to swoon over the men in my books. Ok, I don't actually swoon. I know the difference between reality and fiction, and in reality I would never swoon. But when it's a book it's fun to obsess after a guy. There's no commitment, no chance of heartache. Among my character crushes are Prince Zuko, Draco Malfoy, Dimitri Belikov, Curran Lennert, Adam Haumpton, and the classic crush for centuries, the one, the only Mr. Darcy, just to name a few.

Role was fast and we were sent to the stage. We had just finished our last play of the season and we were now allowed to practice our scenes for the talent show, which basically meant an hour to do anything we wanted.

Passing the front desk Mr. Allen waved me over for a moment.

"yeah?" I asked

I wasn't worried like I would with other teachers if they had waved me over. I knew I wasn't in any kind of trouble. I liked talking to Allen, he was the type of guy you would hug if you hadn't seen him in a while. He and my dad had started a bit of a friendship a few years back mostly consisting with movie exchanges and plans for future shows. In fact my whole family was involved in the department. We had become a sort of legacy. Both of my older sisters had graduated a star in their own right. Now it was my turn, and it felt a bit like trying to shine in a shadow, but I loved it here and slowly I was making a name for my self as well.

"Hey kiddo, how you feeling?" he said with a grin.

"Better" I hadn't been to class very often in the past two weeks due to panic attacks. The last show I had been found in the dressing room after half-hour long panic attack and was sent home. For the following week this had repeated. The doctors had prescribed some medication for my attacks, they had lessened but my sleep was suffering, as a side effect.

"I've been getting back on track but I've missed so much school I'm falling behind. We're still trying to figure out what to do" I gave him my don't worry smile.

"Alright. Let me know if there's anything that I can do to help" he said. I knew he wouldn't press for details, he just wanted to let me know that I wasn't alone.

"I also wanted to know if your mom was still going to drive to the Ren-Faire next week."

At this I lit up. I had been looking forward to the Renaissance Faire for months, it was awesome, another sadly misunderstood event. Most people who go to a Ren-Faire are surprised at how much fun they have. My mom, having such a large family also had a van, and was thus in demand for carpooling such events. She had also made me an awesome costume that I couldn't wait to wear.

"Of course, I can't wait." I said.

"Good. I was just trying to finalize the drivers. You should get to practice"

I smiled and waved as I ran off to join my friends on stage.

People had spread out into groups, some had gone out side others to the lobby. Mr. Allen trusted us to be adults, unlike most teachers. He didn't mind us being out of sight. He would walk around and check on us, give us suggestions but never hovered. He even let us go off campus to get a coffee on rare occasions. As long as we asked him first and brought him one as well.

My group consisted of Carlyn, Claire, Taylor, and Julia. They where already discussing possibilities.

"What about a choreographed dance?" asked Taylor. A pixy like girl with short blond hair, she always flitted around and often was found on the tips of her tows like a ballerina. She was one of the smallest girls I knew. About 4.5 feet high, she almost always wore extremely high heels yet still was shorter than every one else. She was a senior and one of the top actors, dancers, and singers. Out of all the people on the department only three actually aimed for a career, and she was one of them. She had already gotten some out side work, and really deserved it she was really talented.

"Yeah but which one?" I asked

"What about a song from 'Wicked' or 'Into the Woods'?" Carlyn said, immediately suggesting her favorite musicals.

"hmm... I can't think of any song in those that need 5 girls." said Julia

"What about Chicago?" I suggested

"Exactly what I was thinking" exclaimed Taylor.

She loved Chicago so since no one had objections it was decided and we started discussing possible songs. And who would play what part.

Taylor offered to bring the sound track next time and since class was almost over we decided we would probably need extra practice time after school once a week.

The bell rang and we headed to the classroom for lunch.

I know how people always see that the theatre club always hung out with each other and it's true we do. But we spend so much time together for rehersals everyday after school we just all become friends. It's just like a sports team except that drama is all year. We do have friends outside of drama and we hang out with them too but we're all really close and it's an easy atmosphere.

I sat down with a couple of my techie friends and decided to skip socializing in favor of reading a chapter. That didn't work to well, as hard as I may try they are just really distracting. I did however manage to get to the point that Egagon has his dream of and elf Maiden in a cell when the next class started. I put the book away and headed to the corner of comfy computer chairs.

