A/N: The last part of TSHM is finally here! Woot!

I still cannot believe that it's finally over. I'm feeling excited and at the same time worried in writing this up because I can't decide whether to be happy or not that TSHM is finally reaching its end. After hard work at thinking up events and plot, unhealthy amount of time spent on train trips to write it up, my first ever puppy-love fic would come to its end at the end of this chapter.

A big thank you to all of my much-loved reviewers who bothered to give me the time and effort to leave comments and encouragements for me to keep on going, the readers who put this story into their faves and alerts. You guys are the best!

I hope you will enjoy this one last installment on The Star and His Moon.

Note on this chapter: I've edited this chapter in order to cut out mainly the MA-content. The unedited version of this story is in the process of being posted on my lj account: yhime27.


Chapter 12

When they neared the Great Hall to get their breakfast that morning, they can see an unexpected person waiting in front of the door, seemingly waiting for someone. As soon as Tim Jennings spotted the four of them, he straightened himself and started to approach them before stopping to stand in front of Remus. Jennings clearly felt as bad about the break-up as Remus was, probably even worse, if the state of his tired eyes were to go by, and Sirius couldn't help but felt bad about how the other boy must've felt. Remus still hasn't told him anything about what happened between him and his ex-boyfriend and Sirius knew that such a thing needed time and he didn't want to rush him into speaking and feeling uncomfortable in the process.

But that didn't stop him from turning tense at Jennings' words.

"Remus, may I please speak to you for a moment?"

He knew that whatever unresolved issues that the pair has had to be solved or they won't be going forward and he accepted that. But the thought of Remus being alone with the other boy so soon after their break-up…

It was at this moment that Remus turned to him, his eyes asking for Sirius' permission. He knew that if he so much as let loose a fraction of his current feelings, Remus wouldn't agree to the Ravenclaw's request. It made his feelings somewhat calmer at knowing that Remus still considered him to be his first priority. That it was his opinion and thoughts that counted. He managed to release a rather genuine smile in his boyfriend's direction, his eyes showing all the trust he can bring himself to give to the other, before moving on into the Great Hall; dragging a somewhat annoyed James and worried Peter along with him.

"Sirius, are you sure it's okay for you to leave them alone just like that?" James asked as soon as they were out of the earshot of the two students standing outside the Great Hall.

"What do you want me to do, Prongs? Say no and leave their issues unresolved like this? Jennings had been Remus' boyfriend for the past few months and until last night."

It was as if a sudden light bulb went off on top of his friend's head.

"Oh Merlin, you feel bad about being Remus' boyfriend so soon after they broke up! You actually didn't think you should be his boyfriend yet!"

"Oh, shut up, Potter."

James sobered up, "But seriously though, you shouldn't be feeling bad. It was clear from the start that Remus had never held strong feelings towards Jennings, no matter how hard he tried. You can see that the depth of his affection had always been somewhat…less than what he has towards us. Much less."

Sirius hesitantly nodded and James finally got it.

"But then again, you were probably too blinded by jealousy and too heart-broken to see the truth, huh?"

Sirius sighed before nodded once in defeat. It seemed like there was no point for him to lie to James about it anyway; he'll just get the truth out of him sooner or later.

"Well, that's all in the past. You're with Moony now and there shouldn't be anything that Jennings can do," James stated cheerfully.

"Because if he tried, James and I are going to make sure that he would finally understand the meaning of the word pain," Peter continued suddenly with an innocent smile that belied his words. Sirius and James' eyes widened in surprise at the usually timid boy's words.

Sirius smiled, "Oh, how I do adore you, Wormy!" He exclaimed before tugging the other boy into a one-armed hug that the smallest Marauder returned with a laugh.

"So? What was it that you want to talk to me about?" Remus asked in as neutral of a tone as he could manage.

"Remus, I – I still don't understand why we have to break up. I mean – I love you! Why am I not enough? Why do you care for Sirius so much?"

