X vs. the Survey
Kitsune-yasha (author): Anou…I got this idea from Tori, who write Gundam Wing fanfics. The survey isn't a very good one. It's a poor combination of one Carla-chan sent me and one I sent to all my friends. So ahead of time, credit for the idea goes out to Tori (who did a Gundam Wing survey quiz WITH A PLOT) and to Carla-chan who emailed me the quiz where most of the questions come from.
Also, I'm not familiar with some characters, like Yuzariha. So sorry if a lot of the info is wrong! Don't flame me over it, ok?
Oh, CLAMP owns X/1999 and Card Captor Sakura. Yu Watase owns Fushigi Yugi. Somebody owns "Legally Blonde".
Chapter One: The insanity begins: Yuzariha
Yuzariha had gotten a quiz from one of her friends. Of course, she always got a quiz from one or all of them and it was like every quiz she had received, but that day, she had decided to try something different than send it back to her friends: she would send it to her teammates, the Dragons of Heaven. She had long ago obtained all their emails by politely asking- even Subaru's, which had been harder than hell to get (she begged him for a month before he finally gave in).
Hey, guys! This is a survey I got from some friends! I thought it would be fun to see your responses!
She started to fill it out.
What time is it? 6:00 PM
Name: Yuzariha Nekoi
Nickname: Yuza-chan, Nekoi-chan, 'Riha
Age: 14
Location: My room, at my computer
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Boyfriend or girlfriend: whoever sees Inuki.
Piercing: None :(
Tattoos: EEK! Never!
How much do you love your job?: I'm a student. Does that count as being a job? If so, I LOVE it! As for my other job (Dragon of Heaven), it has its ups and downs, but I like it.
Home town: Tokyo, Japan
Favourite food: Ice cream!
Favorite type of music?: Pop! And some rock, I guess…
First thing you say in the morning?: "Inuki!"
What phrase are you known for (your personal catch-phrase)?: I don't have a catch-phrase, but I have a kawaii smile that everybody knows me by!
Have you ever been kissed? If so, where and from who?: I haven't been kissed :(
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: No, but I sleep with Inuki!
What are you wearing at the moment?: My school uniform (yeah yeah…I'm too lazy to change right now)
Coffee or tea?: Tea! Why would I like coffee? Yech!
Favorite sound(s)?: Music, the wind, rain
Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: Not yet, but I hope they don't make me cry =^_^=
Been in a car accident?: I certainly hope I never will!
. Croutons or bacon bits: Bacon bits =^__^=
coke or Pepsi?: Coke, of course…but Pepsi is good too… Oh my *frowns* I don't know which to choose!
biggest hope for the future?: that we win and that the one person who saw Inuki says he loves me!
Favourite Holiday: Any holiday that allows me a day off from school
Favourite day of the week: Sunday (no school!)
Favourite word or phrase: "No da!"
Why?: It's a Chichiri quote! What's there not to love???
Favourite Toothpaste: Anything that has a nice minty flavor!
Favourite Restaurant: That ice cream parlor not far from Ueno Park (A/N: *face fault*)
. Favourite Flowers: Daisies (they're so sunny and beautiful!)
Favourite Drink: Anything caffeinated (except for coffee), especially soda!
Favourite sport to watch: None
Preferred type of ice cream: Any type! =^_^=
showers or baths?: Showers- quicker.
Disney or Warner Bros.?: O_o Those are American companies, right? Um, no comment!
Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this: some weird junk mail from a place advertising a view into the life of college girls having fun. I'll have to check it out after I'm done with this! =^_^= (A/N: No, Yuza-chan!)
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: No! I'm a good little girl! *innocent grin*
Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card?: Any clothes shop!
What do you do most often when you are bored?: I read, talk to Inuki, talk on the phone, go out for ice cream, chat on yahoo! Instant messenger (inuki_no_miko, for the curious)
Most annoying thing people ask me: "Will you go out with me?"
Your response to #45?: "Can you see my dog?"
Bedtime: 9:30 on school nights
Who is the person most likely to respond?: Karen, because she's nice and usually does!
Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond?: Subaru. He'll probably delete this… :(
Favourite all time TV show: Card Captor Sakura!
Last person you had dinner with: My parents
Last Movie you saw and with who?: "Legally Blonde" with my friends (it was this weird American movie…I didn't get a lot of it…)
Favorite computer game: Solitaire
Do you hate the person who sent this to you?: Of course not! I love all my friends!
Time Finished: 6:20 PM (hey! I had to think about some of these!)
Yuzariha clicked the send button. When it was sent and the screen returned to her inbox, she clicked the email she got about the college girls having fun.
"I always wondered what college girls do in their spare time!" she said, clicking the link in the email.
Next: Kamui!
Kamui: *pouts* Why must you be so mean to me? My life already sucks!
KY: Because we love you, Kamui-chan!
Bob the Virgin Incubus (KY's muse): I don't.
KY: *elbows Bob* Stuff it, Bob.
Kamui: *sniffle sniffle* WAAAAHHHH!!!!
