The combination of the warm sunlight and the clear, pine-scented air made him feel drowsy and relaxed. He let his book fall out of his hands and closed his eyes, relishing the feeling of total peace and contentment. Right here, right now, he knew life couldn't get any better. All he'd been through, all he'd seen and done faded into the past. His life was here now, with his family, and he was happy.

He still had trouble believing all that had happened over the past year and how lucky he was. For many years he'd wondered if he'd been cursed – now he felt he'd been blessed. He thought about Sam, the woman he loved, and he was in awe that he'd found her – or maybe that she'd found him. And then there was Chris, the little boy who'd suffered a tragic loss at too young an age, but who had quickly lodged in their hearts and become their son. He smiled as he thought about the boy's joy of life and his sweetness. They couldn't have wished for a better child, even if he had been theirs by birth.

Now, of course, there was the icing on the cake – the fact that he and Sam were expecting their own, biological offspring. Two! God, he couldn't believe it. From thinking that he would never have children of his own again after Charlie he was now expecting two. It was the same for Sam. He'd known that it was unlikely, if not completely impossible, that she would ever have children. Jolinar, plus some of the other things she'd been through, had caused too much trauma. When they got married it hadn't even been something they discussed – they simply knew it would not happen. They'd been okay with that – they had each other and they had Chris. But now – now their family was increasing and he was thrilled.

He laughed to himself. Who would have thought, at his age, that he'd be dealing with diapers and teething and all the things that went along with raising young children. It was damn good he was so healthy or he would never be able to keep up. He'd have to ask Thor to give him the occasional 'tune up' to make sure he stayed as young and healthy as possible.

Healthy! He took a deep breath – he felt great. In fact, he was totally recuperated from their little camping trip. He grinned as he admitted to himself that he was milking it for all it was worth. He was enjoying, for once in his life, just taking it easy. He'd spent the last couple of weeks reading, sleeping, watching TV and cuddling with his wife. Molly had cooked up a storm of his favorite foods and Chris had been on his best behavior. It had been great. Unfortunately, he knew it had to come to an end and he'd have to get his butt in gear, but for now he was just going to relax and enjoy it.

Washington was calling, of course. The pressure was on for him to take the job and he was still undecided. He really didn't want to get back into the rat race, but at the same time it was nice to feel needed. He also had to admit that the idea of a fourth star was kind of appealing. He thought briefly of his parents, long gone, and wished they'd been able to see how successful he'd been in his chosen career. They'd be so proud, he knew. Maybe they were watching from heaven.

As he continued to doze in the sunlight he decided now was not the time to worry about it. He'd have to tell them soon – but not right now. He'd deal with it– later.

"Jack", he heard Sam's voice calling from inside the house. She and Molly and Chris were baking cookies. He laughed again – Colonel Sam Carter, genius, national treasure and world savior was making cookies! How the world had chained.

"Jack", she called again. Damn, he'd probably have to move - and just when he'd found the perfect, most comfortable position.

"Out here", he called, not moving. A minute later he heard the back door open and the center of his life – his reason for living – walked out. She came over to his lounge chair and grinned down at him.

"So, here you are. We were wondering where you'd escaped to." He scooted over as she sat down beside him. "How are you feeling?" she asked with a slight frown. He was looking good but she'd almost lost him and was still feeling a bit anxious.

"Great", he smiled. Sitting up slightly he leaned over and gave her a kiss. "You can stop worrying you know. I'm just fine now – I'm just being lazy and taking advantage. I feel one hundred percent!"

She knew it was true, even though she still worried (and probably always would, she acknowledged to herself). They'd all been worried again though – especially after what Jack had been through just a few months previously. Teal'c and Daniel had refused to leave until Jack was well on the road to recovery. They had just returned to Colorado a few days before since they had to get back to work. Jack had given them each a hug. "Thanks guys – for coming to rescue me - again!" he'd said.

"Anytime Jack", Daniel had answered, "although we'd appreciate it if you'd stay out of trouble for a while! I think we've reached our annual rescue quota."

"Yes O'Neill. We would be very happy if you were to remain safe for the foreseeable future." Teal'c smiled slightly and slapped his friend on the back.

He and Sam hadn't told them about the babies. It was still early and they'd decided to wait until Sam was farther along. Although Jack was sure the pregnancy was healthy and strong (that Ancient gene again!), they decided they'd feel more comfortable telling everyone in a couple of months. So, for now they just said goodbye. They knew they'd see their friends soon.

