09 July 2013
022. (ersatz) 1. serving as a substitute; synthetic; artificial
requested by: wubbzy
The thing with Sakura is how easily her emotions show. No matter the expression, the emotion will always be there filling in the details. With Naruto, however, it's possible for this truth to be a truth multiplied into a fact. He can't choose to hide what he feels, no matter how hard he prays or hopes.
Sakura reads into the dulled color of falsely azure eyes knowing exactly when he's feeling as under the weather as the blue-gray she'll attempt to look at. She can always feel the sting coming from the smile he likes to flash at the world when they ask what's wrong – the sting screaming behind it, pleading them not to rub the pain in his face at to just play along, for once. There's an emptiness in the way he'll reply to her, an unusual flatness in the whiny, perky voice she's grown to love and recognize.
So, the moment he chooses to tell her (again) that nothing is wrong, she frowns thickly before forcing him to look he square in the eyes and tell her, with all normalcy, that he's not upset, that he's not hurt, that he's not breaking inside.
Like always, he eventually cracks and throws his hands down and paces away and back, shaking his head and chewing on his bottom lip.
He sits down and begins to ramble about all the things that have been biting at him for the past week: the stale ramen, Tsunade's pissy mood, the heightened phone bill, the droopiness of his houseplants, the slow mission rate, the scorching July heat. He tells her all he's wanted is a break from everything, that all he wants is to take a dip in a lake and feel the coolness of the breeze. He just wants an escape.
When his rant finally dies down, he can always count on Sakura to be there with her knowing eyes looking back at him sympathetically, despite the mild smirk fighting its way onto her lips.
"Let's get some ice cream," she replies as she gets up, kissing him lightly on the forehead. "My treat."
He slowly rises and follows behind her, eventually adorning a thankful smile.
She knows when he's not telling the truth. She knows (and listens) better than anyone else ever will.
note1. Whoa. About a year/a little over a year without updates ... and right after saying (on my profile) that I'd be moving accounts. Things really do change, as do opinions, hm? I'm back, both with a refined writing style, a head full of different ideas, an updated penname (no longer her voice of adieux), and a thousand+ apologies.
note2. I'm sorry definitely for such a long wait, but I'm just as glad as you guys hopefully are to be back. The past year and a half just hadn't been working out for me in terms of writing and just in general hobby terms. It was refreshing to write again after going so long with a lack of inspiration; and, although my alternate account served for a few updates, something just didn't feel right. Worry not, the train is back on board and going! :D
A SPECIAL SHOUT-OUT TO MY WONDERFUL FRIEND: WUBBZY, who I hope has been well all this time. I do hope she enjoyed her request.
Thank you for reading, see you all in the future!
request bank:
For those of you who wish to contribute to this collection, here are my only rules/regulations:
Drop by with any word word of your preference, and I'll go ahead and write a theme/drabble based on that word. It's preferable if the word is slightly complex,
(ie. simple = Smart / complex = Intelligent),
- but either way I can work around a word by simply converting it as I've done in the past. In other words, you're free to choose whatever you're in the mood for ~! PMs or reviews are welcome when making requests.
Nothing says "Good morning" like a review in your inbox after a long absence - so for those of you who wish to, feel free to leave one!
Disclaimer: Credit for Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.