The legendary sword part 4: Maka and Soul's turn to meet Excalibur?
Why us? Soul pondered as he watched the legendary sword Excalibur dance around his livingroom. Blair had long gone leaveing Soul and his Miester alone. Maka was prancing around the kitchen attempting to make the special tea the rodent wanted. Suddenly a white cane swooshed in his face yanking his earphones from him.
"What the-" Soul began only to be enteruppted by the white demon.
"FOOL! You must take part in my five hour story telling." Excalibur ordered. Soul was an inch from slicing the sword intwo when his miester walked in with a tray of tea.
"Here you go Excalibur." she said as she brush her pigtails from her face. One sip from the small cup and the glass was thrown at the young girl. Soul lunged for his miester as blood from the cut skin dripped to her neck.
"Hey watch it you stupid-" but once again Soul was interupted.
"FOOL!" Hhe shouted thrusting his cane in the two teens faces as Soul held his now fuming miester back from attacking. Slowly he pulled Maka toward the bathroom closing and locking the door behind them.
"Ok new plan. Lord Death want's us to watch him as my first official Deathscythe mission right?" Soul began. Once Maka nodded he continued.
"So all we have to do is make sure no one comes to claim him during the week that we have him. So we just stay locked in our bathroom and allow the small freak to choas mahyem all alone." he finished as his voice cracked from his giddyness.
"And if someone comes or one of us has to go to the bathroom or shower?" Maka deadpanned. Soul remained silent now thinking over his plan.
"Soul that thing is going to need to go to the bathroom to and to hell if it goes in my house." she fumed.
"Our house." Soul automaticlly corrected. Suddenly a strong disgusting smell reached their nose's.
"Oh hell no." Soul cursed.
"To late. And I was so hopeing it was potty trained." she sulked before giving Soul the you clean it up look.
"Rock, paper, siccors." he replied holding out his fist. Maka grinned as she mimicked his stance. After three tries and Soul loseing each one the albino sulked out to meet his fate.
"HOW THE HELL CAN YOU SHIT OUT SOMETHING THAT HUGE!" she heard her weapon scream. Holding her breathe she stompped out to see the damage. Once she entered the living room she wished she had rethunk her plan. A pile of dung bigger than her bookshelf stood before her. Soul was backed into a corner holding his nose and covering his lower face. The smell was horendous as Excalibur ranted about the importance of dry cleaning or something like that.
"Maka do we put his nose in it or what?" Soul asked his miester caustiously. she shrugged as she handed him the paper towels from the kitchen. Soul's eye's switched rapidly between both the pile and towels.
"You have got to be kidding me?" at Maka's silent reply he sighed. "So uncool." And with that the albino went to work cleaning the mega doo doo pile. After two hours of curseing and an accident includeing Blair speeding through the weapons feet causing him to fall face first into the incessive crap Soul had finished.
"Clean up and then come help me cook dinner." the blonde miester laughed at her sulky weapons defeated look. Without any struggle he wordlessly stulked to the bathroom and closed the door. In the now clean and disenfected livingroom Excalibur marched around proclaiming his excellance. With a sigh Maka fixed her pigtails and began taking down the ingrediants needed for dinner. Soul had reappeared after she started boiling the water for spegettie.
"Um, my favorite." he whispered as he licked the bottom of her ear. Maka smirked as she turned and wrapped her arms around the older boy. As they inched closer to each other a small white figure rushed in.
"FOOL'S!" Excalibur called out slicing his cane between the young couple.
"What the hell is your problem!" Soul yelled as he shoved his miester behind him.
"FOOL! My legend dates back to the twealth century. I began my morning's with a cup of herbal tea in my backyard. I was a ruff and tuff person..." Excalibur trailed on as Soul turned off the cooking pot and tugged his partner out the door.