This is the last chapter of Tempting Affections, I was kind of mad a Kyoko while I wrote this (you'll see why below) anyways thank you for all the great reviews for the past chapter. Well here you go!

"I love you too." I responded, unable to hide my genuine smile. I was so happy. But to my surprise instead of smiling as well, I saw Kyoko freeze, then her eyes turn watery. She was close to tears. What? I thought. Did she not mean it that way? What had I done?

"Mogami-san," I said, unable to murmur another thing. I reached out to her, but she stopped my hand from touching her face as I had intended it to. She looked up at me, her eyes still watery.

"You don't love me like I love you." She said. Dear God, what had I done? I made myself stay calm, I didn't want to scare her off.

"I love you, Tsuruga-san." She said. I froze. What did she mean when she said "love"? What kind of love? "I don't love you like a kohai towards a sempai . . . Tsuruga-san, I love you as a man, not as a sempai." She finished. I didn't know what to say. I was so happy inside, but I didn't want to scare her off. She took the silence as simple shock, and I realized a bit too late my mistake. "I know we can never be together, you only see me as a kohai, and I-I know you don't want to be with someone like me, but I just wanted to tell you." She couldn't look in my eyes anymore, and I saw her tremble slightly. Her body turned to leave. "I'll be going now. . . Bye Tsuruga-san." She said, and turned to go, but before she could walk away I grabbed her wrist, stopping her. She tensed, her whole body rigid, her back turned to me. She didn't speak for a moment, but slowly turned around, her face completely red, and her lips pouted slightly, and tears now running down her cheeks. She looked so vulnerable; I couldn't let any other man look at her like that.

"Tsuruga-san," she pleaded. For what, I don't know. That only made me even more determined not to let anyone look at her. We were far enough from everybody else to not be heard, but we could still be seen. I didn't want anyone to see us. I pulled her towards me, leading her away from the rest of the people on set, deeper into the trees so we couldn't be seen. Kyoko followed me without resistance, but she could have broken free of my grip if she wanted to. My grip was very loose, and if she didn't want to come with me she could get out of my grip and go back to set easily. But she didn't resist.

We were now far enough that we could see the set, but no one could see us, and if we were called or if Kyoko decided to run away she could get back to set easily. I stopped once we were far enough, and turned to her. I still had her wrist in my hand.

She looked up at me, but she was more confused than anything else, the tears were still running down her face. Her appearance finally set in on me, how she was so vulnerable, so easy to take advantage of, so very, very tempting. I almost couldn't control myself. I thanked all of my skill as Japan's number one actor for giving me so much self-control.

I pulled Kyoko towards me slowly, looking directly into her eyes and leaving her plenty of time to be able to escape. But she didn't. She let herself be pulled.

I now had her in my arms, my hands on her waist, the touch feather light, using my height to have her look up at me, up at my eyes which I let show how much I loved her.

"Mogami-san," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. She didn't speak. She didn't need to. "Mogami-san," I said again. "Would a sempai really be able to hold their kohai like this?" I said, squeezing her slightly against me for emphasis. She didn't speak. "Would a man be able to hold a woman he doesn't love like this?" I said, my words trying to explain to her what I wanted to say.

". . .No?" She breathed, her voice barely audible. The only reason I heard her was because I was holding her so close.

"Mogami-san, do you understand what I'm trying to say?" I asked, my voice quieter, and slightly deeper. She shook her head slightly, and I smiled.

". . .Kyoko," I said, feeling her body tense slightly in my arms when I said her name. "It means I love you." She sucked in a breath, and didn't answer. "I don't love you like a sempai, but I love you just like you love me. I love you so much, I have for so long. How can I prove it to you?" I asked, almost pleading at the last sentence.

". . .Do you really? Is this a dream?" She asked after a few moments of silence. Her voice was barely audible, and more tears rand down her face. I smiled as honestly as I could, and used my thumb to wipe away some of the tears from her face, moving slowly so that I could portray how much I didn't want to scare her.

"I love you Kyoko, this isn't a dream." I said, and before she could speak, I leaned down, bringing my face closer to hers, until it was only an inch away. "Tell me if you want me to stop," I breathed. I was close to the point past self control, but I didn't want to force myself on her. She didn't speak, and I continued, at first only brushing my lips on hers, but then kissing her, not wanting to hold back so much. At first our mouths were closed, but then I felt her mouth open under mine, inviting me in. Her arms wrapped around my neck, bringing me in closer, deepening the kiss. I happily accepted, going slowly still, wanting the moment to stretch on forever. She tasted slightly of honeysuckle, the sweet taste alluring me in a way it hadn't on screen. I brought her closer to me, but not forcefully, no. I wanted her to make the choice.

Finally, the kiss had to part, and we both stood there, only looking into each other's eyes, sucking in the air around us. I brought her closer to me, hugging her so that her face was buried in my chest, my arms around her back, and my face buried in her hair.

"Do you understand now how much I love you?" I asked into her ear. I felt her nod. I smiled.

". . .This is like a dream." I heard her murmur, and I pressed her closer.

"No," I said. "This is so much better than a dream."


After that we had gone back to set, and everyone there somehow knew that something had changed between us. We had walked back casually, as if we had just gone for a walk, but I think somehow our smiled got brighter, as if something very good had happened. Yashiro undoubtedly was dying to know what had happened while we were gone, but I didn't tell him. I wanted to keep this little piece of information to myself a little while longer, not to have it go public just yet. I don't think Kyoko would have liked it to be known just yet either. The commercial soon ended, and I went off with Yashiro in my car to my next job, but I feel like the day somehow got much brighter, and the rest of the day seemed to have flown by. It were as if I were walking on air.

Kyoko started to go over to my apartment more often than before, sometimes using the excuse of making me dinner or some other kind of scheme created by Yashiro-san in order to bring us together. But the rest of the time I invited her, and we usually ate and practiced our lines together, but most of the time we were cuddling in each other's arms. We've been dating for a month now, and I have to thank Yashiro a lot for giving me time to be able to meet with Kyoko like I have. We haven't told anyone about our relationship, but I think Yashiro, Kanae-san and the President have guessed what our relationship is. But that didn't matter now.

"Tsuruga-san," the voice came from next to me, from the mouth of an amber-eyed girl who sat next to me, her arms around my waist and her head on my chest, sitting next to me on the couch. I looked down at her as she looked up at me, her eyes warm.

"Yes Mogami-san?" I responded, showing a smile that other women would faint from the sight, but Kyoko didn't seem affected by it. She didn't act like any other girl, and I loved that little detail about her.

"I love you, Kuon." She said. I smiled and placed a kiss on her cheek, burying my face in her neck. I had told her about that little secret after the first two weeks, and to my surprise she had taken it very well.

"I love you too, Kyoko." I whispered into her ear, and I felt her arms wrap around me tighter, bringing our two bodies together. I moved and before she could protest I had carried her and put her onto my lap, her arms instantly grabbing on to me so she wouldn't fall. I heard her squeak, and the sound made me grin.

"You're mean." She said, her lips pouted slightly. She wasn't really mad, but the look was so cute I couldn't stop myself.

"Sorry," I said, then brought my lips down on hers, my arms bringing her closer to me. She kissed me back, her soft lips on mine.

"I forgive you." She murmured when we parted, and I kissed her again, feeling just like that time in the forest, and I was the happiest man in the world.

Please review and comment, and thank you so much for liking this story :) Btw happy Friday the 13th! :D