Remus couldn't help himself from feeling guilty. But remembering what happened the night before, he allowed himself a momentary anger.

"So? What was it that you wanted to ask me about?" Remus asked as soon as they started walking away from Sirius.

"Well, I actually wanted to ask you about next week's Hogsmeade weekend and as to where you would like us to go to. But now? Now I just want to know what the hell you were doing with Black all alone in Forbidden forest," Jennings answered with no small amount of jealousy in his voice.

"I was just trying to help James and Peter from finding Sirius because he'd been missing for awhile from the dorm. They were getting worried and I happened to be lucky."

"Really? Is that all? Because the two of you were looking really cozy just then."

Remus turned his head sideways to face his boyfriend. This amount of jealousy out of such a small thing was completely out of character for the other boy. He knew that he was probably at fault; after all, he'd very nearly voiced his feelings towards his best friend despite the fact that he already has a caring boyfriend to think about.

"Are you implying that I was cheating behind your back? And with Sirius, my best friend, no less?"

"Not you. I know you would never do such a thing, Remus. It's him I don't trust. After all, he's always been a playboy and maybe now that you're finally going out with someone else and has someone who's in higher priority than him, he probably got jealous. He could very well have tried to lure you away from me. After all, he's a Black; attention-seeking and selfish to the core," Jennings sneered.

Uncontrollable anger consumed the werewolf.

"Don't you dare say such a thing about Sirius."

Jennings seemed genuinely surprised. He'd really thought that the other boy would be on his side. Remus had been getting further and further away from the bad influence of those Marauder friends of his, after all.

"What? Remus, surely you don't think that he's good? He's a Black! He's a Slytherin at heart!"

"You don't know anything about him!" Remus shouted in anger. "Don't just assume on things you know nothing about! You've never tried to befriend him despite his effort and so you have no right to say anything of the sort about my. Best. Friend," Remus stated through gritted teeth.

"I don't understand! You were supposed to be on my side! Why are you defending him when he clearly betrayed you?"

Remus laughed a short, bitter laugh.

"Because I know that he would do the same for me. If I were to be the one who betrayed him, he would never turn his back on me when I needed it the most. He's caring and loyal to the core, very much unlike what you just said about him, Tim."

"Remus! He. Betrayed. You. I thought it would be clear that he's no such things?"

"You don't understand him and you don't know him. I don't want to talk about this anymore, Tim. We're already reaching the school and I don't want us to be having an argument in front of other students."

"Fine. But this conversation is not over. We're taking this after dinner, Remus."


They were silent throughout dinner and as soon as they were finished, they found themselves hiding within one of the empty classrooms near the Ravenclaw tower.

"So? Can you tell me just why it is that you were suddenly acting so jealous towards Sirius?" Remus asked as soon as the door was closed behind them.

"Isn't it obvious, Remus? That boy fancies you! He knows that you already have a boyfriend, and yet he still tried to get closer to you and you were always paying attention to him! What part of that is not supposed to make me jealous?"

Eyes wide in shock at the repeated statement of Sirius' feelings towards him, this time coming from his own boyfriend, Remus was speechless for a few moments. "What –?"

"Oh, for Merlin's sake, Remus. Don't tell me you never realised after all this time just how much attention he showered you with? That isn't something that you do towards someone who was merely a best friend, Remus. Sirius Black fancies you. You just have to see the right moments and you'll get it right away."

"So what you're saying is that my best friend, Sirius, somehow has feelings for me and you're jealous because I don't seem to be stopping him from his advances or whatever it is?"

"Well, yes. I think it's quite normal for me to feel uneasy over the amount of affection you're giving him."

"He's one of my best friends! Of course I'm going to be affectionate towards him. In-between us, there isn't anything else but friendship and it would be good if you could please get rid of this unreasonable jealousy. You can't just make it into whatever truth suits your fancy. Sirius fancying me. Honestly."

"Unreasonable? I'm being unreasonable because I want my boyfriend to pay more attention to me, his boyfriend, rather than his best friend?"

