Destiny for Three 9

"You guys did..." Wesley cried as the team ran up to the two, but cut short
when he saw them kissing and whispered, "finally."
"Finally?" Mike muttered to him, "they've always done that."
"That's a love kiss," Mia corrected, "the kiss of true love."

Jayden and Emily heard them and backed up in a scramble.

"Okay, okay," Kevin laughed with the others, "you knew we'd see you."
"Har, har," Emily blushed as the two rose, "like we could help ourselves."

Back at The Shiba House, Mentor Ji was showering the couple in praise.

"The battle between Master X will be horrible," he reminded, "however, I know
this team can conquer anything now."
"Totally," Emily smiled at her team as Jayden wrapped her in a hug.
"Now," Wesley said, "time to celebrate!"

Minutes later, the six were laughing and joking around at the bakery as they
ate and rested. Jayden and Emily smiled at each other and pecked each other

"This is called catching up," Mike muttered to the others.
"Oh, shut up!" Jayden laughed along the others.

As the team slept later that night, Emily and Jayden talked in the garden
about plans and victory. Before they parted, Emily took Jayden's hands.

"You know," she said, "Serena saved us."
"But you mostly did," Jayden said, "I think you're better than her. Not
that I don't like her, but you're the true hero."

"Jay," she whispered, "do you…?"

"Yes," he nodded as they hugged.

As they strode to their beds, Jayden said, "I'm glad Decker finally got his destiny."

"Yeah," Emily smiled to him, "and I finally got mine: You."

Author Note: Simlaur ending, but okay. Hope you loved it, R and R, and Authors Together…

All: Writing Forever!