Tig walked out into the parking lot. Tara's car was gone, she had left her keys with the guys since neither Tig nor Happy had there bikes.

"Shit!" Tig said to himself. He pulled out his prepay and dialed Half-Sacks number.

"Hello?" came the sleepy reply from the clubs prospect.

"Prospect, I need you to come pick me up at St. Thomas." Tig said quickly.

"Tig, what goin on?" The young boy questioned yawning.

"Just come pick me up, Now." Tig said shutting his phone. He walked over to one of the benches in front of the hospital and sat down. He pulled out a cigarette, lit it up and took a long drag. He understood why Happy left, he and Happy were very similar.

Neither of them were good with feelings or emotional situations. Happy was upset, he felt guilty. They were the killers of the club, and when someone gets hurt on their watch …especially someone they care about it hurt something fierce. Half sack showed up with one of the tow trucks, Tig hopped in.

"You seen Hap?" Tig asked the young prospect. He nodded.

"Yeah, he's at the clubhouse. I think he's trying to drown himself in a bottle of Jack Daniels." Half Sack said looking at Tig. Tig sighed. They pulled into the clubhouse not to long after that, Tig practically ran inside.

He saw Happy sitting at the bar, an ashtray full of cigarettes and an almost empty bottle of Jack his only company.

"Happy, what the hell are you doin man?" Tig said walking over to the bar and sitting down. Happy looked towards him and grunted.

"That girl needs you and your drownin your ass here?" Tig asked taking the almost empty bottle from the bald man. Happy just looked up and tried to take the bottle away. Tig pulled the bottle from Happy's grasp and threw it against the wall, glass shattering and what little jack was left splattering on the wall.

"The fuck is your problem?" Happy shouted at Tig, getting nose to nose with him.

"I ain't the one with the problem brother." Tig said not backing down. Happy shook his head.

"What the fuck would you know." Happy yelled.

"I know there's a scared and hurt girl at the hospital who cried herself to sleep tonight because of you." Tig said glaring at Happy.

"What the fuck was I supposed to say to her." Happy shouted back.

"Silence would have been better than you running out." Tig shouted getting even closer to the bald man.

"You don't know a fucking thing." Happy said in a menacing whisper as he shook his head.

"The fuck don't I know, enlighten me!" Tig shouted. Happy's whole head was a shade of scarlet, he looked ready to explode.

"She was raped." Happy stated eerily calm. Tig's eyes went wide.

"Jesus brother, I didn't know." Tig said shaking his head.

"What the fuck am I supposed to do. Every time I even think about her I want to kill something." Happy said going to the bar and lighting a cigarette. Tig followed him lighting up his own and sitting down.

"Well, it don't matter how you feel, think about her. How she feels right now." Tig stated taking a drag.

"How do I fix this?" Happy asked sounding helpless. Tig thought for a second.

"You get your ass back to that hospital and be there when she wakes up." Tig stated. Happy shook his head.

"She won't want to see me." Happy stated looking defeated.

"Hap after you runnin out like that tonight, you are exactly what she will want to see." Tig said looking at Happy with reassuring eyes.

Kate woke with a start. The hospital room was dark, just the first signs of sunlight coming through the window. She took in her surroundings. Then she heard it, a light snore coming from her right side. She turned her head, and saw Happy. He was sitting in one of those horrible plastic hospital chairs. His head was lulled to one side and his arms were crossed over his chest. Kate smiled sadly. She reached her good arm out and shook his knee.

"Happy, Hap. Wake up." She said quietly. Happy slowly awoke. He moved his head back and forth and rubbed a hand over his face.

"What time is it?" He asked through a yawn. Kate shrugged as best as she could.

"Early I think." She said not looking at the older man. He nodded.

"Kate about last night…" Happy began. Kate shook her head.

"I understand Tony, I don't want to be around myself right now." Kate said sadly. Happy shook his head.

"That ain't why I left, Kate I was pissed. I was so pissed I was about to blow, you didn't need ta see that shit." He said taking her hand. Kate tensed at first but slowly melted into the small gesture of comfort. She nodded.

"So your not disgusted by me?" She asked looking at him in the eye. He shook his head.

"You're my sunshine, you could never disgust me. I just…I ain't good at processin this emotional shit." He said with a slight chuckle. Kate nodded in understanding. She yawned and stretched, then winced.

"These fuckin ribs, there gonna be the death of me." She said trying to relax. Happy chuckled.

"You should get some more sleep Sunshine, Gemma will probably get here first thing." He said with a smile, Kate nodded. Happy stared moving around trying to get comfortable in the small chair. Kate laughed then grabbed her side.

"Come here knuckle head." Kate said moving over to the far left side of the bed. Happy looked at her confused.

"What?" He asked. Kate shook her head.

"Come up here, there's plenty of room." She said patting the bed. Happy stood up and then lied down next to her. He put his arm around her middle. She tilted her head so that it was resting against his chest. She closed her eyes.

"Night Tony." She said drifting off to sleep. Happy smiled to himself and closed his eyes.

"Night Sunshine." He said drifting off as well.