"Well, I don't see-"

"Yes, that's it! You don't see, Remus! How can you still blind towards Black's feelings towards you even when you saw with your own two eyes that he'd go as far as secretly shoving a potion down your throat just to confess and take you away from me-"

"Wait a minute, for confessing? I thought you told me that they were using that potion to make me agree to help them disturb Snape even though I specifically told them not to?"

Jennings fell into an uneasy silence.

"Tim? You said you heard them plotting behind my back! What was that all about if the potion was for confessing his feelings?"

"...was...lie..." Jennings murmured.

"You lied! You made me lose my trust in them so that I would distance myself. All because of your jealousy! You would go that far?" The last question was uttered in a soft, unbelieving tone.

"I didn't mean it to get this bad, Remus! I promise! I –"

"I don't want to hear any more excuses from you. From now on, we're through," Remus' cold voice cut through his apology.

Jennings went pale, "Remus! I–I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! Please, give me a second chance! I love you! Does that not mean anything to you? Remus?"

A short, sharp and bitter laugh came from the direction of the brown-haired boy.

"Love me? Is that how you show your love? By bringing unhappiness to your loved one? If that is so, I'm sorry to say that I'm not that kind, Tim. I'm not kind enough to forget and forgive you just like that when you've made me hurt my friends."

"But, Remus – Surely their importance –"

"They're the most important people in my life, Tim. Without them, I'm nothing. And you're right, I do care for Sirius more than anyone else but I would've tried to care for you too. Because I do consider you to be special. Now, it's too late. It's over, Tim. Goodbye."

"Wait, Remus! Remus, please…Remus!"

Remus remained silent.

"I told you, didn't I? It's over for us. There is no need for you to try to fix us because there's nothing that you can do to fix it, Tim."

"But surely you can bring it in yourself to forgive me? Slowly is fine, but I just – I love you and I want us to be together again, Remus. I love you."

Remus felt somewhat guilty despite his best intention to stay angry at the boy who'd lied and broke his trust. The hurt was palpable and clear, but the anger…He always felt guilty over the lack of love he felt for the other boy throughout the course of their relationship, but he wasn't lying when he told him that he was trying. He really tried to care for the other boy and even if he might never cared to Tim more than he cared for Sirus, there might come a time when he would be able to care for them equally. There may come a time when his love for Tim would grow and blossom.

But now it was too late. Unlike his best friends that he could forgive for most of the hurt they caused him throughout the years, Tim hasn't given him time to trust him enough for him to forgive his mistakes. They had only started to get closer and he ended up doing the one thing Remus would find it the hardest in himself to forgive him for. If there was one thing he hated more than anything would be when someone tried to sabotage his relationship with Sirius and thus caused hurt to appear in those beautiful silver eyes. Sirius was clearly hurt because of the misunderstanding that Tim had caused. His words had made Remus utter those hurtful words towards his Sirius.

"I'm sorry, Tim. I really am. But, it's too late. Because you were right; Sirius does love me. And I love him."

"You – You're with him? How could you, Remus? How could you?"

Jennings turned to start running towards the Ravenclaw tower, no doubt feeling utterly hurt and betrayed. But more than anything, the one thing that caused the deepest pain in Remus' heart were his last words. It was just three little words. Three little, hurtful words.

"I hate you, Remus Lupin! I hate you!"

And Remus' whisper fell into deaf ears, "Then may this hate cause you happiness once the pain is over."

Sirius was getting worried. It had been close to fifteen minutes and Remus' profile still hasn't shown itself in the Great Hall. While James and Peter didn't have any trouble eating the maple syrup coated pancakes that appeared on their plates, Sirius couldn't bring himself to even pretend that he can taste what he'd been actually putting in his mouth. All he could taste was worry.

