Authors Note- This is Chapter one, but also the Prologue and a Sample Chapter. I didn't want to post this until after I got out of school, but it was just too tempting. This time i'm going to try an Update only on weekends. Chapter 2 though probably won't be updated till after May 26. I edited as best as I could. My BETA is MIA at the moment so I'm looking for another...Any volunteers?


Chapter 1


I stood in the rain watching the sky cry. My question was, is it crying for me or with me? This had to be my fault. If I hadn't tried to stop the girl near the river from jumping, I probably could have saved her.


My hand covered my face. Hiding my eyes, but not stopping the tears that trail down my cheeks as I dreamed. Shielding me from my past that pledged my sleepless nights. My mother, she was my sun as a kid. The color of her bright long orange hair only added to her brightness. She was kind, loving, caring… Everything the kid I was could want. So how could I, someone so happy with her, kill my own mother?

It was raining, despite that my mood, was high-spirited. I was walking home with my mother coming back from martial arts class at the dojo. That was when I spotted the girl next to the river edge about to jump.

"Ichigo? Ichigo! Come back here? Where are you going?" she called after me as I raced to the girl near the river. How could she not see her? I'd question.

Why was I the only one able to see her? Even now I still don't know that answer. Sometimes I feel like I somehow imagine that girl.

"What are you doing! Don't do it! I yell at the side of the river bank over my mother's shouts.

That's when everything suddenly goes black and I can feel myself falling. When I awoke I felt the weight of something around me and for whatever reason the ground was bleeding. Was that even possible, I thought. The color of it took too long to register in my head because at the sight of it, I had become cold and numb. I turned my head slightly only to find my mom's body on top of me. My hands covered in her scarlet life-blood trying to shake her awake. My frantic heart drowned out the sound of the rain.

"Mom!," I wasn't quiet sure what I was looking at. Five long gagged, ugly gashed had slashed across her flesh, bleeding into her shirt. I chocked at the sight. Bile clogged my air ways causing me to hyperventilate. She can't be dead I wouldn't accept it, but I had no choice. Her flesh was so pale and the only color I could see was that hideous red. I wept heavier then the sky that day. Unable to understand how I killed her…my own mother.


"ICHIGO!" shouted my over hyperactive father, Kurosak, Isshin. I side step and watched my father fly out the window with a thud.

I leaned out of the window and shouted, "What the hell do you think you're doing you crazy old man! What kind of father attacks his own son while he's trying to wake up!" I turned away from the window, only to be surprised that my father was already back in the room.

Without warning he did a round house kick on my face. I was too shocked by his quick recover from a two story fall to dodge. The blow sent me crashing into my computer desk; breaking it into pieces. "That's why Ichigo! You're reflexes are too slow! How is it that you did better when you were half awake?" he shook his head in disbelief.

I blinked away my confusion and glared at my father. "You owe me a new computer you bastered! This is child abuse!"

"I don't see a child. Do you?" he said haughtily.

With a vengeful glare, I punched him out of my room into the hallway wall then slammed my door shut.

"Ichi-nii breakfast is ready!" shouted Yuzu from downstairs.

I sunk into my bed and sighed heavily. Looking at my alarm clock I was going to be late for school. I took my time in the shower. That dream had left me in a cold sweat, but the water seem to washed the memory from my mind only leaving the guilt and pain that I didn't want to fell. Finally after thirty minutes I got out, dress, got my bag, and headed for Karakura High School.

"Ichigo what about your food?"

I grabbed the toast and waved a thanks to Yuzu and continued walking. Once I got outside I was already for the day to be over. Not long did it take for the only feature about me to get some guys attention.

"Hey man what's with the bright orange spiky hair? You going to a costume contest or something?" Loud laughter soon followed his remark.

I turned my head slightly to see how many this time I would probably have to fight. I cursed. There had to be at least seven. For some reason my loud hair would cause me to get heavily ridiculed. I kept on walking, hopping they would leave from my lack of interest. If I had to fight them though I'm sure I can take them. This was a waist of time anyway, I didn't need anything else to make me late. I looked at my watch, "Damn it!" I shouted. I took off running towards the school and of course those thugs behind me thought I was running from them. I could hear heavy laughter and footsteps pursuing me. "God, I don't need this right know," I muttered. I quickly ducked into an ally to catch my breath.

"Hey I think he went this way!"

After I was sure they weren't going to find me, I turned another corner only to run into the bastered who made the remark about my hair.

"Where do you think you going?"

I smirked at him, "What dose it look like. I'm wearing a uniform. I'm obviously a high-school student trying not to miss my home room , but seeing how I'm already late, I see no point in trying to advoide you."

