"The Mermaid's True Tail"

I got writer's block on my other story. I'm gonna delete it. Sorry if you liked it and if you didn't read it, good for you. THIS IS CONTESTSHIPPING. If you hate this, leave damn bastards!. If you support this, go on reading.

Disclaimer: I don't own the pokemon character's names but I do own Konohanna, Hana and Miko and Drew's parents and his butler .I also don't own the songs

The king Mer-people, King Norman, had been a widower for many years. His wife, Caroline died and left him six beautiful daughters namely May, Misty, Dawn, Konohanna, Hana and Miko. May was the youngest of the mermaids.

They were taken care of their grandmother Elizabeth, who would tell them stories about the world above them. May was only 4 when she lived up to the stories

"Grandma that was a wonderful story" said a 12 year old Miko

"Grandma, is it true that we could swim up there and look a the surface?" Said May

"Yes dear"

"Oh joy!"

"I wish I could kiss a prince from up above" said Hana who was already 10

"The only thing you'd be able to lay your lips on is a pillow" said a 7 year old Misty tauntingly

"Hey! I don't… Usually…kiss it." Hana blushed in rage.

"Tch, Yeah right" replied Misty.

"Will you guys cut it out, I'm trying to read here" said Konohanna who was already 9

"You're always reading" said a 8 year old Dawn

"Will you guys ever stop" replied May

"OK girls lights out!" said grandma


"No buts get your tailfins into you beds"

"Yes, Grandma"

They all kissed their grandmother goodnight and slept in their beds soundly. They dreamt of being free and being swept away by a handsome prince. They all hummed as they slept but only one remained awake. May was thinking…

"What's it like to be up there? I wonder? What if someday I'll be up there? What if I could meet a prince? Would he love me for just me? Will he be forever mine?"

She wondered through her thoughts humming a soft melody

(The last part of "Part of your world") "Out where they walk, out were they run, out were they stay all day in the sun. Wondering free wish I… could be… Part of that world…."

She hummed it until she slept soundly in her bed. Dreaming of the day when she'd wake

Up and find the one she's been looking for…

11 years later…

It's finally here; my heart is beating in my chest. It's finally the day I've been waiting for. May woke up in the morning and smelled the fresh ocean air.(ocean air?) She rapidly swam down the stairs (wait do they still need stairs?) and hurriedly ate her seaweed spaghetti and toast with underwater jam. Her father laughed at her hurried expression.

"What's the rush?"

"I wanna hurry; I don't wanna miss my chance in going up to the surface now do I?"

"Wait just a minute you're forgetting something"

May kissed Norman's cheek

"Yes that AND the fact that it's this evening"

May's jaw dropped as she heard this. Her grandmother (now dead) told her that every time a mermaid was to be brought to the surface was every morning so that a storm would not destroy her. She told this to her father and he replied in a reassuring tone.

"May, you're the youngest, the youngest mermaids run through a different right of passage which is more difficult but it only lets you be strong"

May nodded and went on talking with her older sisters

Miko the eldest who was already 23, Hana who was 21,Misty who was already 18, Konohanna who was already 20 and Dawn who was already 19. They all waited in the room waiting for May to come out of the surface. Each of them were excited. When May finally came out, they all cheered. May shot a confused look.

"What's going on?"

"Surprise, this is your passage party" said Dawn.

"But I didn't go through it yet"

"SAY WHAT?" said Misty

"Umm, Dad told me it was different for the youngest mermaids. I have to go there at night."

"Well this food is going to spoil anytime soon" replied Hana

"Well then what are we waiting for! We can just let it spoil" said Konohana.

"Well guys…"


There was shrimp toast and crab cakes and lemon grass juice. There were chocolate cupcakes Misty got from the shore and a giant wedding cake Hana stole from the couple on a seaside wedding. Apparently they didn't take it out of the box. Hana badly needed it so she took it and swam down.

May looked surprised when she knew about it. She really thought Hana was Miss Goodie-Two-Shoes but in hindsight she was rather bad.

Above the sea line…

"Mom, Dad! Why can't I just marry when I'm like… 29! I'm still 15 ya' know."

"Better early darling" said the Queen also known as Laura .

She, was also known as "Drew's Mother". With her silky, golden locks that cascaded down her back and sparkling sapphire eyes, she was what ideally defined "beautiful and elegant". Her dress swayed slightly as she turned to her beloved husband for support. Her gown was a light, gentle pink with diamonds encrusted at the hem, and a diamond tiara atop of her golden locks. Her voice was soft and sweet, one that encased your body under a veil of serenity.