He let go of a breath he didn't realise he was holding in when he saw a familiar mop of brown hair appeared near the entrance. He was one step away from moving himself and seeing that Remus seemed almost just like before calmed him more than anything. He knew that something important had probably happened because he could see the pain and regret in those loved brown eyes. Within seconds, their gaze had met and a mutual understanding that they would talk about this once Remus deemed himself capable and they were in a private environment passed in-between them as swift and naturally as water flowing down a river.

Soon enough all four of them enjoyed their breakfast and it was as if the past few weeks had never happened. The Marauders' corner in the Great Hall was once again filled with raucous laughter of the four best friends.

A red-haired someone sitting few seats down released a small relieved and fond smile.

Thank god everything's come back to normal. Maybe it's time for me to finally make the final move on these growing feelings for Potter.

It had been a few months ever since the whole messy break-up, sudden confession fiasco involving the two Marauders and certain someone from Ravenclaw happened and Sirius couldn't say that he'd ever been happier than he'd been these past months. Remus and he had been getting closer as time passed and their relationship only managed to strengthen the bond that they've already had; the bond that they've nurtured ever since they were merely eleven years old.

There was only one final act that they haven't done as a couple yet. And this would of course be the one thing that was keeping Sirius in his secretly virgin title. There've been kissing, followed by heavy make-out sessions that were becoming a common thing between them and they've even gone as far as giving oral to one another. Simultaneously. But so far, there hasn't been any indication that they were going to go further than this.

Well, that is, until tonight.

The both of them had been doing their nightly dose of cuddling when those chaste kisses and innocent caress had quickly turned into heated snogging and groping session. The most normal thing for them would usually to end the night with some hand actions on each other and quick frotting to finish, but this time, Remus seemed to be feeling bolder than usual.

There was some hesitancy in the werewolf not to hurt his soon-to-be-lover. After initially offering himself, with a shake of a head from Sirius, along with his determined expression, Remus relented. He'd wanted this for so long and he couldn't believe that all of them was coming true.

Tentative thrusts soon turned possessive and passionate until they reached their climax. With the utterance of three beautiful words, the two lovers fell asleep; limbs entangled.

Remus opened bleary eyes and took in his surroundings before processing everything slowly in his sleep-muddles brain. Red curtain...which meant he's in his dorm, warm...naked body next to his...raven tresses...Sirius- Sirius! Eyes opening, mind suddenly alert, Remus realised that they were still completely unclothed, the only thing protecting their dignity was the red sheet that he must've managed to pull up before sleep called him.

But the curtain remained closed and undisturbed, which meant that his imperturbable and silencing charms are still in place. He could feel the hum of the magic that he created; clearly James and Peter decided that the couple deserved some sort of privacy, whether it was out of the goodness of their heart or simply due to the fear of finding them in a compromising, mental-scarring position, he wouldn't know. Probably a mix of both, knowing them.

Now knowing that he's got time on his side, he indulged himself in one past-time that he couldn't enjoy often due to their hectic day-to-day life: watching Sirius sleep. It may sound somewhat creepy if he thought about it too deeply, which is why he usually chose to simply enjoy the simple joy of watching the love of his life in his peaceful slumber, that beautiful face slack in sleep, his expression smooth and innocent; very unlike how he looked awake.

He felt somewhat even more protective of this boy when he looked so defenseless like this. His mind wanting to hide him away from all the pain in the world. Knowing that Sirius was undeniably his made him feel even more responsible for his happiness. He knew this one fact without any hesitance despite no word being uttered from the other boy about it; the way he looked at Remus, his reaction to any physical proof of Remus' claim on him are more than enough for him to quell any insecurity from Remus' side.

It was amazing, the amount of happiness he was able to bring to Remus even unknowingly.

Those ebony eyelashes fluttered, its owner no doubt starting to feel the deep scrutiny that was given to him. Hazy grey eyes met his own brown pair.

"Remus? Is it morning?"

Remus smiled fondly, "Yes. It's time for us to wake up for breakfast soon."

Sirius groaned. "Can't we just skip it and kip to the kitchen later to get some food?" His voice muffled by the pillow he was smothering himself with.

