I do no own sailor moon in any way. Sadly L
Hey its been a while since I wrote anything on here so please forgive the bad spelling and blabbering on just got to get used to it again haha.
"Serena called the meeting? Now I'm worried" Raye sighed, as she and the other scouts waited at the temple for their so called leader to arrive.
"Give her a break Raye, maybe this is her finally taking control of what she needs to do." Mina smiled.
"Well we'll soon find out here she comes."
Everyone turned to look at the steps and saw the unique blonde hair running up the steps.
"Even late for her own meeting." Moaned Raye as the others shook their heads.
"Sorry I'm late guys." Serena said out of breath as she finally reached the other members of the group.
"Well we've waited long enough so spill already"
Serena stared at her raven haired friend. Why did she always have to be soon mean? She was trying her best really she was, just no one seemed to understand.
"Serena what is it?"
Serena then turned to look at Amy who has a look of worry stretched across her face. She had called them all here to explain the bad news she had been given but now that she was here she realised how hard it was going to be. She looked down at Luna who nodded her head in support for her to tell her best friends that she wouldn't be with them much longer.
"Well… I guess there really isn't any other way to say this but…."
"Spit it out already!" Shouted the impatient tempered priestess.
Serena sighed in defeat she couldn't stall any longer. "I'm leaving."
"WHAT!" The scouts shouted together in shock as Serena began to sob.
"My parents think that being here is effecting my grades and education. My dad got offered another job in America and they think it's too good an opportunity to decline. They hope that by giving me a fresh start that I'll do better in school" Serena explained sniffing as tears formed in her eyes.
"Yeah right. They could take you all the way to the moon and back but your not gonna get better grades meatball head" Raye spat.
"Raye give her a break. Can't you see she's upset?" Lita came to Serena's defence. "When do you leave?"
"Next week. When the school term finishes."
Serena lay in bed that night looking at the ceiling of her room. Soon this wouldn't be her room. She would be in a place she didn't know with no one she knew, she wouldn't have any friends or special places she could go with memories of when she was a kid or having fun with her friends. It was a new beginning her parents had told her but what did that really mean. No matter where she was she would still be the same Serena. She would just be failing her grades in a different school, and crying in a different place.
"Serena. What are you thinking?" Luna asked as she lay next to Serena on the bed.
"Nothing's going to change Luna. I'm not going to just become a A grade student because they've taken me away."
Luna looked at the girl she had looked after for a year begin to cry herself to sleep. She just wished there was something she could do.
Darien was walking down the street when he froze at the sight in front of him. She was running wild about to knock him to the ground. Infact it looked like she was going to walk right past him as though he weren't even there. This can't be the Serena he knew.
"Meatball head?" He asked uncertain.
Serena looked up at hearing her much hated nickname. "Oh….hey Darien." She smiled lightly as she continued to walk past him.
"Hey what's wrong?" She heard him ask.
"Nothing? Why would you ask that?" Serena stopped and looked at him.
Darien looked at his watch then back to the young girl he normally tormented. "Well your going to be at least half and hour early for school, which in my book calls for you to see a doctor straight away."
She had to smile at his mocking her, because she wouldn't see him after this week. His teasing and name calling would be gone, and for some reason it hurt she would have it in her life even though she hated it.
"And you didn't even try and insult me when I called you meatball head." Darien continued as he stared at her astonished. He raised his hand to her head. "Hmmm you don't have a fever."
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine and no doctor will be needed. I better get going to school." Serena smiled as she turned and began walking to class.
Darien watch until she had disappeared determined he would find out by the end of the day why she was in such a depressed mood.
Why was it bothering him so much? So she hadn't been herself this morning, but maybe she was just in a bad mood. Why couldn't he get her off his mind, he hadn't been able to concentrate at all throughout his lessons he just kept seeing her sad face in his mind. He certainly couldn't go on like this for the rest of the day. She would be home by now so he made his way to her house.
Serena closed the door and took her shoes off but didn't walk further into the house. She had told Molly today that she was leaving next week and all her best friend could do was cry for half an hour. Why couldn't her parents just decide to stay her whole life was here. How were the scouts going to fight the negaverse without her?
Darien walked into the street which her house was on and stopped in his tracks as he saw the front lawn. There standing at the gate was a 'for sale' sign. So that was why she was so upset her parents are moving to god knows where. Why did he feel as though his heart had just sunk to the very pit of his stomach. They were barely even friends so why was he so scared to lose her. Without going to her house to see her, he turned and walked away.
Please review and I'm sorry I promise it will get better.