A.N. So this is where I'm telling you this is going to be a yaoi story about Kakashi and Iruka, that will soon turn mpreg. You've been warned and haters will be put to eternal rest by Zaraki Kenpachi, without his eye patch!

Also, the story has some angsty stuff in it, but also some funny lines. It'll have a few chapters, I'll try to make them no more than 12, could be less. I really have no idea if someone else has ever written somethnig close to this story line and if so I can assure you I haven't seen it, so please don't annoy me with that shit. Now, this is me saying I don't own Naruto or its charecters, but I do own this story and your souls, muhahahah! ... Sorry, psychotic issues...

Anyway, read, enjoy and f*ckin review!

Chapter 1 - Dreams

Hatake Kakashi was having a dream. A very dirty, very graphic dream. About a man. A colleague. About Umino Iruka.

In his dream Iruka not only knew about Kakashi's feelings, but also felt the same towards the Copy Ninja. And wasn't afraid to show that.

"Kakashi…", Iruka moaned, his lips trailing a path towards Kakashi's pants. "I don't want to wait anymore…I want you… Tonight. Now!..."

His dark brown hair, freed from the usual ponytail, tickled Kakashi's abs and he gasped. Their eyes met. Iruka's chocolate eyes were almost dark golden in the moment, burning with lust and boiling Kakashi's blood.

Kakashi's pants were down, his boxers following. Iruka's lips were hovering over the Copy Nin's arousal. Kakashi found breathing a bit difficult.

"Ruka… Ruru… please… "

"Please what, Kakashi?". Iruka's lips left a light kiss right on the tip of Kakashi's shaft. Kakashi was nearly whimpering.

"Please… anything, anything… anything you give me, Love…"

A lick followed the kiss and this time Kakashi did whimper. He was on the verge of tears by now.

"Do you want me, Kakashi? Like I want you?". Another lick, this time from base to top, slow and torturing. Kakashi nearly screamed.

"YES! I do, I do want you, please, please, hurry…."

Hot lips encircled the tip and very, very slowly slid all the way down to the hilt. Kakashi's world exploded. He was screaming which was kinda strange since he couldn't breathe. He couldn't think, he could only feel. And hear. Those sucking noises…

Iruka sucked him hard, his tongue doing miracles Kakashi hadn't even dreamed of (well isn't THAT an irony…) He was close… so close… mere seconds from oblivion…

"I love you, Kashi…", Iruka whispered, his breath tickling the wet skin before Iruka's mouth encircled him again in one last hard suck. And he was there, screaming, tears trailing down his cheeks. He was happy. And whole.

Kakashi woke up only to find that he needed a shower. Not necessarily a cold one. Not anymore.

He stood from his bed and sighed. He was getting kinda tired of all those wet dreams about Iruka. May be he should tell him already… Yeah, he would tell him today. Or… may be tomorrow…

A few blocks away Umino Iruka dreamed. But his dream wasn't nearly as good as Kakashi's…

"No…please don't! Not anymore! Please!", he whimpered.

The man's cold, snake like eyes shone dangerously. With pure insanity. He walked closer.

"No! I promise I won't run anymore! I'll be a good boy! Please!", seven years old Iruka pleaded.

He was weak. Not only because he was locked up in the fragile body of a child, but because that very same body was beaten, his skin almost blue not only from where he had been hit, but also from where hundreds of needles had pierced his skin.

And now another needle found its way to the vein under his elbow. Iruka felt sick from the feeling of the needle sinking in his flesh. Thankfully he blacked out soon after that.

He woke up soon after he had lost consciousness. He was on an operating table in a surgery room, his hands tied besides his body. A bright operating lamp shone above him and a face with a surgeon's mask emerged right above his face. Iruka could only see the man's eyes – those same snake like eyes. The man picked up a scalpel from the little table beside him.

"No… please…"

The man stilled. The hand holding the scalpel put it down and took another syringe. Another needle found its way into Iruka's flesh. In the moments before he blacked out again the child could only silently pray. "Please…someone… anyone… help me…"

Iruka woke, shaking and sobbing. His pillow was soaked with his tears. Again.

He stood slowly, walking into his bathroom and turning on the water to fill the tub. He waited, hands holding the sink, for the bathtub to be full. He couldn't look into the mirror above the sink. He couldn't stand himself right now.

He hadn't had that nightmare for a while. He hoped it would stop replaying itself as years passed. And years did indeed pass. He now had a different life. He now had a life. He experienced feelings different from fear and pain. He had a job, two jobs actually, the kids and his colleagues loved him and respected him. He had friends. He had learned to laugh. He was happy. Right?

He got into the tub but couldn't relax. He hugged his knees, his whole body shaking. He looked like the fragile child he once was. And like the fragile weak child he once was he allowed himself to cry...