Looking at her husband, Sam couldn't help but be thankful that he was well – and that he was hers. She reached out and cupped his face in her hand. She couldn't believe how much she loved him– how much she needed him. She knew life would have ceased to have much meaning without him in it.

"Yes" she responded to his earlier comment. "You're looking good. You realize that means I'm going to have to get you working! We need to do some yard work and I promised Molly we'd work on the basement. We're going to need more room now." She unconsciously put her hand on her stomach. She was just showing a tiny bit – although anyone not knowing she was pregnant wouldn't be able to tell. The only reason she had any kind of a 'bump' was because she was having twins.

He sighed deeply. So much for lazing around the house! "Okay, how about tomorrow? Today I just really want to enjoy the sunlight and relax. You should join me. We haven't exactly had a lot of time to do that before now."

She agreed. The yard and the basement could wait. Lying down next to her husband she rested with her head on his chest and her arm around him. Soon she was dozing in the sunlight as well.

That evening they were sitting watching TV when there was a knock on the door. Wondering who it could be, Jack stood up to answer it.

"O'Neill." The man on the other side spoke cautiously. Standing beside him was a woman and his son, Tyler.

"Brian", Jack raised his eyebrows in surprise. This was the last person he'd ever expected to see on his doorstep. "What can I do for you?"

"Uh, I'm wondering if we could come in for a moment and speak with you."

"Sure", he stepped back and motioned them in. He assumed the woman was – what was her name? – Jeannie or something, his wife. Sam had told him about her.

"This is Jeanine, my wife." Brian introduced her. Jack reached out and shook her hand.

"Come on into the living room. We were just watching TV."

"I'm sorry to bother you General O'Neill", Jeanine said softly. "We won't stay long."

"Oh, don't worry about it. It wasn't anything special." He walked into the room followed by the Hohler family. "Hey everyone, we have company."

"Jeanine!", Sam smiled and walked over to the other woman and gave her a hug. "How nice to see you again. Brian", she held out her hand. "welcome. Please, have a seat. Can I offer you something to drink?"

"No, no that's okay, thank you." Brian said. He looked uncomfortable. Jack wondered what the heck this was about. "I just wanted to come because I owe you a huge apology O'Neill. I was a total jerk on that trip and – well, more than that – I endangered everyone with my stupidity. I don't have any excuse other than the fact that I was an idiot. But I do want you to know I'm sorry for the way I behaved. I also wanted to say thank you. You saved all our butts – and especially mine." He stopped and then looked up, his eyes meeting Jack's.

"I know everyone thinks it was just coincidence or something, but I know better. I know you saved my life. I was dying and you brought me back. I don't know how you did it – and I'll never say anything because I expect it's something you don't want to broadcast – but I know I owe you my life and I'll never forget that." He stopped talking and looked at the man across from him.

Jack was stunned, to say the least. First, Brian had been the last person he ever expected to make an apology and second, he wondered why the man thought he'd saved him. He really didn't remember anything although Matt had given him a few details. He suspected the good doctor also knew something of the truth. He wasn't admitting to it though, much to Jack's relief.

"Hey", he said softly, feeling uncomfortable himself. He never did well with this kind of things. "Forget it – I'm just glad we all made it out okay. I heard that you tried to save everybody on your own. That takes courage Brian! It also takes guts to say you were wrong and apologize. Don't worry about it – I've forgotten it!"

The other man looked relieved but then turned to his son and nodded at O'Neill. The little boy looked terrified but finally spoke.

"I'm sorry Sir", he said softly. "I should have listened to you. I'm sorry about the bear and I'll never do anything like that again."

"Good", said O'Neill sternly. "That's a good way of getting yourself killed you know. Never approach a baby animal in the wild. It's very dangerous!" Tyler nodded but looked like he was almost in tears. "And hey, don't worry about it anymore okay? I'm fine and I appreciate the apology. And next time we go camping you'll know better, right?"

"Yes Sir", he looked relieved. "But Daddy says we'd better not go camping again. He says we're not very good at it." Brian looked uncomfortable at that but Jack and Sam grinned, as did Jeanine.

"Oh, I don't know. I think it'd be fun to go again. Maybe I'll organize a wilderness survival training camp. This time we'll go in the summer though – I've had my share of getting stuck in freezing cold weather." He shared a look with Sam who grinned, remembering some of their adventures.

"That'd be cool!" the little boy said. Looking at his father he asked, "could I go? Please?"

"Sure", Brian answered, "I think maybe I should go too."

At that point Sam got up and insisted that everyone needed drinks and cookies. They spent a lovely evening talking and getting to know the Hohlers.