Kitsune-yasha (author): Anou…I got this idea from Tori, who write Gundam Wing fanfics. The survey isn't a very good one. It's a poor combination of one Carla-chan sent me and one I sent to all my friends. So ahead of time, credit for the idea goes out to Tori (who did a Gundam Wing survey quiz WITH A PLOT) and to Carla-chan who emailed me the quiz where most of the questions come from.
Also, I'm not familiar with some characters, like Yuzariha. So sorry if a lot of the info is wrong! Don't flame me over it, ok?
Oh, CLAMP owns X/1999 and Card Captor Sakura. Yu Watase owns Fushigi Yugi. Somebody owns "Legally Blonde".
Chapter One: The insanity begins: Yuzariha
Yuzariha had gotten a quiz from one of her friends. Of course, she always got a quiz from one or all of them and it was like every quiz she had received, but that day, she had decided to try something different than send it back to her friends: she would send it to her teammates, the Dragons of Heaven. She had long ago obtained all their emails by politely asking- even Subaru's, which had been harder than hell to get (she begged him for a month before he finally gave in).
Hey, guys! This is a survey I got from some friends! I thought it would be fun to see your responses!
She started to fill it out.
What time is it? 6:00 PM
Name: Yuzariha Nekoi
Nickname: Yuza-chan, Nekoi-chan, 'Riha
Age: 14
Location: My room, at my computer
Hair: Black
Eyes: Brown
Boyfriend or girlfriend: whoever sees Inuki.
Piercing: None :(
Tattoos: EEK! Never!
How much do you love your job?: I'm a student. Does that count as being a job? If so, I LOVE it! As for my other job (Dragon of Heaven), it has its ups and downs, but I like it.
Home town: Tokyo, Japan
Favourite food: Ice cream!
Favorite type of music?: Pop! And some rock, I guess…
First thing you say in the morning?: "Inuki!"
What phrase are you known for (your personal catch-phrase)?: I don't have a catch-phrase, but I have a kawaii smile that everybody knows me by!
Have you ever been kissed? If so, where and from who?: I haven't been kissed :(
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: No, but I sleep with Inuki!
What are you wearing at the moment?: My school uniform (yeah yeah…I'm too lazy to change right now)
Coffee or tea?: Tea! Why would I like coffee? Yech!
Favorite sound(s)?: Music, the wind, rain
Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: Not yet, but I hope they don't make me cry =^_^=
Been in a car accident?: I certainly hope I never will!
. Croutons or bacon bits: Bacon bits =^__^=
coke or Pepsi?: Coke, of course…but Pepsi is good too… Oh my *frowns* I don't know which to choose!
biggest hope for the future?: that we win and that the one person who saw Inuki says he loves me!
Favourite Holiday: Any holiday that allows me a day off from school
Favourite day of the week: Sunday (no school!)
Favourite word or phrase: "No da!"
Why?: It's a Chichiri quote! What's there not to love???
Favourite Toothpaste: Anything that has a nice minty flavor!
Favourite Restaurant: That ice cream parlor not far from Ueno Park (A/N: *face fault*)
. Favourite Flowers: Daisies (they're so sunny and beautiful!)
Favourite Drink: Anything caffeinated (except for coffee), especially soda!
Favourite sport to watch: None
Preferred type of ice cream: Any type! =^_^=
showers or baths?: Showers- quicker.
Disney or Warner Bros.?: O_o Those are American companies, right? Um, no comment!
Who is the last person you got e-mail from before this: some weird junk mail from a place advertising a view into the life of college girls having fun. I'll have to check it out after I'm done with this! =^_^= (A/N: No, Yuza-chan!)
Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: No! I'm a good little girl! *innocent grin*
Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card?: Any clothes shop!
What do you do most often when you are bored?: I read, talk to Inuki, talk on the phone, go out for ice cream, chat on yahoo! Instant messenger (inuki_no_miko, for the curious)
Most annoying thing people ask me: "Will you go out with me?"
Your response to #45?: "Can you see my dog?"
Bedtime: 9:30 on school nights
Who is the person most likely to respond?: Karen, because she's nice and usually does!
Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to respond?: Subaru. He'll probably delete this… :(
Favourite all time TV show: Card Captor Sakura!
Last person you had dinner with: My parents
Last Movie you saw and with who?: "Legally Blonde" with my friends (it was this weird American movie…I didn't get a lot of it…)
Favorite computer game: Solitaire
Do you hate the person who sent this to you?: Of course not! I love all my friends!
Time Finished: 6:20 PM (hey! I had to think about some of these!)
Yuzariha clicked the send button. When it was sent and the screen returned to her inbox, she clicked the email she got about the college girls having fun.
"I always wondered what college girls do in their spare time!" she said, clicking the link in the email.
Next: Kamui!
Kamui: *pouts* Why must you be so mean to me? My life already sucks!
KY: Because we love you, Kamui-chan!
Bob the Virgin Incubus (KY's muse): I don't.
KY: *elbows Bob* Stuff it, Bob.
Kamui: *sniffle sniffle* WAAAAHHHH!!!!