A/N Okay, sorry for not updating my stories recently I've been very, very, very sick. I'll try and start this crossover and hopefully it will be good. I don't own Xiaolin Showdown or Fruit basket. Also, I've only seen the Fruit basket Anime so if anything happened in the manga then I don't know about it.

Tohru was humming happily while she cooked breakfast. Yuki came in sleepily muttering something about Kyo and yelling, "Morning Yuki," Tohru beamed.

Yuki managed a wave before sitting down and his head making a bee line for the table. Tohru smiled and continued to cook. Suddenly, Tohru heard muttering. She turned and saw Kyo walking in angry as usual. Tohru just smiled, "Morning Kyo, I'm making fish."

Kyo suddenly brightened up slightly, "Thanks," he said and went to the fridge and pulled out the milk.

"Tohru!" Shigure said happily and went to hug her, but got hit in the head by an empty milk carton, "Ow! Oh Kyo, why must you hit me?"

"It was empty," Kyo stated, "Like your head. WE'RE STILL CURSED IDIOT!"

Tohru laughed and Yuki slowly woke up and spotted Kyo, "Stupid cat," he said.

"Rat," Kyo said.

"Breakfast?" Tohru asked and set the plates down.

Kyo sat down followed by Shigure. When Tohru went to sit down her eyes widened, "Miss. Honda?" Yuki asked, "Are you alright?"

Kyo turned to Tohru worried, "Tohru?"

"Uh, um," Tohru was starting to panic.

"What's wrong my little flower?" Shigure asked.

"She's not your-" Yuki and Kyo started but stopped when Tohru ran out, "Tohru/Miss. Honda!" Kyo and Yuki yelled in unison and ran after her with Shigure not far behind.

Tohru ran into the forest not noticing that Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure were following her. Tohru swiftly removed her apron as she ran through the forest. Kyo caught the apron, "Where's she going?" Kyo asked.

"Who knows," Yuki said, "But all the same let's follow her to make sure she's okay."

Tohru continued to run not even breathing heavily, "Dang, how is she not breathing heavily?" Shigure asked.

Tohru suddenly stopped and Yuki, Kyo, and Shigure ran into each other and quickly hid behind a bush, "Move your foot stupid cat!" Yuki whispered.

"Move it yourself!" Kyo whispered.

"Well, well, well," a voice said.

Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure turned and saw a woman with long red and a purple dress that came to her knees and showed her bare feet, "Hello little Tohru," the woman said.

Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure went wide eyed, "Wuya," Tohru said growling slightly.

"Since when does Tohru growl?" Shigure asked.

"I didn't even know she could growl," Kyo said shocked.

Wuya chuckled, "I hear you're living with zodiac members," she said.

Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure went wide eyed, "Where'd you hear that?" Tohru asked.

Wuya laughed evilly, "You tend to forget what Master Fung taught you," Wuya said.

"No," Tohru said, "I'll always remember his teachings."

"Is that why you don't train anymore?" Wuya asked.

Kyo would have done a spit take if he had water, "Did that woman just say train!" Kyo whispered, "Tohru doesn't train, she doesn't even fight!"

"That's none of your business," Tohru said angrily.

Wuya chuckled, "I hear you're living with a very special zodiac member," Wuya said.

Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure looked at each other in confusion. Tohru glared at Wuya, "Touch him and you'll die," Tohru said.

Kyo went wide eyed, "Did Tohru…just say a threat?" Kyo asked his cousins.

"Miss. Honda?" Yuki said in shock.

"That's not my little flower," Shigure said and Yuki and Kyo were too shocked to hit him.

Wuya laughed, "We'll see monk, we'll see," Wuya said and started to walk away, "You better keep protecting him or I may just remove-"

Wuya was stopped when Tohru did a double flip and kicked Wuya in the head, "I'd take my warning more seriously," Tohru said glaring, "I was, and still am the best fighter of the Xiaolin Monks and I still train not that's it's any of your business. Now, leave, or I'll send you to the Yin Yang World."

"Okay, that's frightening me," Yuki said.

"Very well," Wuya said, "But know this," Wuya said magic surrounding her hands, "You can't protect him forever," and with that Wuya disappeared.

Tohru growled, but turned around and started to walk back, "Wuya," Tohru said with venom, "That witch will die if she comes within 3 feet of him."

Tohru then jumped into tree and swiftly jumped from branch to branch. Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure were shocked, "Who knew our little flower held her own secret?" Shigure said.

"But why would she keep it from us?" Yuki asked.

