AN: Well, hello, everyone! Recently, I looked into Sealand/Latvia... I must admit, I don't support them as a pairing (Yet. I think they;re still too young), but it did start me thinking about them as best friends... and when you're a best friend of someone, especially if that person is crazy or weird in a certain way, randomness WILL occur. So, I got IDEAS. And ideas from me are RANDOM. Which means... well, you'll have to read this to find out what adventures and possible OOC-ness will await Sealand and Latvia now! *evil grin* Good-bye for now, and enjoy!

"I'm big mister England! Yayz~! I rules the worlds~!"

A figure came darting by, dressed in a uniform that looked exactly like England's. However, this figure was a lot smaller, his eyes were blue, and the clothes looked too big on him.

"Y-yeah! A-and I'm big, scary R-Russia!"

Another figure came chasing after the first, wearing Russia's huge overcoat. But though he had purple eyes, he was definitely too short to be Russia, besides his hair being tannish and slightly curly. He also stuttered and forgot to add "da" to his sentences.

Behind them, two older men raced. One with a white shirt and a green vest, the other with a white shirt, blue jacket, and long scarf.



This was how Sealand and Latvia started out Saturday mornings. It was invariable, and neither of them could even break the routine. Early rising, stealing England and Russia's military uniforms, and racing around pretending to be the older nations. Then Russia and England waking up, finding out, and chasing after them. Each time, Latvia would make Sealand promise not to do this again. Each Saturday, they still did it anyway.

It was their routine adventure. And nothing could stop these two best friends.