I do not own Durarara!
...and I'm still torn over whether to make Mikado a Nekomata (a type of demon cat) or another vampire.
Well, let's not copy Izaya. He's enough of a vampire. Which makes this an AU.
On with the story!
Mikado walked home. Even if it was two AM in the morning, tonight had a beautiful full moon. Even if he had only been in Ikebukuro for a week, he knew how to roam. After all, the one ability he could develop in Saitama was Shadow Walking.
That still didn't make Masaomi retract his warning about how dangerous the people who inhabit the city could be.
After all, who wouldn't want to hurt someone as naïve as Mikado? With his blue eyes, innocent face, and dark blue to the point of being black ears and tail, the Nekomata was a demon both feared and respected for its deposition.
Well, Masaomi knew that Mikado would prank a human, but he wouldn't kill one.
Still, the Elf worried about his dark haired friend.
Mikado leapt up onto a wall, and continued walking. Okay, so it was a ledge, six inches wide. And the wall was the third story of a decrepit building.
He would land on his feet if he fell down.
Nearing his apartment, Mikado jumped down. It was then the vampire quit stalking him and wrapped fur lined arms around him.
"Mmmm, what do we have here? A snack?"
Hot breath ghosted around the furry back of his disenchanted ears, before a mouth with blunt teeth bit him. Gently, but with a tease of the hidden pressure that could be exerted.
"Nyah! Stop that!"
Mikado swung back with his arm, keeping his claws sheathed. He would rather not make enemies tonight.
"Besides, Vampires can't kill my kind or turn us. What do you want?"
"Nothing in particular. Just you."
The vampire was grinning, teeth gleaming in the moonlight. He was oddly dressed, wearing a fur lined coat that might have been a parka. Mikado eased off more of his human disguise. His eyesight sharpened.
Wait a minute….
"Ah? You recognize me? I'm delighted." The way the vampire spun around and posed reminded Mikado of an exuberant child. One with a very twisted, sharp, logical mind.
"Orihara-san. Kida-kun introduced us. Did you already forget?"
The vampire stopped his act.
"Eh! Mikado-kun! You're a nekomata? What are you doing in Ikebukuro? Don't you know it's dangerous?"
"The only people Masaomi warned me about were you, Heiwajima-san, The Dollars, and the color gangs. Is there anyone else I should be worried about?"
"Well, yes. A great many people. Too many to list. I'd promise to keep your secret, but if I told on you, you'd just tell on me." Izaya shifted to a more relaxed stance.
"You can put your hands in your pocket. It is cold out." Mikado offered a small smile, to show he wasn't threatened by the knife Izaya definitely had.
Bad choice.
No, not the knife permission. The smile. The small, heartwarming, good-intentions smile that Mikado offered anyone.
Izaya was kissing him before Mikado realized he had moved.
Now, vampires aren't overtly sexual people. At least, by their standards. To a human, they are wildly inappropriate. While Izaya is expressing just how cute Mikado is by kissing the expression off his face, Mikado is resisting the urge to claw the vampire.
Right in the gut. Just sink his claws in and sink into the shadows.
"Pwah! Sorry, you were just so cute right then. Instinct."
"O-oh yeah. That was covered in cultural differences." Mikado struggled to breathe evenly and not pant into Orihara-san's face. His tail was curled around him, safeguarding his waist from attack. Mikado gently shrugged his way out of Izaya's embrace.
At least the vampire retained the sense to only hold his shoulders. If those hands had gone anywhere else, they would be in a death match right now.
"I'm going to head on back home. But, if you get into any trouble, just call Masaomi. He'll get me if the trouble's too much for him to handle. Bye!"
With a very cheerful demeanor, Izaya skipped off towards Shinjuku. Mikado shook his head and climbed the stairs to his apartment. Vampires had the weirdest, and dangerous, mood swings of nearly all the Supernatural beings that were still flesh and blood.
Of course, if he was a vampire, than perhaps Heiwajima-san wasn't completely human himself? After all, most vampire creeds considered it dishonorable to hold back during a fight. Even if the vampire was a loner, they still held onto most ways of their life.
Mikado shucked his clothes and picked up the human set of pajamas that his parents had packed him. Blending in required a lot of work. Pulling out his papers, Mikado set up two more wards against evil intentions, and then changed for bed.
He would fix his ears and eyes in the morning. He was not bothering to hide his tail, it was easy enough to wrap around himself to hide. Besides, is he stood near a shadow during Physical Education, no one would notice he had a tail, and Masaomi was cool with loaning his own shadow for Mikado's protection.
Kneading the futon's surface, Mikado turned around and curled up to go to sleep.
A/N: No idea what the pairings will end up being, or if there even will be pairings. I just wanted to turn Mikado into something….not human.