Alan Statham waited as patiently as he could- which observed by others seemed jittery and almost frenzied- for Boyce's arrival.

In the usual dramatic entrance style of Boyce he appeared with the ridiculous pen in the guise of a bone around his neck,these little things statham noticed he owed to being a very observant man and not because he was beginnign to develop somewhat unprofessional feelings for his student.

He announced rather loudly than necessary to the rest of the students Boyce's late arrival.

'Oh sorry I was late I had rather a lot to drink last night and your alarm clock is broken by the way'

'hm oh yes very good Mr Boyce I suppose you'll invent some cock and bull story next that you stayed at my house last night after that mindless slave auction?'

'Dont forget the part where you called my name in the middle of the nightingale'

'actually it was hamlet'

'sorry I didnt catch that,did you just admit you we were together last night or...'

At this point Boyce has really intimidated Statham as he stands in close to him invading his personal space.

'all right thats it you can shut up Mr Boyce or Ill have to ask you to leave as you are distrubing the rest of the class'

'Thats not what you were saying,sorry begging me to do last night,tell me does Joanna know you are that imaginative because Im sure she wouldnt have dumped you then'

Statham then proceeds to prod Boyce with the metal pointer as does in the usual way.

'hey iv had enough of poking since last night thank you very much'

Boyce has lured Statham into his trap,he was now visibly fidgeting with anger while a vein in his head pulses.

'I had better not say anymore about our little shenanigans last night could land you in jail for the things you did with a celery stick'

'Right thats it everybody out I cant work with this imbecile in here'

'But what about the cranio-facial features of the skull'

'well I guess you will never know now will you'

As Boyce was about to leave with the rest of the herd he walked right up to Statham again and whispered 'was it good for you too' in an innocent voice he knew would melt Statham like putty.


Knowing he got him Boyce walked off Victorious and Statham wilted onto the floor.