A vein suported on the mans balled head in irritation. "You know I use to have hair like-"

"Look man, I don't want to hear about your time as a student or when you had hair. It fell out, get over it already."

From the side of my eye something shined in the sunlight. Without warning something cold was pressed against my temple and I was being held down. "How 'bout I just shave that bright hair off you head and leave you a bloody mess!" he hissed in my face.

I blinked away my foggy vision only to realize that I was surrounded. When had they gotten here? "Or, I say irritated, "I beat the shit out of you, and walk away clean" I growled.

I watched the wheels turn in his head as he did a take back. I knew what he was thinking. He thought that I was a cool headed, stuck up teen with an attitude. Before he could blink I punched him square in the jaw and quickly got on my feet to defend myself.

"That quiet a punch kid, but my blade his sharper," he said with a glint in his eye.

I stood my ground even though the outcome could be me ending up dead. What the hell, Live for the moment as my dad always says. All at once they charged at me. I gladly met them half way. I took on cuts and punches at the same time while adding on my own punches and cuts, but every time I would knocked one down another would take it's place. Not long was I starting to feel overwhelm with vertigo. I was bleeding furiously in multiply areas and some of them had got in a good few punch that will leave me black and blue for a good time. Somehow I had left an opening for one of the thugs causing me to get punched into a wall. When I tried to get back up I was quickly pinned once more. A wound above my eye started to flow freely obscuring the view in my right eye. The leader suddenly came into sight. I smiled with approval when I saw his left eye was closed and already swelling up. When he smiled I noticed he was missing a few teeth.

"You did quiet a number on me kid. Now I'm definitely skinning you alive." Before he could get the blade near me he was suddenly knocked to the side. I slid to the floor spent, wishing I could go back home.

"Well well well, look who we found guys. It's our pal Ichigo," yelled Renji.

"Shut it loud mouth, and I didn't need your help. I could have taken them," I said as he helped me up.

"Oh really?" he questioned with a teasing smile. Before I could move out of the way Renji already had me in a head lock. "You're so weak Ichigo that you can't even break out," He boasted and he jammed in fist in my hair.

"Ah what the hell! Get off me!" I growled as I threw him off.

"That's enough Renji," came Chad's voice.

"How did I get dragged into this anyway," came the annoyed voice of Ishida, Uryu.

"Hey you didn't have to come! So stop your complaining!" Snapped Renji.

"Man can you guys talk any louder?" I complained.

"We just saved your ass. A little gratitude would be nice!"

"Thanks," I said took off for school. I couldn't afford to get another detention. Yuzu would get Karin to kick my ass.

"My my, what are we going to do with him?" suddenly came Gin Ichimaru's voice.

"I'm not sure, but the alpha Ookami wants him really bad for some reason. Anyone know why?" asked Uryu.

"Not a clue," said a new voice.

"Toshiro! Gosh don't sneak up on me like that! Giving me a heart attack, especially when you're so short! AHHH! What the hell are you trying to kill me.

"Shut it Renji. You have such a big mouth. You're giving me a headache."

"Jokes aside, what are you doing here? You too Gin. You two were suppose to stay at the school. Ulquiorra can't be left alone."

"Don't worry Renji, we have him on a leash," smirked Gin.

As a reply to Gins remark Ulquiorra let out an annoyed growled, "What was that you snake, I don't think I heard you correctly. How about I get a leash and wrap it around your worthless neck?"

Gin ignored him. "Ookami wants to speak with us."

"What about Ichigo?" spoke Chad.

"We'll see our friend by lunch. We can't have *Ookami waiting now can we." I whispered.

At that moment a loud savage howl ranged threw the air sinking into our bones. A shudder racked it's way out of our bodies causing each and every one of us to snarl with anticipation and fear. We suddenly stiffen at the thought of keeping Him waiting. He showed none of us any mercy if his time was wasted. No one could escape from the leash he had on us all unless he let you go. You'd die trying to get away. All of us had our reasons for becoming tied down to him. Some more shameful or violent then others. Only one *Lobo has ever excepted from Ookami. He somehow rivaled our Leaders power, but was killed in the process of trying to become Alpha.. Some of the pack just thinks he fled and married some woman in who-knows-where land. The rest thinks he's dead… There's one thing in common that the whole packed agrees on. We don't regret becoming a *Ookami Otoka.

*Ookami Otoka (Japanese)-Werewolf- as one the to names are classified togather.

*Lobo (Spanish)- Wolf- is refering to the werewolves that were changed buy the Ookami who were.

*Ookami (Japanese)- Wolf- I'm refering Ookami to the leader of the pack.

Well what did you think? All kinds of comments are welcomed. I'm very open minded so i'm open to ideas, though i have a good idea of where I'm headed with this story. R&R!