"I don't know if I'll ever be best buddies with Brian", Jack said later, "but he's not that bad a guy when you get to know him – and when he's not being a jerk!" Sam laughed and punched him.

"Well, I really like Jeanine so maybe we'll get together for a barbeque sometime."

Sam had shared Jeanine's story with him. Now that he and Sam were expecting he felt especially bad for the Hohlers. They clearly had wanted more children and it was a tragedy that they would be able to have any others.

"Let's invite the Hohlers over." Jack said one night. Sam turned to him in surprise, wondering what had brought that on.

"Uh, okay. When would you like to have them over?"

"How about this Saturday? We could do that Barbeque you mentioned."

"Okay", Sam continued to look at him strangely. It really wasn't like him to want to invite people over with whom he wasn't close. Still, the Hohlers seemed pleased and came over Saturday afternoon bringing with them a case of beer and a cake. Sam smiled, figuring Jack would like them more now that they'd brought two of his favorite things.

They had a lovely time but Samantha knew something was up. She caught Jack a few times with a curious expression on his face. She just wished she could figure out what was going on.

It was just after they'd finished dinner and Jeanine was helping her with the dishes that Jack came into the kitchen. He walked over and put his arms around both of the women.

"Hey lovely ladies, what are you doing in here? You should be out enjoying the sunshine." Sam turned and gave him a peck on the cheek and Jeanine just smiled.

"We thought we'd leave you men to talk about your fishing and baseball. How come you're not out with Brian?"

"Oh, he's playing a game with the boys. I decided to come in and see what you were up to."

They chatted for a few more minutes and then Jack said he was going to go out and check on the 'boys'. He gave a quick kiss to his wife and turned to leave the kitchen. He'd only taken a few steps when he seemed to sag to the floor, landing on his knees and then passing out completely.

With a small cry Sam rushed over and knelt down beside him. She checked to make sure he was breathing – which he was, but shallowly. He was pale and sweaty and way too still. She reached out and put her hand on his chest, just like she'd done in the hospital. In under a minute he took a deep breath and his eyes opened. Giving her a small smile he managed to push himself to sitting position.

"Jack? Are you okay?" she asked, worried.

"Sorry Sam, Jeanine. I'm fine. Just got a little too much sun I guess."

"Too much sun? Jack, you passed out. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just fainted I guess."

"Here", Jeanine held out a glass of water. "you should have something to drink. You may have gotten dehydrated."

Jack smiled and took the water and drank deeply. Sam was hovering, worried that something was seriously wrong. She'd never seen Jack faint before. All she could think of was that it was something left over from the infection he'd gotten from the bear.

Jack gave her a quick kiss and told her not to worry, he was just fine. He then went back out and joined in the game the boys were playing with Brian as if nothing had happened.

"I'm sure he's okay Sam", Jeanine sat beside her friend on the patio. "He probably did get too much sun and that, on top of the beer they've been drinking, caused him to pass out. He looks fine now."

Sam nodded and tried to pretend, the rest of the afternoon, that everything was okay. She was relieved, however, when the Hohlers finally went home.

Jack spent the evening assuring her that he was all right. "Sam, I'd know if something was wrong, okay? I can tell when I'm not well and when I'm healthy and I assure you, I'm very healthy!"

"How can you tell?" she asked, slightly teary eyed.

"That damned Ancient gene. Sam, I promise, really – I'm good."

Over the next few weeks she watched him closely but he seemed healthy. In fact, he was more than fine – he seemed full of energy and bouncing with happiness. Slowly she relaxed, finally believing that he was okay.

About six weeks after the barbeque, Jack and Chris were out at the movies and Molly was at a friend's playing bridge. Sam was enjoying a quiet evening at home when the phone rang.

"Hello. Oh, hi Jeanine, how are you doing? Are we still on for tomorrow?" She and Jeanine had become good friends and got together once a week for coffee or to have a 'girl's night out'. The only hard part for Sam was not talking about her pregnancy. She worried about how it would make the other woman feel.

"What?" she asked in surprise after listening to her friend. "Really? But I thought you said –?"

After talking to Jeanine for another few minutes she said goodbye and hung up. Sitting back she frowned – there was something strange – something that she thought she should know but that was just eluding her. She sat on the couch for the next couple of hours thinking about what had happened.

She was quiet when Jack got home, not saying much to either him or Chris. After they'd gotten Chris to bed she got changed and climbed into bed.

