The key of Zero

By psychored1911

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts or Familiar of Zero

Summary: When Louise wanted her familiar, she expected a dragon or Griffin. She didn't expect to get 2 commoners, one of which is a keyblader.

Chapter 1: Summoning the key

This takes place after KH2 and beginning of Familiar of Zero (takes elements from both the manga and anime). Sora doesn't appear until later in the story, but he will appear later. Please review.

Louise woke up; it was the day of the Familiar summoning exam. She quickly got dressed and headed towards the courtyard. When she got there, she was greeted by "Well if it isn't Louise the Zero." From her classmate, Kirche.

"Shut up!" Louise snarled "When I get my familiar, you will be sorry!"

"Alright class," their teacher, Colbert announced "Time for your summoning exam. Everyone line up," Everyone lined up and summoned their familiars until only Louise was left "Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere, please make your summon."

"Um, yes sir," Louise pointed her wand and chanted "Pentagon of the five elemental powers, heed my summoning and bring forth my familiar!" As soon as she finished chanting, she met an explosion to the face.

"Ha!" her classmate Guiche laughed "I knew Louise the Zero would mess up her summon, there isn't even anything the-," a portal appeared before Louise

"My familiar…" Louise saw the portal, hoping for her familiar to come.

Meanwhile, at Tokyo Japan

"Just my luck," Saito sighed, holding a broken laptop "I really need to get a job." A portal appeared in front of him "Hmm, what's this?" he poked it, and the portal started sucking him in "Ah! Help me!" he tried struggling, but it pulled him in, making him drop his laptop.

Meanwhile, in Castle Oblivion

Ven's body lay helpless on his chair; without his heart, he was just a helpless body. A portal formed at the base of the chair, but he couldn't move, nor less even acknowledge it

Meanwhile, at Destiny Islands

"Ready Sora?" Riku raised his keyblade in a fighting position. Sora was opposite of him, holding his keyblade. Kairi was sitting at the side, hoping the two won't hurt each other.

"Ready!" Sora charged at Riku, who just brushed him off, sending him fly into one of the tree houses.


Kairi and Riku cringed from hearing the crash. Sora, still dazed from the crash, did not notice a heart come out from him (A/N: this is Ven's heart, if you played BBS, you know that Ven's heart went into Sora's heart to recover). Not noticing the heart float away, he yelled "Best 2 out of 3!" before jumping down to meet them.

Back at Castle Oblivion

Ven's heart slowly made its way to his body (A/N: don't ask how it got there so fast). As soon as his heart disappeared into his body, he woke up with a surprise "What where am I?" in his confusion, he slipped on his own feet and fell into the portal "!"

Back with Louise

"Hey, something's coming out of the portal!" one of Louise's classmates shouted. Everyone turned to see both Saito and Ven come out of the portal at the same time.

"Where am I?" Saito muttered.

"Ow, I hope that no one saw that." Ven landed on his butt. He looked around that he was surrounded by all of the nobles "Aw man!" then he realized that he was in a world; one he did not recognize.

Everyone stared at them, then started laughing at Louise "That's what you'd expect from Louise the Zero; summoning two commoners!" one of her classmates said.

"Maybe she paid the two to become her familiars." One of her classmates said.

"Shut up," Louise shouted "Mister Colbert, I made a mistake; just let me do it over."

Colbert shook his head "This is a sacred ritual, you must continue it."

"But-," Louise protested.

"Miss Valliere." Colbert gave her a stern look.

"Fine," she grumbled and walked over to Saito and Ven "you two better be grateful; this is a great honor for you." And she kissed Saito

"What the heck?" Saito shouted. Louise ignored him and went over to kiss Ven, who in turn punched her in the face.

"Ow, why did you do that?" Louise flinched in pain.

"Shouldn't I be asking you that? Ven shouted at her "I'm younger than you!" (A/N: ironically, he's older than her by about ten years, just don't tell him)

"Wait," Louise noticed he was talking in their language. "You can understand me?"

"No," Ven said sarcastically "You are reading my mind; OF COURSE YOU CAN HEAR ME!" Before he could even storm off, he felt a burning pain; a type he did not feel pain he did not feel since he has accidentally between Terra's and Aqua's Flame Salvo attacks. Saito was feeling the same thing and was screaming in pain. After the pain subsided, both Ven and Saito noticed runes etched into their body; one on Saito's left hand and one on Ven's chest. Colbert took a look at their runes and said to Louise "Do you mind if I sketch their runes, I have never seen runes like that before."

"Um, sure." Louise let Colbert sketch the runes. Afterwards most of the class left, leaving only a few of Louise's classmates behind.

