The silver one, 'Nefertiti' rolled her shoulders. "Took you guys long enough to figure it out." She said, smiling slightly.

The other, my Nala, or an elaborate hoax of Nala, was leaning against the wall, laughing her butt of at the expressions on our faces.

"But... huh... What?" Jack asked, really confused.

Shaunee was shaking her head. "Twin, did you drug me sometime within the past hour?"

Erin was mirroring her Twin's expression. "No, Twin, I'm sorry to tell you I have not. Anyway, I saw the same insane thing as you."

"Intriguing." Shaunee said, nodding her head. "Aphrodikey, did you drug my Twin and me within the past hour?"

"No, brain-sharers, I did not." She responded. Let's face it. The Twins and Aphrodite will fight until Aphrodite's noneternalness kicks in.

"Is this just some trick by Neferet?" I asked them, not really expecting an answer.

Human Nala's face darkened. "No. She's par' o' th' reason our family's sufferin' so much."

"Why do you have a Cockney accent?" Damien asked, apparently able to identify it.

She grinned. "Someo'e gets i', Tanty! Gol' sta', Damien! Evah wonduh why m' meowin' was off? Tha's your reason!" I'll say it now. When she's a human, my lazy cat as way too much energy.

"That's why Nala -you- complain at me the way you do?"

She nods. "An', well, you're qui' dull sometimes."

Aphrodite snorts. "Is it wrong to say I like these two?"

I roll my eyes. Stark asks, "What are your names, then, if you feel you're okay to show us what you have?"

They share a look for a moment. 'Tanty' nods slightly, and I probably wouldn't of noticed it if I hadn't been watching her.

"M' name's Rumpleteazah." Says my Nala. Seeing my look, she grins and says, "We all 'ave three names. Th' ones our owners give us, th' ones we ge' a' birth, and a thir' tha' no one bu' us knows. So, Zoey, i's okay 'f ya call m' Nala."

I nod at her. Rumpleteazer. You'd think I'd be used to odd names at a school where kids can name themselves, but apparently not.

"I'm Tantomile," The other one says. "Darius, when I'm a cat, it's still best if you call me Nefertiti, and same for Zoey with Teazer."

Nala -er, Rumpleteazer- sent a questioning look towards Tantomile's direction. Again, Tantomile nods. "It's the weekend, correct? I could take you to meet our family, but you might find our home, ah, strangely unfit for fledglings. Or humans."

"Or vamps," Rumpleteazer adds.

Tantomile sits down abruptly. "Damn it, Cori," She hisses under her breath, clutching her head in her hands.

"An' tha', folks, 's why Oi convinced Deut t' le' m' snea' 'n on this mission."

Shaunee and I exchanged a look while Rumpleteazer went to Tantomile.

They whispered in tones none of us could hear for a while, then Rumpleteazer stands up. "Oi 'ave t' ge' 'er back t' 'er brother. Y'know 'ow visions suck, Aphrodite." Aphrodite nods, looking at the... mutant sympathetically. "Oi'll b' back wi' Jer in a mo'." Rumpleteazer opens the window, let's Tantomile jump out first, then looks at me.

"Shuttin' the window woul' b' okay, my brothah an' Oi are expert thieves." With a wicked grin, she grabs a hold of the windowsill and throws herself out feet first.

When she's gone, the Twins raise eyebrows at each other.

"Talk about quick leaving." Stark mutters, shutting the window with a resounding slam.

"What the hell was that last remark about?" Aphrodite asks, leaning against Darius.

"What'd she mean, 'you know how visions suck, Aphrodite?'" I ask Vision Girl.

"That... girl obviously gets visions, like me, Zoey. It's not that hard to tell."

"Really?" Shaunee mutters. "She seemed to be the exact opposite of you - y'know calm, nice, willing to listen."

"Shut up, brain-sharers," Aphrodite says, but Erin mouths right along with her. The Twins exchange evil grins.

While they bicker, Stark comes up behind me. I stretch up a little bit and kiss his neck. "Was that all a hallucination?" I ask him quietly.

"If it was, we all saw it," he murmurs back.

That's when the window is forced open, and a small figure with an Okie accent stood in the middle of the room.

"Hey y'all," Stevie Rae twangs, twisting a blonde curl around her finger, "what'd I miss?"