"Hey, what's up?" Jack came and sat beside her on the bed. "You've been awfully quiet tonight. Is everything okay?"

After a brief pause she spoke. "Jeanine called tonight."

"Yeah? How's she doing? You guys getting together again soon?"

"She's fine. More than fine, actually. She's pregnant."

"Really? Wow, that's great." He looked at his wife who was frowning at him. "Uh, that is great isn't it? I mean, they're happy about it aren't they?"

She knew it! The worry in Jack's voice confirmed her suspicion. Looking at her idiot of a husband she just shook her head. "It was you, wasn't it?"

"Me? What was me?" he asked confused.

"Jeanine being pregnant – you did it, didn't you?"

"What?" He sat back. "Are you accusing me of getting Jeanine pregnant?" He asked, shocked.

"Yes! I'm mean no – not like that! That's not what I meant and you know it. No, I was accusing you of having healed her so that she could become pregnant. That time in the kitchen – that's why you passed out, isn't it?"

Oops caught! He looked sheepishly at his wife. "Yeah. I'm sorry – I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure if it'd worked. I just remember you telling me how badly they felt not being able to have more kids. And then I thought about us. We were in kind of the same boat and I remembered how happy I – we –were when we found out you were pregnant."

"So, you decided to help Jeanine?"

"Uh huh. Do you think I shouldn't have? Are they upset?"

"Upset? No, they're thrilled. The only thing they can't figure out is how."

"Well, I assume it was through the usual method."

"Oh yes, except Jeanine had her tubes tied. The doctors can't figure out how they repaired themselves so perfectly!"

"Whoops! I didn't know."

She just looked at him and shook her head. "Jack O'Neill, what am I going to do with you?"

"But they are happy, right?"

"Yes – in fact thrilled is putting it mildly. But she's scared as well. She had a really rough time with Tyler so she's worried."

"They don't need to be. She'll be fine."

"Oh, so you can foretell the future now too."

"No, but I was able to heal everything that was wrong with her. She should have a healthy pregnancy."

"You're crazy, you know that! Next time you decide to do something like that please tell me first! I just about had a heart attack."

"I'm sorry Carter, really I am."

"I know – and anyway, this kind of thing makes me love you even more. That was a pretty damn sweet thing you did. I just wish I could tell them it was you."

"Well you can't. And anyway, if you went around telling people I was responsible for Jeanine's pregnancy, geesh, can you imagine the scandal? And Brian would kill me."

Laughing together they curled up and talked a long time before going to sleep.

Jack received another call from the President the next day and knew that it was decision time. He'd spoken with his whole family and they'd all made it much more difficult by telling him it was his decision and they'd support him all the way.

Molly had been the person he'd thought would have saved him. He couldn't imagine her wanting to leave her home for a new city and a new country at the age of almost 81. She'd surprised him by telling him she was perfectly happy to move.

"Give me something to look forward to", she'd said. "Never too old to see new places and meet new people so don't you give it a thought. Chris might enjoy it too. It'll give him a taste of something different."

So, in the end it came back to him. What did he want to do? Did he want to stay retired or jump back in to the thick of things? He'd have less time to spend with his family, which was a huge issue. On the other hand, Washington was an interesting city and it might be good for Chris to discover some new things. It would also be exciting and he'd know what was going on in the universe. Damn, it was tough to know what to do.

Finally, with a sigh, he picked up the phone. He'd made his decision.




"Hmmm. Wha'? I took the garbage out already Carter." He whined, still half asleep.

"Good, but that's not it. It's time Jack."

"Hmmm?" he mumbled for the third time.

"It's time. Time to take me to the hospital."

"Hospital?" there was a short pause. "HOSPITAL?" He jerked awake and leapt out of bed. "Are you okay Carter?" He reached over but she simply grasped his hand and kissed it.

"I'm fine Jack. We have time, don't worry."

"The contractions – how far apart are they?"

"About every 5 minutes. Why don't you get my suitcase and I'll pee and get dressed? Let Molly know and I'll meet you downstairs."

So, this was it, he thought as he stood staring at the bathroom door. After today his life – their life – would change drastically. He expected sleep wouldn't be a huge part of it, at least for a while. He smiled, hell, sleep was highly overrated anyway.

Giving himself a shake, he decided he'd better get a move on.

As he drove to the hospital he glanced over at the calm face of his wife. She had the exact same look she used to get when she knew she was going to have to do some incredible scientific miracle and save the world – even though she didn't have a clue how. In the end, though, she always came through.

"Okay?" he asked softly.

