This is a collaboration with my friend HennanneH, I wrote the first chapter and then she will write the next one and so on :)

The pairings will mainly be: Style, Bunny, Stenny, K2 plus some secret pairings and some goth drama that will come up in later chapters :)

This is my first South Park fanfiction I've ever written, so it might not be so good... but I hope you'll enjoy it anyway!

Disclaimer: We do not own South Park, Matt Stone and Trey Parker does :p

Stan walked up to the goth kids where they sat outside the school. He said hello and then sat down next to Dylan. He always enjoyed how silent they all were, sitting and reading poetry while they smoked. That's why Stan needed them today, he was in desperate need for a smoke. He had spent so much time with Kyle these last weeks so he haven't had time to buy any cigarettes. Kyle hated it when he smoked.
Stan loved Kyle, so he had tried to quit smoking, but it wasn't easy, so he took every chance he could get to do it while Kyle wasn't there. Now Kyle had an advanced math class, so it was the perfect time.

Dylan didn't react when Stan asked him if he could get a cigarette, he was so busy reading an Edgar Allan Poe book. Stan called his names many times before he finally caught his attention.

"Give me a cigarette, Dylan." He said but Dylan just shook his head.

"Sorry, Stan" he replied "this is my last one."

Stan tut his nose and moved closer to him.

"Can we split it?" He asked and tried to make puppydog-eyes. Dylan smiled at him, then he inhaled the smoke and pressed his lips against Stan's and exhaled the smoky air into his mouth. Stan caught himself not only enjoying to breathe in the smoke, but also feel Dylans lips against his. They were not splitting the cigarette anymore, they were kissing. Stans heart beat faster as he deepened the kiss. He moved a little bit closer so he could easier put his arms around Dylans torso, still kissing him, for a second he wanted to keep kissing the red haired gothic boy forever but then the other red haired boy came into his mind. Kyle, his best friend. No, not only best friend - they were more than that now! What was he doing?

He pushed Dylan away and hurried back into the school. The last thing he saw was Evan and Henrietta, Dylans best friends, looking shocked at first Stan and then at Dylan. Stan knew that Evan and Dylan had a history together and he hoped that he wouldn't get in trouble for this. He knew that they wouldn't tell anyone, at least. Most of the peoples from the school didn't even look at them, but what if someone else would have seen it? After all the trouble he and Kyle had gone trough just so they could be together! He could have ruined all of it! He hated himself! The tears ran down his cheeks and he felt sick, he got to the bathroom just in time to throw up. Stan washed of the puke from his face and sat down on the closed toilet seat. He felt the tears burning in his eyes.

He wasn't even sure if it was the thought of losing Kyle that he was upset about or if he was angry at himself for almost making it happen. Either way he hated himself for being so stupid. He sat there and cried until he felt nothing but emptiness inside and he couldn't cry more. Then he got up and looked himself in the mirror. His face was a total mess. The eyeliner he had used earlier that day to blackening his eyes were now smudged all over his face. He tried to wipe the most of it off before walking out of the toilet.

He was standing by his locker, feverishly chewing on a mento to get the taste of puke away when he felt an arm around his waist. It was Kyle.

"Hi, how was your math class today?" He asked, trying to sound as normal as he could.

"I don't know, didn't pay very much attention..." He said and put the other arm around Stans waist to, forcing him to turn around and look at him. Stan looked into kyles big beautiful green eyes. He felt so guilty. "..Couldn't stop thinking of you." He finished the sentence and moved a little closer to him. Then he started to look worried.

"Dude, what's happened to you?" He said and frowned. Stan looked away.

"Nothing." He silently replied. Kyle looked really worried.

"It doesn't look like nothing. It looks like you've been crying.. And what's that smell? Have you been smoking?" Stan wasn't sure if kyle were worried anymore, now looked more angry. Stan suddenly felt really angry too. Kyle had no right to talk to him that way!

"None of your business." He looked away again.

"But stan, can't you see that I'm worried of you? You know that it's really bad to smoke!"
Stan pushed Kyle away, he was so angry that he even kicked at his locker.

"Screw you Kyle! I'm so fucking tired of you trying to change me all of the time! Why can't you just accept that I'm not perfect? That I'm not in an advanced math class, because I'm not that smart! Or that I smoke."

"But Stan..." Kyle put a hand on Stans shoulder but Stan took another step back.

"I am who I am, and there's nothing you can do about it so you can either accept it or..."

"Or what?" Stan could hear the panic in Kyles voice.

"..or maybe we shouldn't be together..."
Kyle didn't reply, he just stood there without saying a word with tear-filled eyes. Stan was crying, too. He couldn't remember the last time he had cried in school and now he'd done it two times in one day. Stan closed his locker and then he ran down the corridor, away from the guy he loved. He wanted to turn back, before it was too late, he wanted to kiss him and tell him how much he loved him. He really did love him, he knew it was true. It wasn't only attraction, it was real love. It would be okay, right? Because Kyle loved him too! At least he thought that he did. He had reach the end of the corridor and turned around. Kyle was gone. Stan started cursing, leaned against the wall and closed his eyes.
Then he suddenly heard a familiar voice.

"I saw you..."