"What if you gave me a chance" replied Andrew Hayden who was also known as Drew. He had green hair and emerald orbs that could make a thousand girl's faint just with one stare(talk about a heartthrob )

"But it's been so long already"

"Your mother's right Drew! We've given you three months already! Isn't that enough?" questioned King Daniel, a hint of urgency evident within his voice.

He was Drew's father and practically was the spitting image of him. However, instead of the arrogant glint visible in Drew's emerald orbs, his were soothing and held a sense of great wisdom. He flicked his ebony hair irritably, frowning in the process.

He turned to Drew, his eyes penetrating and slightly cold. He wore a blue shirt with gold embroided at the cuffs, collar and hems, and black pants that were of no doubt made of silk. He too, possessed a crown atop of his head, a finishing touch to his image.

"Mother, father" Drew paused, glancing at them both, before continuing "Whatever happened to marrying for love and finding our one and only" he questioned, quirking his brow.

They glanced at one another, Daniel nodding slightly in response. "You have a point son I must admit, but you are a prince, and therefore you have different roles and duties"

Drew groaned, pausing for a few moments to think. "Then, I have a proposal. Give me just one more month. Just one more, and if I cannot find someone suitable to be my bride… then I shall agree to take Princess Akiko's hand in marriage" he responded, his head slumping slightly in defeat.

"I accept" said Laura, an unmistakable smile forming on her face, her body radiating undeniable beauty.

"That's my boy! But Drew, I still cannot see what flaws you see in Akiko. She has almost perfect manners, has good family blood and wealth, and not to mention beauty. You shouldn't keep such a catch waiting; I know there are lines of boys who would ask her hand in marriage in a heartbeat! Don't and I mean don't waste such a precious chance" said Daniel sternly.

"Yes father" replied Drew absently, his voice dull and lifeless.

"You really should give girls more of a chance Drew!" interjected Daniel, detecting his false "enthusiasm" immediately.

"Before we met Akiko, countless not to mention beautiful girls from wealthy families came to ask for marriage but you simply rejected them like flicking off an annoying fly!" chided Laura, disapproval creasing her face.

"Drew, marry her"

She's a one in a million! And the number of girls showing up has decreased severely! I guess news traveled on about the countless heartbreaks you made

"Don't be arrogant! I guess the things that attract girl's most are your looks and your intelligence… it's like a puddle of honey and bees!" interrupted Daniel, causing Laura to glare ever-so slightly.

"I'll be off now mother, father" interrupted Drew quickly, smirking at his escape, as he walked out to the court yard.

Drew was, without a doubt his father's son. He had inherited practically everything of his fathers, even his trade-mark pose, also known as the hair flick. He strolled through their massive rose-bush garden, infamous for producing the most breath-taking roses. They were unique, and unlike any other, a one of a kind. He inhaled the sweet aroma, a sense of tranquility enveloping him in its open arms.

He favored the rose, for its utmost beauty, radiant color and powerful meaning. It was one of the strongest meanings of love a boy could express.

How much is a fifteen year old supposed to take? Forcing me to go into marriage! thought Drew, venting out his frustration on one of the red, velvet like petals of a rose.

Its velvet touch calmed him slightly, its aroma penetrating through his very soul. Drew sighed. Life just wasn't going his way anymore. He had no choice, his life was spiraling in a direction which he wished not to take, and yet, he could not turn back or change it. He wasn't in control of his life.

There were always certain "duties" to accomplish, whether one wished to take part in or not. It was because one was a prince, and not a commoner. Even from a young age, you were destined to uphold the family name, and everyone treated you as the heir to the kingdom – the one who would take care of thousands of civilians.

The stress was indescribable and there were just so much expectations to be met.

Suddenly, his train of thought was broken by someone's hands that were wrapped around his waist, their face snuggling into his back. He whirled around immediately; only to be centimeters apart from the very person he dreaded seeing.

Akiko Hinamori

The reason of his unhappiness, the person he was going to unwillingly spend the rest of his life with. She closed her eyes, as if waiting for him to kiss her. He pushed her away, visibly disgusted and gagging.

This girl is so annoying, seriously. How am I supposed to handle my life, if I'm spending the rest of my life with her? Thought Drew, horrified at the mere thought. He shuddered just by thinking of it.

Drew groaned. There was no way he could get this girl off him now. She was like an unwanted possession he did not wish to keep, but was unable to throw away. Drew had to admit that Akiko was...beautiful. She had long, jet black hair that glistened in the sunshine. Shimmering violet eyes that stood out against her milky white skin.

Who wouldn't want her to be their bride? But to Drew she just wasn't the one.