"Yes, as long as you're with me I'll be fine", she said calmly, in between contractions. And it was true – all the adventures that they'd been on didn't compare with this – but it was still them together. With the Col –, she laughed, where had that come from? No, with General O'Neill, by her side – and more importantly Jack, her husband, by her side, she knew she couldn't fail.

"We're almost there Samantha, just another few pushes and baby O'Neill number one will be here." The midwife said calmly.

She leaned back into her husband who had climbed into bed with her and was supporting her – like he always did, she thought. It had been a tough 16 hour labor but it was coming to an end. Everything looked fine, according to her midwife, but still, she was damn ready to have these babies. She was so exhausted she really didn't know if she could push any more.

"You can do it Carter", her husband spoke softly in her ear. "I've got your six and everything is great. Just a bit more, okay?"

"I don't think I can Jack. I'm so tired."

"I know baby - but I know you can do it. Come on." He held her as the contraction came back and she pushed with all her strength.

"That's it Samantha! I can see the head. One more good push and your son or daughter will be here."

Sam bore down as hard as she could while Jack held her and watched as his child was born. As the baby slid out, covered in white and streaks of blood, he couldn't catch his breath. The midwife smiled and simply passed the baby up so it was lying on top of Sam. The nurse came over and covered the baby with a warm blanket and the two parents stared in wonder.

"We did it Sir." Sam said softly, a single tear dropping from her eye.

"Yeah, I guess we did Carter." He leaned forward and gently laid his lips on her forehead and then immediately transferred them to the soft downy head on Sam's chest. The baby was already rooting for its first meal.

As he watched Sam move the baby and help it latch on, he smiled. Suddenly however he realized something.

"Uh Sam?"

"Yes?" She said after a few seconds. She was entranced with the sight and feel of her child nursing at her breast.

"What is it?"

She laughed and leaned over and kissed him. "It's your daughter Jack."

He beamed and could feel tears begin to gather in his own eyes. A little girl! God, he was thrilled although he knew that he was going to be wrapped around her finger in no time.

" Sam", the midwife interrupted. "It's time to push again. Jack, why don't you take the baby?"

A stab of terror hit him. Looking down at the tiny baby it suddenly dawned on him that he was now responsible for this new young life. As he reached over to take her he could see his hands shaking. Sam's contractions were in full force again so he gently picked up his little girl and held her close.

His attention was divided between his wife and his daughter. Fortunately, the little girl was just looking at him with her unfocused eyes and seemed perfectly content. He leaned over and kissed her and whispered, "More later little girl. I love you but your Mama needs me."

It was only a couple of minutes before child number two made his way into the world. He grinned as he got a look. Oh yeah, there was no doubt it was a boy with those honkin' big -. Yup – that was his boy all right.

He watched as Sam looked at their son. He glanced down at his daughter and smiled. Her eyelids were drooping but she continued to gaze at him. The midwife finished up and prepared to leave.

"I'll give you a few minutes on your own and check back in a bit", she smiled. "You did great Sam - and you too Jack! You're gonna be great parents." She left the room and suddenly they were alone with the newest members of their family.

"Do you want to hold him Jack?" Sam asked. She looked at her husband who wore a bemused expression, as if he couldn't quite believe everything that had happened.

"Here", Jack leaned over and handed his daughter to his wife. He then looked down at his son and it suddenly hit him. He could feel his throat tighten and tears begin to well up. He put his hand gently on the little guy's back, but didn't know if he could pick him up. The sudden feeling of loss, of remembering Charlie's birth hit him with devastating pain.

He looked up in apology at Sam, feeling guilty for taking away her joy with his own grief. He hadn't expected it, had thought that he'd dealt with it. It had come up from behind and hit him square between the shoulders and he was very afraid he was going to lose it completely.

"It's okay Jack", Sam was looking at him with compassion. She reached out and touched his hand gently. "Whenever you're ready. I know this is hard."

He took a deep breath and again realized how blessed he was. Hell, if Carter could go through hours of painful labor and then push out two kids the least he could do was pick up his son.

Carefully, reverently he reached down and picked up the warm little body. God, he looked so much like – no, he was his own person. He was a new life with all sorts of hope and a future in front of him. He glanced up, just once, and said a few, silent words to his first born son. "Look after your little brother Charlie. I love you son and you'll always be in my heart." He then looked down at the two little eyes looking at him so intently. He touched the tiny hand and little fingers wrapped around his index finger. With that he was lost. He reached down and kissed his son, letting his tears anoint the little boy's forehead.

