A/N: This is a co-written story between me and InnocentKitsune444 :D Kiara is her OC and Jordyn is mine!

One Step Closer

Chapter One

Side of a Bullet by Nickelback

And in the wake of his mistake
So many lives are broken
Gone forever from a loaded bullet
And no excuse you could use
Could pull somebody through it
And to this day so many say
God, why'd you let him do it?

Kiara was running. She had to. She had to leave here or else…She didn't get to finish her thought as she noticed her chasers were catching up.

What should I do? Her dark forest green eyes glanced around her worried. I can't let them catch me!

"Please let this work." She whispered slowing to a stop. She closed her eyes. Just as one of her chasers moved to grab her…Kiara disappeared.

"It's my life! It's now or never! I ain't gonna live forever!" A black porsche zoomed past the 'Welcome to Mystic Falls' sign. The driver, a teenaged girl with chestnut brown hair, had the window rolled down with the stereo blaring. A smirk was on her face, her silverish emerald eyes bright.

She glanced behind her in annoyance as she heard the familiar sound of a police siren.

Jordyn rolled her eyes and sped up, expertly avoiding running into anything. Incompetent poli- "What the hell?" Jordyn swerved the car to a stop before she spun around to look in the backseat.

Sitting there looking dazed was a young woman with long bluish-black hair whom had seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

Kiara did not realize that teleporting would give one such a headache. The girl driving the vehicle, not much older than Kiara herself, swerved the vehicle to the right before she turned around and faced Kiara. She repeated, "What the hell?"

Kiara knew this place was not hell because she had just come from hell. However, "what" and "the" were English words and that narrowed it down to a few Earth countries.

Kiara looked into the girl's eyes and recognized her as a fellow nonhuman. "You're a witch, yes?"

Even as Kiara sighed in relief, glad she had not fallen into a human's vehicle, the girl said a few choice words before saying, "You work for Klaus don't you?"

Kiara had never heard of Klaus and certainly didn't work for him. She attempted to correct the young girl's assumption but the girl was convinced and there is no stopping someone who is fully convinced.

"You can tell Klaus that I'm not going to help him and that threats don't scare me!" The witch mumbled a cover spell and escaped from the vehicle. Kiara crawled into the front seat and looked out the window at the man climbing out of a similar vehicle, except this vehicle had fancy, multi-colored lanterns on the top. The man heaved himself out of the vehicle, it took a mighty heave because the man had a mighty lot to heave out.

He shuffled to the vehicle Kiara was in and said, "Ma'am, do you realize that this is a stolen car?"

"Oh dear," said Kiara. "Oh dear."

How the hell did Klaus find me already? Jordyn wondered in a panic as she finally undid her cover spell. She had thought she'd be safe from him finding her for at least a few weeks.

As Jordyn thought back to the girl who had appeared in the car that she had "borrowed", the more confused Jordyn became. She was confused because the girl wasn't like the other supernaturals Klaus had sent after her previously. There had been something almost like….innocence surrounding the girl, which confused the young witch even more.

It was probably just another one of Klaus's tricks. I mean, what's the possibility that a supernatural would appear in "my" car within less than twenty-four hours of me escaping Klaus? It's ridiculous.

Shaking her head, Jordyn walked into a building with the words 'Mystic Grill' above it. Whatever was to be her next move would have to wait until she got something to eat.

As the witch tool a bite of her burger, she looked up and caught the eye of a dark-skinned girl with long, black hair. The moment Jordyn's eyes landed on the girl, she knew she was a witch.

It's hard to explain, how a witch immediately recognizes another witch. It's like…an invisible chord of kinship that you simply just know. A bond, some would call it. Others, a curse considering not all witches have good intentions.

Nonetheless, Jordyn had a feeling that, in that instant, she had made a friend. Or so she hoped…

Jordyn shook her head at her foolishness and forced herself to look back down at her food.

Friends are for the weak. Make friends and Klaus will only use them against you…

She noticed a guy at the bar staring at her with a smirk. Jordyn stared back, eyes narrowed. There was something about the guy….something deadly.


Jordyn turned her gaze back to her table startled and saw the dark-skinned girl standing in front of her. "I'm Bonnie. Bonnie Bennett." She held out her hand towards the chestnut haired girl.

Jordyn shook her hand and gave her a slight smile. "Jordyn Andrews, nice to meet you."

Oh who the hell cares what Klaus will do? He's not invincible!

As Bonnie sat across from her, Jordyn did her best not to sigh in annoyance at her next thought….And when the time comes, I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Kiara had escaped from one prison to be thrown into a new one. The man who had captured her called himself a puh-lees ah-fi-sir, and seemed to act like one of the nicer enforcers of her home.

There was a bed in the cell, but there were no beds in the cells back home. There was also a puh-lees ah-fi-sir in the cell room was watching her with a weird smile on his face that unnerved the girl.

"I've seen that smile before." A voice said from a nearby cell. It was a man's voice, a young man's. "Is there a pretty girl over there Officer Pervert?"

