I am sorry about the confusion in the last chapter. Fanfiction was being stupid and laggy for me.
Alright my fans, if you exist. ;) I sincerely hope that you enjoyed The Grande Finale. This is the very first story ever that I made up from my head and put on the internet ;S
Thank you to my reviewers:
-Kiwi inginuity
-historian girl
-Phantom listener 101
-Greek rose
Your constructive support helped me out alot and I plan on reviewing some of your stories if I get the chance. :)
I have noticed that many stories on this site never end up completed so I will make this promise.
NEVER will I leave a story n this site unfinished.
While I must watch that promise, it will be your jobs to make sure i keep to it. :)
I may write another story or two for COTT before I find something else to fill my time with.
I would also like to thank all the viewers who read but didn't review. You guys all made writing this story a pleasure. :)
Wow I am acting as if I won an academy award or something. I will stop now.
This is AngryOlympian signing out... ...pce