Storm ran down the hall of the dilapidated Shinra building. She had come there in search of some of Hojo's old lab notes for a client. But she was coming to realize it was a trap devised by Rufus Shinra himself. She should have know. He had been trying to get a hold of her for nearly a year. She had narrowly escaped his Turks at least four times in the last two months. She had no idea what he wanted, but she wasn't about to find out.
Storm rounded a corner pausing and listening carefully. This building was like a maze. She'd been fleeing down the halls of it for nearly an hour. It almost felt like she was being herded somewhere.
Tap tap tap tap
"Come out come out wherever you are." a smug male voice said. "You can't hide forever yo."
Storm peered around the corner. A tall red headed man was standing there, tapping his shoulder with his Electo Mag Rod. His fiery red hair stuck out in every direction held in place with a pair of goggles. A long thin pony tail hung down his back. His smirking face had mako infused eyes which were framed with two red crescent shaped tattoos. His Turk uniform hung sloppily from his this frame, like he had been sleeping in it for a week. He was quite handsome. If it weren't for the fact he was hunting her down, she might consider dating him. Or at least making out with him.
Storm took a deep breath and pulled the kerchief up so it was covering her face nearly up to her eyes.
"Well, well, well. Running out of breath yo?"
The redhead had walked around the corner and was standing there watching her.
Damn. She thought, cursing herself for lingering at the corner. She took off down the hall swerving down some stairs when she saw the blond, female Turk standing at the end of the hall. They were definitely herding her.
"You can't run forever yo!" she heard the man say.
Storm ran faster down the hall. As she rounded the corner she saw the tall bald man who seemed to eternally be wearing his sunglasses. He straightened his tie.
"Going somewhere?" He said menacingly.
She turned around and ran full speed through the doorway at the end of the hall. She was halfway across the room when she realized, the only way out was the way she came in.
"Man, you run fast." she heard the smug voice say. The door closed and she heard the click of the lock.
"Thats what you do when a maniac chases you." she responded calmly.
"Heyy we just want to talk to you yo! No need for name calling." he was walking closer.
"Well then," she said slowly, "LET'S TALK." And faster then lightning she drew her gunblade from its holster.
Unfortunately, the red headed man had been expecting this and blocked her blow with his EMR. She kept coming at him though, slashing at him as fast as she could. But he was just as quick.
"We don't want to have to hurt you yo." He swung at her. "Just talk!"
Storm ducked. As if he could take her on his own. He may have been quick, but there was no way he had her stamina or skills. Storm nearly got close enough to take a slash at his face but he backed away so she only cut apart his goggles. They fell to the concrete floor with a satisfying clink. It was her turn to smirk at the outraged look on his face. Served him right.
"AGGGGGH" He cried and started to attack her viciously. She could barely block all of his blows. "WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU GO FOR THE GOGGLES YO!"
Storm rolled her eyes. They were just googles. But the rage was good. He would get worn out sooner. She hoped.
She felt something hit the back of her neck. The man in front of her started to blur. Dropping her gunblade she stumbled backwards.
"Told ya to just talk to us yo." the redhead smirked.
And everything was black.
Review and tell me if I should continue yo!