A/N: I wrote this for Mother's Day and it's like a prequel of sorts to another poem of mine called These Servos.
This is in Acid Storm's POV,"you" refers to Sunstorm, and "he" is Shockwave.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Young one so small and fragile,
Our world is too harsh for you.
I want to hold and protect you,
But I cannot with him around.
He wants to destroy my little Seeklet,
To mold you into a mindless killer.
All for our Lord and the "glorious" cause,
Nothing more than a useful pawn in this game.
Am I too big a coward to spare you from this fate?
My spark tells me to hide you away,
From the optics of those that would sneer and harm you.
Will I leave you here to suffer?
You look up at me with those sweet optics,
Begging for affection.
Can I abandon the sparkling I built?
We are alone now,
And I cannot wait anymore.
I take you from the cold berth and run.
The alarms are shrieking,
The drones fast approaching.
You are sobbing from fright,
I cannot do anything to comfort you.
The exit seems so far away from our reach.
Scorching heat from the blasts singe my wings,
I can only do so much to shield you.
If it all goes to the Pit,
If we are both forced to endure his tortureā¦
Remember that I always will love you.
A/N: I know it's probably not the most suitable poem for this day, but I really liked the concept of Acid Storm thinking of Sunstorm as his own sparkling and that he would be willing to do anything to shelter him from the worst of life's cruelties.
If you liked then please review.