"Alright," Remus replied agreeably. He wasn't about to say no when he could be spending more private time with his boyfriend-recently-turned-lover.

Sirius shot him a blinding smile. Then that pale body started to wriggle itself closer until he was able to drape himself all over Remus who was currently lying on his side, head propped upon his hand and elbow on the bed.

"Thank you," Sirius mumbled into the crook of his neck, his warm breath sending pleasant tingles from Remus' neck all the down his spine. He moved his leg and arm that wasn't used for propping his body sideways to gather Sirius' pliant body closer.

It was comforting, this simple act of cuddling. And to some extent he could even feel it to be a more intimate act than sex. This simple need to touch each other in a chaste manner painted their need for one another and not for each of their bodies; but the simple presence of their most precious person.

If the tiny, pleased sound he was making was any indication, Sirius was very much enjoying this morning cuddling session of theirs too. There wasn't any rush for them to detach themselves from one another and this rare privilege wasn't wasted on the couple; they were both intent on enjoying it as much as possible.

Soon there wasn't even a sliver of space present in-between them; so tangled up in each other that one didn't know where they start and the other end.

It was utter perfection.

Despite the trouble that they would no doubt face from betrayed Jennings, the expected sneers and playful teasing from Slytherin and their Gryffindor students respectively, Sirius felt that they would be able to face it all together.

He's finally got his moon with him now, after all.

Another Hogsmeade weekend was approaching fast and it would be a perfect time for Sirius and Remus to celebrate their six month anniversary as a couple.

These past half year had been nothing but one happiness after another for the black-haired boy. He'd always known that they would be happy as a couple but Sirius had never expected the sheer amount of bliss and contentment that simply consume him. They had their fights, as all couples do it was inevitable, but they were quick to solve it. They weren't perfect, but they were perfect in their own ways simply because they are RemusandSirius and they complete each other.

Remus, Sirius and Peter were currently sitting in the floor of their dormitory room, each taken by their own thoughts involving the Hogsmeade. Peter had gathered courage to ask out the Gryffindor girl that he'd been having a crush on for the past few months and she accepted. He was currently in cloud nine. Sirius was thinking of how Remus and he would spend their day; whether Remus would prefer them staying in, taking advantage of the empty tower or to go out with others. He himself didn't mind, he was simply happy being able to spend any time at all with his boyfriend, whether it was just the two of them or surrounded by others.

As for Remus, he was currently judging and thinking deeply of the best time he could give his six-month anniversary present towards Sirius. Should he give it in the morning? Or at night time? He had spent some time coming up with the idea of what he should give as their anniversary present, and after spending some time in the company of Lily, he finally decided to show the other boy the depth as to how serious he was taking their relationship. It was a simple platinum band, seeing as he was unable to be in contact with silver, and the ring itself was elegant in its own understated way. Engraved on the inside were the simple words: The star of my life – RJL.

Now he simply hoped that Sirius' reaction was going to be as good as he imagined –

James chose that moment to burst into the room in a flurry of movement, "Guys! You would not believe this! Lily! My sweet Lily asked me to accompany her to this Hogsmeade! After years and years of rejection, she asked me to go! And she told me that she would accept my request to be my girlfriend!" He was brimming in happiness and the other three Marauders cannot keep themselves from feeling happy for the bespectacled boy's joy; clapping and congratulating him at finally obtaining the one girl he'd always dreamed of.

It felt as if, after a long time of troubles, everything was slotting into its place.

He was wrong. Sirius' reaction wasn't as good as he imagined.

It was better.


It's finally, really really over.

That's the end of The Star and His Moon, folks. I hope you've all been enjoying yourselves because that is obviously the main reason as to why I wrote up this 12 chapters worth of RemusSirius.

Thank you so much for all of your support all this time. Please give me your last thoughts on this story and chapter to make me feel utterly happy?

I already have few plans for other RemusSirius in my head and I hope I can share it with all of you sometime in the near future. This time with a proper regular, weekly updates. *grins*