The puh-lees ah-fi-ser (officer?) scowled at the direction of the voice. "Shut up Lockwood. Your mommy isn't here to protect you this time."

"Why would I need her to protect me?" Lockwood retorted, sounding annoyed.

"Cause you're in my house now boy. My hou-"

"Whose house is it Peter?" A woman who looked to be in her early to mid thirties with short blonde hair had walked in.

The puh-lees officer, Peter, turned redder than Kiara's mom's hair. "Your house chief, I-I mean Sheriff."

Kiara smiled when she heard a word she understood. Chief. Chief were the heads of families.

The Sheriff greeted Lockwood and then said, facing Kiara, "Hello. You must be Kiara the Car Thief."

Not knowing what else to do she nodded but said, "I didn't take the care. I didn't."

"I believe you." The Sheriff said.

Lockwood groaned. "If only it worked that easy for everyone. Tell me your secret Pretty Girl."

"Tyler," the Sheriff let out a groan. "She has proof." She pulled out two pictures, both of the vehicle. She pointed at the brown-haired girl driving. "She had the car here and here. The second picture is a red light two miles from where we picked you up. I don't know how you got into the car but you obviously didn't steal it. You're free to go."

Peter unlocked Kiara's cell door. She hesitantly exited. The Sheriff turned just before leaving. "Tyler, you're free to go too."

Tyler whooped. "Finally!"

Peter rolled his eyes. Drawn by the mischievous nature of her species, Kiara began to sing loud and purposely off-key a song she had once heard her mother sing. "This is the song that never ends! It just goes on and on my friend."

Tyler, who recognized the tune, smirked at Peter before joining in on the next verse with Kiara, "One day somebody started singing it not knowing what it was and they'll keep on singing it just because."

After the fifth rendition of the Neverending Song, Peter got fed up. He took the cell keys from his pocket and threw them in no particular direction. Peter smirked, Kiara forgotten, and left the cell room.

"Pretty Girl?" Tyler asked.

"My name is Kiara." She replied.

"Um okay, Kiara. Can you hand me the keys?" Tyler asked.

Kiara looked at him for the first time. He's handsome. Very handsome. More than-

She shook her head banishing the thought before looking at Tyler. He had black hair and chocolate colored eyes. He was tan which contrasted nicely with his white tee and a pair of worn jeans. She noted that it looked as if he had been in a fight or something to that effect.

Tyler was gifted, a…wolf-shift? Kiara could sense his ability in her head but didn't recognize it. She picked the keys up off the ground and unlocked the cell for him.

He shot out of the cell, "Thanks Kiara. I was going crazy in there."

"Glad to have helped." Kiara smiled.

"No really. Thanks." Tyler said. "What can I do to make it up to you Pretty Girl."

"Kiara." Kiara stated once again before asking, "Could you tell me somewhere I could stay?"

"In Mystic Falls? Nowhere." Tyler answered.

"Mystic Falls?" Kiara asked.

Tyler nodded. "The town your in."

Kiara nodded and asked slowly, "What is a wolf-shift?"

Tyler hesitated a moment too long before smiling. "A wolf-shift? I've never heard of that."

"Of course you have. Maybe not by that name but-"

"Look chick, I don't know what you're talking about but you seem a little bit crazy." Tyler interrupted. He stormed out of the cell room, leaving Kiara alone.

Whispering to herself, she said, "I think I like Pretty Girl better than Chick."

Kiara left the cells and found herself on the edge of a pathway. Across the pathway was a building called the Mystic Grill. Not knowing what else to do, Kiara went inside.

"How long are you going to be staying here?" Bonnie asked, watching as Jordyn took a long sip of a drink before answering.

"I honestly don't know. A few weeks maybe." Jordyn shrugged.

"I haven't really met many other witches." Bonnie stated. Jordyn could tell that the girl was happy at meeting one of her own kind.

"Lucky you." The chestnut haired witch remarked. At Bonnie's look, Jordyn explained. "Obviously, not all witches are good. Actually, a lot are the whole stereotypical power hungry witches or warlocks you see in B movies. Though I do have to admit," Jordyn let a ghost of a smile cross her face, "that it's nice to meet a witch who isn't bloodthirsty."

Bonnie's dark brown eyes studied her. "You act as if you've met a lot like that."

Jordyn sighed. "Life sucks and let's leave it at that." She subconsciously bit into a fry, eyes roaming the place until they fell on a familiar, innocent looking supernatural who was looking around in awe at the place.

A frown crossed Jordyn's face. What is she doing here? Bonnie hadn't noticed this as she stood up.

"Well, I better get going. Are you planning on going to Mystic Falls High?"

Jordyn looked at Bonnie. "I guess…." She didn't really want to go back to school but it was necessary to blend in here so….

"Well, see you Monday then." Bonnie left and Jordyn stood up, slowly walking over to where the supernatural from earlier stood, towards the back of the place.

"What are you doing here?" Jordyn demanded in a fierce, quiet tone.

The girl blinked in surprise at her before a bright smile crossed her face. "You're the witch."

