Chapter 2

-2 weeks later; Yule Ball

Rose has been cramming. Everything about the Yule Ball is perfect. Her dress, which is vintage-styled, was on her now and light make-up has been applied on her face. The only thing that's bothering her is her curly red hair. She doesn't know any style to put it up. Rose tried seeking the help of her two girly cousins, Victoire and Lily, but the two of them were busy beautifying themselves (though as for Victoire, she didn't need much to do with herself since she's a quarter-veela and all that. And Lily's actually pretty too.). After a while of thinking, Rose got up and picked up the small box that came along with her dress that her mom gave her. Rose opened it when it arrived a week earlier but she still couldn't make of what to do with it. Then she had this idea. Her mom told her all about her own Yule Ball experience, didn't she? Even showed her picture of what she looks like. Rose decided to do a little version of her mom's Yule Ball hairstyle.

So instead of a side ponytail, Rose gathered her hair to the side and fishtail braided it. She's read a few muggle magazines about it so she knows how to do it on her hair. After applying a few taming charms on her hair, Rose finally decided that it was already okay. She had to admit that she did a pretty good job on herself.

She and Scorpius would meet at the doors of the Great Hall at 7:30. She looked at her alarm clock and it read 7:40. She gave Scorpius a second chance and she was already late for it! She then hurried out of the girl's dormitory and into the Gryffindor common room, ignoring a few 'woahs' of the remaining students.

When Rose saw Scopius, she felt a spang of jealousy because he was talking to Melissa Burch, Scorpius' famous ex. The spang of jelousy immediately disappeared when Scorpius noticed her. He was shocked but also happy. Good thing he isn't mad at her for being late.

"There she is." Scorpius pointed at her, talking to Melissa. When Melissa turned, Rose heard her gasp. She smiled at Melissa then walked towards the side of Scorpius. Melissa huffed away. Scorpius folded his arms and raised it at Rose. "Shall we, my lady?" Scorpius asked. Rose slipped her hand on Scorpius' arms and then replied, "We shall." Scorpius grinned at her which made Rose's heart do a tiny jump.

Scorpius arrived at the Great Hall a few minutes earlier after Rose did. He had to admit that he was excited about this. Tonight, his goal was to tell Rose his feelings for her and he was hoping Rose would accept it. He was too engulfed by his thoughts that he didn't notice his ex-girlfriend in front of her.

"Hey, Melissa." Scorpius greeted, being the gentleman he was.

"Hey Scorpy." Scorpius flinched at the nickname. Melissa giggled before correcting herself. "Oops. My bad. Hey, Scorpius." Scorpius nodded and said nothing else.

"So. Who's your date? Do you have any?" She batted her eyes. Melissa wore a Greek chiton dress with the neckline so low, it might've been embarassing to wear. Not to her, unfortunately.

"She still hasn't arrived yet. But she'll be here." Scorpius tapped his feet. What if she didn't show up? Scorpius thought. He quickly shove it of thinking that Rose would never do that to him. Right?

"Are you sure she's going to arrive? If she don't, I wouldn't mind you taking me instead." She grinned, touching Scorpius' collar bone. Scorpius flinched, which was an exciting sight to Melissa.

"I remember the last time you flinched." Melissa winked.

"Let's not get to that anymore, shall we?" Scorpius shrugged uncomfortably.

Melissa laughed a very familiar laugh. It was a laugh of hers that made Scorpius like her. If she didn't change, if she was still like the Melissa I met and liked at the past, we might've had another chance, Scorpius thought. But, yeah. Life took it's turn and Melissa did not handle it well.

"Okay. But it's already getting dark. Shouldn't your date be here by now?" Just then, Scorpius noticed someone going down the stairs. The image of the person were a little blurry, but as he-no-she walked further towards them, Scorpius swore he thought she was a goddess.

Scorpius composed himself and smiled at the goddess. The goddess smiled back, which he took as a good sign.

"There she is." Scorpius pointed at the figure in front of them. Rose smiled at Melissa, who gasped in return, and then walked towards Scorpius' side.

Scorpius folded his arm and extended it to Rose. "Shall we, my lady?" Rose slipped her hand on Scorpius' arm and said, "We shall". Scorpius grinned at her which made Rose blush. A little. Okay, furiously. They entered the Great Hall, which was decorated beautifully with the color combinations of each houses. The place where the tables usually sat is now a temporary dance floor that changes color with every beat of the song. The ceiling was enchanted tonight to make it look like there are nebula. The buffet tables are on each side of the hall, as well as the punch table. The performer for tonight are The Weird Sisters.

"You're late," Scorpius whispered on Rose's ear. Rose pouted at Scorpius' statement, thinking she actually got away with it. "But I'm glad you look perfect." Scorpius smiled and then prayed to Merlin he did not blush at what he himself had said.

Scorpius and Rose laughed, ate, and danced for the rest of the night. The first dance was ceremonial. The second dance was not ceremonial, so Scorpius hadn't had the chance to confess his feelings yet. But now, the last dance is about to start. Professor Dumbledore called on every couple to gather 'round the dance floor to share the last dance.

Scorpius stood up and faced Rose. Scorpius knelt down, grabbed Rose's hand and then asked, "May I have this dance, mademoiselle?" He kissed Rose's hand just as she said, "Oui, monsieur."

They both stood up and went to the very center of the dance floor and enjoyed their shared last dance.

After a little while, when Rose rested her head on Scorpius' chest, Scorpius decided that it was time to confess his feelings.

"Rose?" Scorpius said, trying to look at Rose's face.

"Yeah?" Rose released her head from Scorpius' chest. She looked directly in his eyes.

"I uh, I gotta tell you something. Something important." Something about Scorpius' expression made Rose worry.

"What is it? Are you okay? Are you sick?"

"No, no. That's not it. I'm perfectly fine. The thing is, I'd like you to know my feelings. Towards you." Scorpius emphasized the word "you" so Rose would have a clue. (1)

"Oh. Then, what are. . . Your feelings towards me?" Rose said uneasily.

Scorpius took a deep breath before saying, "Look, Rose. I'm not going to creep you out or anything but, You're always on my mind. I have no idea how, and why, but you're just there. Always. When I'm doing my homework, I wonder how you'll do yours. When I'm playing a Quidditch match, you would just pop in my mind and then the next thing I know, we Slytherins won the game because I caught the snitch. I also get nervous when you're around. Like right now. My heart's dying to get outside of my chest. At first, when I felt this feeling, I got scared. You do know about the history of our parents and my dad, right?" Rose nodded. "Well, I thought he wouldn't be okay with it, but he is. He said that he wanted to end the rivalry. To make peace between the Malfoys and the Weasleys once in for all. You don't know how happy I was when he told me that. Then I remembered I was taking you to the Ball. I thought tonight would be a good time to tell you. What I'm trying to say is, I like you, Rose. I really, really do. And I was hoping you feel the same way too."

Rose stared at him, her face in a full grin. She cupped Scorpius' face in her hands, tiptoed and then kissed him full on the lips. Scorpius was taken aback of course. But after registering what Rose was doing, he responded. He wrapped his arms around Rose's waist and spun her around. Scorpius broke the kiss, and cupped Rose's face.

"I take that as a yes." Rose giggled and Scorpius leaned in for another kiss.


1. That line actually rhymed. LOL.

So. I hope you guys like this one. And please, to those who favorited and add this story to their alerts, please, please review. This story might have a sequel. And uhm, I'm not going to start writing a sequel unless you guys would review. So, thanks!