This right here, right now, was his redemption. He looked at his family and rejoiced. Yes – life was good and he was happy.

"So Sir, what are we going to name them?" Sam looked up and grinned. They'd had an ongoing 'mock' battle for months about names and had finally agreed to wait until the babies were born. They hoped that it would be obvious when they looked at them.

Stroking his son's velvet skin he smiled. He then reached down and did the same with his daughter.

"I think you're right Carter – this one looks like a Callum – Callum Daniel Teal'c O'Neil". Now that he looked at his son he agreed with Sam's choice. Not only was it Irish, which honored his heritage, but the meaning was special as well. Callum meant 'peace' which was what both he and Sam had spent their lives working for.

"And this little girl is definitely a Catherine – Catherine Georgia Janet – Cate for short." Sam added. He'd proposed the name in honor of her mother. It also happened to be his grandmother's name – a woman he'd adored. His wife had argued against it, saying it was too traditional, but she'd obviously come around.

"I think it's time we introduced these two to the rest of their family." He stood up and handed Callum to his mother. She took her son and felt her heart practically leap into her throat when it hit her – these two little beings were hers – and Jack's. She'd just given birth to two 'O'Neills'. She laughed – who would have thought that it would have come to this when so many years ago she'd walked into that Briefing room for the first time?

Jack walked to the door and then stopped and turned around to look at his wife and children. Sam looked up and smiled and he too found himself breathless at the sight in front of him.

"I love you Sam", he said softly.

"I know – and I love you too Jack. Now, go tell the others. They're probably going nuts out there."

He walked into the waiting room and was met by his excited, and loud, family. Molly and Chris were both there, asking after Sam and the babies. Daniel and T were also present – they'd flown in a couple of days before so they'd be here in time for the birth. Cassie had managed to take a few days off from her studies and was standing there smiling. She rushed over and gave him a big hug as soon as he'd arrived. He glanced over to the corner where George Hammond stood, looking at him with his 'well done Colonel' look – usually the one he wore when Jack had brought his team back in one piece and they'd saved the world - again.

At that moment, he felt a sense of contentment, of pure and complete happiness. He had everything he could possibly want and life was good. It had been a long journey – and an arduous one – but if it meant that it had gotten him here then it had all been worth it. Oh, never Charlie – but everything else, yes, was definitely worth it.

Jack held up his hand to stop everyone from talking at once. "So, would anyone here like to see the newest members of the family?"

"Yeah/Of course/yes." Everyone again spoke at the same time.

Jack looked at Chris, who looked slightly worried, and he walked over to him. Picking him up he gave him a hug. "Hey Chris, do you want to see your brother and sister?"

"A boy and a girl Jack? Way to go", Daniel slapped him on the back.

"Thanks Space Monkey. So Chris?"

"Yes Daddy." Chris suddenly grinned and hugged him back.

Jack nodded for his 'family' to follow him and opened the door to Sam's room. When she saw everyone she smiled and introduced them all to Callum and Cate O'Neill.

When Sam realized that Jack had been silent while everyone 'oohed and aahed' she looked up and saw her husband standing back and smiling – that same look he'd had after the time-loop so many years ago. The look which said he was especially pleased about something.

"Jack?" she asked suspiciously. "What are you doing?"

"Just thinkin' Carter, just thinkin'." He looked around at everyone and chuckled. "I'm standing here looking at my family and thinkin' about how lucky I am. I've got the best friends anyone could possibly imagine", he nodded to Teal'c, Daniel and Goerge "a wonderful lady who's become the best Mom and Grandma anyone could have", here he smiled at Molly who blushed and waved her hand in embarrassment, "a lovely young woman who is like a daughter to me", he smiled at Cassie, "and then there's my immediate family – Carter, my partner, my love and my life, Chris – a son any man would be proud of and now, two new O'Neill's – Callum and Cate." He paused and took one more look at everyone. He then walked over and gave his wife a kiss and laid his hands on his two children. "Yeah – life is sweet."

The End (for now)

You'll notice I didn't say what Jack's decision was (mean I know). I'd be curious about what my readers think. Did Jack go back or not? Based on your thoughts I'll do a sequel and let you know what I decide.

I decided to go with a boy and girl for Jack and Sam due to numerous requests. One of my reviewers also suggested I go with 'C' names – so I did. Thanks for the suggestions folks.

Thanks to all my reviewers and I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you individually. I've been writing in spurts as I'm crazy busy at work and I've just flown to Canada for a lovely week of packing! I probably won't write anything for a while but I wish you all the best – I will be back soon.