Jordyn frowned at the girl's reaction. Why wasn't she afraid of Jordyn? If Klaus had sent her after Jordyn then he'd have informed her to be on her guard around her.

"Oh, I have a question." The girl said, looking up at Jordyn with big, forest green eyes. "Who is this Klaus person you mentioned before?"

The hot dark haired guy Jordyn had noticed earlier suddenly looked at them, eyes narrowed.

Hmm…Jordyn arched a brow at him before looking back at the girl. "Don't you work for him?"

She shook her head. "No I do not." She gave Jordyn a smile. "I'm Kiara." She held out her hand. Jordyn stared at it with a frown.

A worried look crossed Kiara's face as she put her hand down. "I'm sorry. I thought it was customary to shake hands on Earth."

Jordyn just stared, trying to figure Kiara out. "You talk as if your not from Earth."

Kiara smiled, slightly confused. "Because I'm not."

Jordyn stared, arms crossed, a frown still on her tan face. This doesn't make any sense. "Where else could you be from?"

"Hell." Kiara said simply. At Jordyn's look, she replied completely innocently, "Some call it the Dark Dimension."

Jordyn left, Kiara following after her, to talk somewhere else.

They didn't notice the sapphire eyed vampire following them.

Kiara had a giddy smile on her face. The witch was walking with her and Kiara just knew they were going to be the best of friends. "Witch?"

The witch stopped walking, they were in a wooded area, and turned to face her. "My name is Jordyn."

"Hello Jordyn." Kiara said smiling. "Who is this Klaus person?"

"Later." Jordyn said, shaking her head. "For now, I want you to tell me about this Dark Dimension of yours."

Kiara looked around and said, "Well, it's a lot like here except, you know, darker and everyone is mean. Very, very mean. People are nicer here."

"They are?" Jordyn raised an eyebrow.

Kiara nodded enthusiastically. "Oh yes. Except for Officer Peter Pervert-"

"Peter Pervert?" Jordyn blinked.

Kiara nodded. "That's what the wolf-shift called him."

"What's a wolf-shift?"

Kiara tired to put it into words. "A man that's…also a wolf."

Jordyn smacked herself in the head. "A werewolf."

Kiara nodded again because that made sense. "Yes, a werewolf. He was very mean. He called me crazy and said he wasn't a wolf-shift, I mean werewolf."

"Do, um, are there humans in the Dark Dimension?" Jordyn asked. Kiara nodded. "Do they know about supernatural people, like you and me?"

"Yes." Kiara replied.

Jordyn laid a hand on Kiara's shoulder. "Here on Earth, the humans don't know. Wolf-boy didn't realize you were supernatural."

Kiara saw a blur out of the corner of her eye and instantly caused a wall of blue fire to surround her and Jordyn before the figure could attack. Vampire. She realized with dread. "Please don't hurt my new friend."

The vampire leapt away from the flames just as Jordyn asked, "Friend?"

Kiara looked at Jordyn wide eyed. "You are my friend, right?"

"Uh, I guess." Jordyn couldn't find it in herself to say no to Kiara's hopeful, innocent face.

Jordyn turned her eyes to the vampire, eyes narrowed as she recognized him as the guy from the Mystic Grill. "Who are you?"

The vampire smirked. "Damon Salvatore."

Jordyn blinked recognizing the last name from what Klaus had said. "Salvatore? As in one of the humans some chick named Katerina played around with?"

Damon's eyes were narrowed. "So you do work for Klaus."

The witch's mouth fell open in surprise. "Me? Hell no." Not anymore at least.

"What does hell have to do with his?" Kiara asked confused.

Jordyn looked at the girl, whom she still didn't know what kind of supernatural Kiara was. That wall of fire…. "It's an expression." Kiara's mouth formed a silent 'O' and she nodded.

Damon arched an eyebrow. "Is she stupid or something?"

"Stupid?" Kiara's mouth turned into a frown. Kiara didn't know why the vampire decided to insult her. Her lower lip trembled as she remembered the insults bestowed on her back home for not using her powers.

"Great job old man." Jordyn scowled at Damon She may have only really just Kiara for an hour but still. Kiara called her a friend and friends were something Jordyn was in a really short supply of. There was nothing she wouldn't do for her friends. Also, Kiara reminded her of Ri….

"How was I supposed to know she'd get upset? What does it matter anyway?"

"Shut up and leave before I kill you, vampire." Jordyn spat the last word as if it were an insult.

"That sounds awfully close to a threat." Damon remarked, leaning against a tree.

"No, really?" Jordyn arched a brow.

Damon appeared in front of her instantly. "Just remember, human, Mystic Falls is my turf. I won't hesitate to kill you."

"The feeling is entirely mutual." Jordyn turned away and began walking away with Kiara. She stopped all of a sudden and slightly turned her head. "Oh, and there's one thing you're mistaken about."

"What?" Damon asked with a bored expression on his face. Suddenly he was blown back into a tree, hitting it hard.

Jordyn looked at Damon with completely silver eyes. "Me being human."