"To protect you," Tohru's voice came behind them.

"Ah!" Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure yelled and turned to Tohru who looked like she just landed on the ground.

Tohru stood up straight, "You followed me?" Tohru asked still in 'monk mode'.

"Uh, maybe," Shigure said, "Depends, are you going to hurt us?"

Tohru closed her eyes, "Look," Tohru said going back to 'Tohru mode', "Don't tell anyone else about this or you'll get hurt."

"By you or that woman?" Yuki asked.

Tohru looked at them, "The woman, Wuya, will stop at nothing until she gets who she wants."

"Who exactly is she after?" Kyo asked.

Tohru looked at the three of them and sighed, "Follow me," Tohru said going back to 'monk mode'.

Tohru walked farther into the woods. Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure looked at each other before following Tohru, "Miss. Honda?" Yuki said as they walked.

"The first thing you need to know is that I knew about your curse way before you found me in the woods," Tohru said.

"You WHAT!" Kyo yelled, "Do you have any idea what Akito will do if he found out!"

Tohru turned to Kyo serious all over her face, "Akito can't hurt me even if he tried," Tohru said.

"What are you talking about?" Yuki asked, "When you met Akito for the first time you were hurt."

Tohru went back to 'Tohru mode', "I faked it," Tohru said, "It was the only way for me to stay and protect who I need to protect."

"Faked?" Kyo said, "You had bruises all over yourself!"

"A small price to pay," Tohru said going back to 'monk mode'.

"Quit with the mood swings!" Kyo yelled.

Tohru arrived at a lake, "Why are we at the lake Miss. Honda?"

"You wanted to know you I needed to protect," Tohru said back in 'Tohru mode'.

"So, you brought us to the lake why?" Kyo said, "And I was sure I said to stop with the mood swings!"

Tohru turned to Kyo and the others and bit her lip, "Frist, you have to promise you won't tell anyone what I'm about to tell and show you," Tohru said.

"Sure thing Miss. Honda," Yuki said, "You keep our secret so will keep yours."

Shigure nodded, "Now what is it?" he asked.

Tohru took a deep breath and turned to the lake, "Wudai Neptune Water!" Tohru yelled.

The water in the lake shot up and surrounded Tohru, "What the!" Kyo yelled.

"Miss. Honda?" Yuki said in shock.

Shigure fainted. Tohru turned to them the water still surrounding her, "How! Who! What!" Kyo yelled.

"My mother was the daughter of the Xiaolin Dragon of Water," Tohru said.

"I thought they were just legends," Shigure said waking up.

"And I thought the Chinese zodiac were legends," Tohru said.

"Point," Shigure said, "But who do need to protect?"

Tohru put the water back in the lake and turned back to them, "Wuya," Tohru took a deep breathe, "She, she wants to take control of the Cat's True Form."

Kyo, Yuki, and Shigure went wide eyed, "What?" Kyo said shocked.

Tohru made a ball of water appear in her hands, "Xiaolin Recall," Tohru said.

The ball of water began to glow and Wuya appeared, "Remember when Wuya said this?" Tohru asked.

"You better keep protecting him or I may just remove-"

"Yeah," Kyo said, "But what does that-oh!" Kyo said looking at his bracelet.

Tohru nodded and put the water back, "Yeah," Tohru said.

"But, how did you know about us?" Yuki asked.

Tohru looked at them, "The Xiaolin Monks are, well, the protectors of the cat," Tohru said, "In my grandfather's generation it was Kimiko because she came from Japan, but there wasn't a protector last generation because there were no monks. The Xiaolin Dragons didn't choose people that generation."

Kyo looked at Tohru, "So, you're my protector?"

Tohru nodded, "I'm sorry I never told you."

Kyo blinked, "So, you can fight?" Kyo said smirking.

Tohru smirked back, "You want to try?" Tohru asked arms crossed.

Kyo's eyes sparkled, "Bring it."

Tohru shrugged, "Catch me if you can," Tohru said and jumped into the tree branches and jumped from tree to tree.

"Get over here!" Kyo yelled jumping into the trees following Tohru.

Yuki and Shigure looked at each other, "Okay," Yuki said, "Maybe this will stop him from fighting me."

Shigure laughed and he and Yuki started walking towards the house. All the way there they could hear both Tohru and Kyo laughing.

A/N Okay that's Chapter one. Again, I've only seen the Anime, but I've seen all of Xiaolin Showdown so hopefully this is alright. So if something happened in the Manga that's wrong in this story please don't tell me. Please R&R.