Akiko pouted slightly, disappointed. However, she quickly forgot about it, as she flung her arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest. "Drewy... you don't know how much I've missed you!" she squealed.

Drew had often told himself that there was no such things as "soul mates" but this hidden part of himself – a side he'd rarely show privately wished and clung to the thin strand of hope that there was. In fact, he was merely afraid - afraid of perhaps finding the one and losing them.

Akiko was wearing a sun dress with frills at the neck, cuffs, hem and front. A large purple ribbon around her waist and buttons that cascaded from her collar to her waist.

He gave her a harder shove and she came off. She took a step closer to him in a highly seductive manner. Drew walked back cautiously; he just couldn't put a finger on what she was up to. He suddenly stopped, since there was a chair behind him. He, as a reflex reaction placed himself onto it.

Without warning, Akiko sat down in his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck. She smiled at him. She looked even more gorgeous close up but she still wasn't the girl for Drew. She battered her eye lashes at him as she leaned in closer to him. Drew's blood froze immediately.

Holy mother of Mewto, Don't t-tell me she's... she's... going to.. k-kiss me ! he thought, alarmed.

Civilian's thought Drew had always been a player. A master kisser, suave and charismatic, and able to sweep any girl off her feet. Sure, he could get any girl he wanted, but in truth, he'd never kissed someone before. He'd been hugged, he'd been forcefully glomped by others, and even in narrow situations been kissed on the cheek. But still, he'd never kissed. He had wanted his first kiss to be special, no matter how his play boy attitude seemed.

He had always had that façade – that wall that blocked everyone out.

Akiko leaned near his ear and whispered; her voice seductive and velvet-like "You know you want me".

"Pft, like I would want you? You have those pathetic violet eyes which don't melt me soooo easily like those hideous boys who would wanna marry YOU".

"Now Drewy don't you say that to your new wife"

"First off all, I'm NOT YO DAMN HUSBAND! Second of all, I'm not gonna marry you. I have one month to find the "GIRL" of my dreams and lastly, "GET THE F OUT OF ME"

"Hmm, let me think this for just a sec—hmmm—no! Besides, I'll surpass that girl's beauty anytime."

"Please, the only thing that would come close to your beauty is a hippo" he said with a sly smirk

Immediately, Akiko slapped the smirk right off his face. He was thinking ouch that hurt but it was worth it. He said his heart out to that girl; he even taunted her looks that it resembled a hippopotamus. He was the happiest idiot in the world (like some would say)

But Akiko took her last chance. She removed her face from his ear, her face now once again close to his, as she smiled deviously. Drew shivered slightly, not wanting to know what would happen next. His body was frozen, unable to move.

Fortunately, she kissed his cheek and was about to kiss his lips but a voice rang out "Princess Turquoise your parents would now want you home immediately!" Akiko groaned. She had lost her chance to kiss Drew once again.

Drew was relieved. He gave a big puff of air before he pushed Akiko out of the way.

Out came a short man in average, working clothes. He was her escort, also known as the guy that drives Akiko's horse carriage. The short man had long brown messy locks and toothy grin. He wore shabby clothes. Just a simple white shirt, brown jacket, brown pants and a pair of shoes.

Akiko after a long pause reluctantly got off Drew's lap. She smiled a smile that dripped with sweetness. "Bye my Drewy Kins!" called Akiko, waving at him. She blew him a kiss and strutted off to her carriage.

Drew flicked his hair, as he wiped his forehead. The heavens had blessed him, and he was forever in debt. Drew sighed happily and walked back into the castle.

That night Drew tossed and turned, he having one thought on his mind. The prospect of an arranged marriage. He opened his window and looked at the stars, one of his favorite past times. He looked at all the constellations as he sighed.

The stars was scattered over the curtain of darkness, shimmering majestically with the crescent moon. The illustrious light gave a sense of comfort, knowing that darkness was not complete. A slight, chilly breeze came by, the trees rustling ever so slightly. Not a sound was heard, as the Pokémon slept soundly, immersed within their slumber.

He knew it was a wonderful night to catch some fish and beautiful pearls. He first requested his father's permission. He gladly accepted his request. Drew head off to the sea coast. He grabbed a small crew and one large crew ship and set sail to the middle of the ocean not knowing that our dear Princess May's kingdom, Atlantica was just below his ship.

On that same night, May's sisters prepared May's hair and tail and decorated it to show the mermaid's right to passage. May was so excited she couldn't even breathe. Norman was so happy that all his daughters successfully done the right of passage. Now all of them would mature, if only May would live an hour up on the surface.

May swam up the shore, hoping to find a nearby ship.