Sweet Dreams


I do not own One Piece or any of the characters
(Although I wish I did...)




"Why do you train?"

"To stay fit."




"What Luffy?"

"Why do you take naps so much?"

"It relaxes me."

"But aren't you already relaxed?"

"Ugh.. Luffy. I'm trying to sleep and you asking me questions isn't helping."

"Oh, sorry."

Boredom. Plain stupid boredom.

That was the feeling Monkey D. Luffy had and he wanted to get rid of it as soon as possible. Usopp and Chopper, his usual play buddies were off doing important things such as inventing new items that can be beneficial to their crew. Merry Go was peaceful as they sailed towards Jaya, the town where they would try to depart to the Sky Islands.

Luffy would usually go fishing when there was nothing to do, but some how none of the fish were biting. It may just be because the sea king population is high around these parts, or maybe just because Luffy kept on doing his business right off the boat, instead of in the bathroom.

Well, whatever the reason was, Luffy was extremely bored and was desperate enough to go to the last person to bother, Zoro.

The swordsman was trying to sleep as his captain squatted next to him, fighting off the urge to poke Zoro multiple times. Luffy looked down at Zoro with a bored look and sighed. "Zoro….." He mumbled as he started to give up on his green haired first mate.

With a sigh, the swordsman opened one eye and looked at Luffy. He was such a good sport to Luffy sometimes that it was ridiculous. He was able to stand the teen's cheering, mistakes, and most of all, his constant need for attention.

"Zoro… I'm bored… Do something with me." The swordsman just looked at Luffy with his one opened eye and sighed once more. Zoro closed his eyes once more and let the captain complain and poke away at him. Luffy finally gave up on this task and sat down right next to Zoro. He leaned against the wooden wall behind them and stared up at the sky, watching the shapeless clouds drift.

There was a yawn...

And another…

And another.

The captain's eyes started to droop and he finally gave into the urge of closing them. His head leaned against Zoro's shoulder and the rubber man soon fell into a peaceful slumber.

Zoro opened his eye once more and looked at Luffy who had fallen asleep out of boredom. He smirked a bit and wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder. 'What am I doing….?' The thought rung in his head for a few moments, but was soon forgotten and left behind. The swordsman closed his eyes and let his mind wander.

One of the reoccurring thoughts that came into his mind was, 'Sweet Dreams Luffy.'

A/N:: Yay! I had this plot bunny and I really just wanted to write it. I'm really happy with this drabble for some reason. -shrug- Well whatever! REVIEW and you will get homemade sugar cookies! I'll personally deliver them to you and give you a hug and kiss if you review this! (Not really, but I shall love you for reviewing.. and give you cookies) I LOOOVE Criticism so lay it on me! Thanks, Love you all and keep the power of ZoLu up forever!