"Wow," Kirche laughed "Louise the Zero summoned two marvelous familiars." Making Saito blush, but Ven still was kind of creeped out. "I will formally introduce myself later, see ya." She and her friend Tabitha flew away.

"Did they just fly?" Saito said in disbelief. Ven on the other hand thought "So magic is a common asset in this world huh? Well-" his thoughts were interrupted when Louise pinched his and Saito's ear and dragged them away.

Time skip: Louise's room

"Familiar?" Ven and Saito shouted in disbelief.

"Yes, I am Louise Francoise le Blanc de la Valliere, and you are my familiars."

"Well," Saito introduced himself "I am Saito Hiraga."

"Name's Ventus." Ven introduced himself "But that makes me sound like an old man; call me Ven."

"Hmph, I guess I should know the names of my familiars." She started to take her clothes off, making Ven and Saito turn red.

"Hey, don't do that in front of a guy, we just met!" Saito shouted

"What are you talking about," Louise retorted "you two are nothing more than familiar spirits, now undress me."

"Yeah sure but before I do that- hey what's that over there?" Ventus pointed at the ceiling. While both Louise and Saito were distracted, he did what no one expected; open the window and jump out of it. Right before he would impact the earth, he shouted "AEROGA!" and wind swirled around him, slowing his fall. He gently floated down to the ground "Now, where's that exit?" he started looking around for the exit. He slammed his shoulder piece, but nothing happened. "What the heck?" he slammed it again.

"What the-," Louise said in disbelief "Did he just-" she turned to Saito, who also disappeared.

"Why I …"

Saito ran down the stairs, shouting "I don't care that I'm in some other world or in just some cult, I have to get out of here!" he stopped in his tracks when he saw Guiche talking to a first year girl. Then, he had the idea of crawling to sneak past them, but he was caught by Guiche

"Hey," he said "You're that commoner that Louise summoned," he smirked "Do you have no gratitude towards a noble that trouble his hands for you?"

"Is that so?" Saito stood up "Well, thank you," he smiled "Well, I'll be leaving!" as he turned around he muttered "What a jerk." He soon heard approaching footsteps, he flinched before running again. As he left, Louise ran down the stairs, out of breath.

"Louise," Guiche started "Right now your Familiar…"

"Catch them for me," Louise demanded "They ran away."

"Your familiars ran away? The one's you made contracts with?"

"Stop being in awe and help me catch them!" She shouted

Meanwhile, Kirche and some older dude were saying some lovey-dovey stuff to each other when Saito appeared "There's the exit!" he ran towards it. As soon as he left, Kirche asked "Isn't that Louise the Zero's-."

"It's over there!" Louise shouted, being followed by Guiche.

"What are you guys doing?" Kirche asked

"You won't believe this," Guiche laughed

"Who cares, it's getting away!" Louise shouted

As Saito was just about to get away, he crashed into Ven, who was still slamming his shoulder piece. "Ow, what was that for?" Ven shouted.

Before Saito could say anything in protest, the two were finding themselves in the air "What the?" The two of them looked down and saw Guiche, followed by Louise and Kirche "I would like it if you give in already." He smirked "It's pointless for you two commoners to beat a noble such as myself."

"I… I… I won't give up!" Ven shouted, summoning his keyblade "GRAVITY!" a purple sphere enveloped Ven and Saito and they fell to the ground. Ven brought himself to an upright position "That all you got?" he said, holding his keyblade backhand.

"W…What is he?" Louise stuttered.

Ven dismissed his keyblade and raised his hands up "If I fight you, it'll be a massacre; I surrender."

Everyone, especially Saito and Louise, was surprised in the outburst. Everyone was silent until Guiche spoke up "What do you mean by that?"

Ven demonstrated by re-summoning his keyblade, walking over to the wall, shouting "ZANTETSUKEN!", slashing it, dismissing his keyblade and walking back. Within seconds of walking away, the wall split in half before crumbling into rubble.

Everyone's jaw dropped. Ven, confused on what he did, turned around. He sweatdropped and said "Whoops, I overdid it a bit. I'll fix it tomorrow, right now, I'm going to sleep." And with that, he collapsed on the floor, unconscious, and unfortunately on Saito and Louise.

"Hey get off!" Louise shouted

"Man this is guy is heavier than he looks." Saito groaned

"Why isn't anyone helping us!" they both shouted.

A/N: First chapter's done. I didn't want to get rid of Saito because I want to use him for a plot development later in the story. Please review. I am open to corrections and suggestions for this story.