I used to have PE this period but had dropped it in favor of TAing (Teachers Assistant) the beginning Drama class.

This class's atmosphere was different than the advanced class I was in. Mr. Allen wasn't as lenient with them and had to shout to get their attention. Allen could be scary when mad and the class fell silent after a moment.

We were starting on stage combat he explained. This had been my favorite part of beginning drama last year so I was excited. I would be helping them learn the moves and come up with a scenario for a staged fight scene, but it would be a while before we got to that point. First he was going to show a few clips of fight scenes from movies.

The first he put on was a scene from Monty Python and the quest for the holey Grail. It was the one where the black knight gets all his limbs cut off and still insists on fighting. Very funny.

The other was a violent Cat fight that takes place in the girls bathroom. It was from She's the Man.

After that he made them take notes on a few things and said we would learn to throw stage punches tomorrow. At this point I tuned out.

Allen only ever gave notes to the beginning students and even then they were rare. I finished the chapter I was reading then headed to my last class.

When school was over and I got to the tree outside school I was a bit disappointed. Usually I like to chat with my friends but I spotted my oldest sister and her boyfriend waiting for me, so I went strait to the car saying goodbye to the few friends I passed.

"How was your day?" asked AnnDee my oldest sister as I got in the car. She had short bleach blond hair and large sun glasses on.

"Fine" I said shortly as we pulled out.

"Just fine?" she asked looking back "oh I see. You want to read, ok"

She was like me when it came to reading so she understood

"What're you reading." asked her boyfriend Jeff.


"Haven't you read that like seven times?" he asked

"No, just four." I replied with a smile. "Besides I have to reread them. The fourth one is coming out soon."

"Whatever" he said shaking his head. I liked him but he didn't always get my obsession with some of my books. Not to say he didn't like reading, he just liked reading different things.

When we got home I made a B line for my room and continued reading. At one point I got a call from Dad saying I needed to do the dishes. I agreed but soon forgot when I started reading again.

It was almost time for him to get home when AnnDee came to my room to remind me. So I ran to the kitchen and rushed through a bit before my Dad got back. When he saw me in the kitchen he knew that a hadn't been working since he called but since I had made some progress he let it slide this time. I wasn't always as lucky, but today seemed okay.

He popped in a movie and started watching. The sound soon luring out my brother Riley. He loved war movies so the sounds of Master and Commander was a big draw. Soon after my mom came home and after a meal, I again disappeared.

Time drifted away and my eyes where starting to hurt. Everyone else had gone to bed long ago. I finally reached the last chapter and looked at the clock.

1 AM

Mom would kill me if she knew.

l flipped open the cover of Eldest contemplating starting the next book. I knew I shouldn't start reading it till tomorrow so I was about to put it away. I was glancing at the map of Alegaisia and retracing the journey of Eragon and Sapheira.

Then my eyes fell on Galbatorex's capital. In the books we hadn't gotten their yet. I knew that was were Eragon was going to end up at the last book and I couldn't help wondering what it would be like to go there.

Just then I felt a wave of nausea hit me, and my breath started to hitch as I got dizzy. It felt like another panic attack.

I closed my eyes as it got worse. Not noticing that I was clutching the book. I laid there a while, trying to take deep breaths.

I'm not sure when but slowly I became aware that I wasn't in my bed.

Instead of my bed I was on the ground, but not the carpeted ground of my room, a stone floor. I opened my eyes to look around and realized I wasn't anywhere I had ever been before. The hall was stone with tall arches and a very dungeon-esque feel, it even had torches. I had never seen torches before.

I had just decided I had fallen into a vivid dream induced by my panic attack, as strange a solution it was, when I heard some clanking around the corner coming closer.

It my be just me, but creepy dungeon and ominous clanking, do not bode well. I closed my eyes and insisted I wake up. The clanking was getting louder.

"Please, wake up. please wake up. please please, PLEASE" I began chanting. Just then a man in turned the corner and stopped at the sight of me.

Believe it or not he was wearing a suit of armor. Like a legit suit. But I only had a moment to take this in because his moment of shock passed.

"Halt intruder." he shouted pulling a sword.

Not good. But at least it was a dream. He couldn't actually hurt me.

Of course it was a dream. It was….. It had to be


Well that was my first chapter. What do you think? I have some good ideas for this book. I'm going try to update once a week. Review please.