Hey guys! It's been FOREVER since I've written something! ^^ I'm a little out of practice, so bear with me. I had a little bit of writers block with this story plus general laziness ^^"

England isn't quite as grumpy in this fic O_o I shoulda done drunk England :3 Very short fic


"You don't know how happy I was when I found out that the Destroyer of Time was one of my citizens!" England gloated.

Allen Walker was having tea with England. His very own country of birth. Somehow, England was not how he thought he would be. The blonde man had thick eyebrows and a short stature. When Allen first met him, he seemed grumpy. But gradually as they talked and sipped tea, the country soon started to open up.

"I'm flattered." Allen smiled as he took a sip of his tea.

"I'd like to see the frog's face now." It's a good thing they weren't drinking beer.


"That wine-sipping, snail eating, rose loving, bastard France!" England furiously snapped his tea cup to the table, causing Allen to jump in surprise.

"Excuse me, I don't quite follow." Pandora's box was just opened. God save us now.

"Ever since we first met, he's always somehow thought that HE was the BETTER country! But NO! He is WRONG! I mean come on! Joan of Arc? Napolean? I mean really!" As the blonde nation continued to rant, Allen gently placed his tea cup down and silently snuck out of the room. Closing the door gently, praying that his country wouldn't notice.

As he continued to walk away, Allen could still hear England ranting about France. It didn't take long for him to find Kanda.

"How was it?" he grunted.

"We had a nice chat."


I'm going in the order I'm getting requests. They're still open~

Next character: Perverted France