Disclaimer: I don't own Charmed or any of its characters.

Summary: Wyatt and Chris are brothers that have secrets they are in love with each other but it takes an argument for them to admit it. Not only that they have to deal with new powers, a new source like demon that no one has encountered before while Chris juggles being pregnant and inheriting his birthright. Contains slash and teenage male pregnancy.



Wyatt powers come being the prophesized twice-blessed

Whitelighter powers (including levitation and orbing)

Force field bubble


Telekinetic Orbing






Ability to wield Excalibur

Energy balls

Energy blast

Molecular combustion


Force wave

And many more that list will go on


Chris's Powers due to Leo being an elder and being the source of all good and dark magic. He has every power that has ever existed in the magical world be it demon or avatar.

Astral Projection

Molecular Combustion

Molecular immobilization



Whitelighter powers (including orbing and healing),


Telekinetic orbing



Limited telepathic communication with charges. But strong telepathic link with Wyatt being his brother and lover.


Hearing charges

Acid Secretion



And many more that list will go on

Chapter 1: Secrets and Passion

Hi I'm Chris, Chris Halliwell. Wyatt and I have been through a lot in the last couple of weeks. But what we did not see was the love we share. On top of that I have to learn to control my birth right a lot of power. But with my brother and lover anything is possible. Sorry getting a little ahead of myself. Let's start from the beginning.

Chris was sitting on the steps of the famed Halliwell manor just sitting and watching the world go by. He was trying to figure out how to tell Wyatt his most kept secret. He wanted no needed to tell him that he loves him more than a brother. The last time Wyatt and him were in the same room they had a fight and it was slowly getting heated.

(Flash back)

Wyatt: "Chris god damn it, tell me why you're avoiding me and always picking fights."

Chris: "I'm not avoiding you Wy, you're the one that orbs to the Underworld to kill demons rather than talking to me."

Wyatt: "How the hell can I avoid you? We're in the same house, even the same room!"

Wyatt waves his hand to show he is pissed the chandelier in the room explodes.

Chris: "Wyatt tell me what you are hiding from me," Wyatt stands there silent. "That's what I thought."

Chris: "You know what Wyatt I can't be near you right now; all we ever do is argue these days."

With that Chris orbs out before Wyatt can say anything else.

Wyatt stood there and watched his Chris orb out to god knows where.

Wyatt: "Chris wait I love you, I'm in love with you."

But it was too late Chris was gone. Wyatt let a frustrated huff and orbs to the underworld to blow some steam.

(End of flash back)


"Run for your lives the twice blessed is on a rampage run!" The demon yelled before a golden wave hit him and the executioner demons in the cave.

"Oh god Chris I need you. That's it for today Wyatt just go and tell Chris that you are in love with him for God sakes!" Wyatt thought. With that he orbs to Chris on a mission.

Back at the manor

Chris was coming out of his daze when he heard orbs behind him so he slowly turned to see if it was his father or the one he is avoiding. When he looked up he saw Wyatt standing there.

"Chris we need to talk." Wyatt says

"No we don't Wyatt, your silence early spoke louder than words." Chris said

"Damn it Chris, listen to me!" Wyatt yells

"No Wyatt you listen I'm sick of this shit. I give up."

Before he could walk away he was grabbed around the waist and he felt lips on his. They kissed passionately for a couple of minutes before coming up for air.

"Wow." Chris said

"Hope that explains everything." Wyatt replied cheekily as Chris was still coming down from cloud nine when heard Wyatt say "I love you Chris", which snapped him out of his daze and kissed Wyatt back which lasted longer than the last.

When they finally came up for air Chris replied "I love you too Wy, but don't ever hurt me like this again you big jerk." Chris said

"I promise Chris with all my heart I will never hurt you." And with that the familiar blue and purple orbs surrounded the as they orbed up to the room they shared.


"Wy aren't you worried about mom and dad coming home any minute now and catching us?" Chris asked

"Nope not at all, Dad is with some elders in South Africa and then is meeting mom at the restaurant and mom is going to check Charmed after she has given the P3 manager her orders. So both are not going to be back for at least a few hours." Wyatt replied to his cherub before he heard a moan come from Chris's mouth as he kissed a sensitive spot on his neck.

"Oh god Wy, I've been dreaming about this for so long." Chris gasped as Wyatt went back to kissing Chris, slowly lifting the green and white shirt Chris had on, hiding the perfectly toned swimmers body with a glimpse of a start of a six pack from the running and martial arts Chris is doing lately.

Chris on the other hand was like a wild animal and got hold of Wyatt's button up red and white shirt and ripped it open to see the body he's been dreaming about for a while. The difference between Chris and Wyatt was that Wyatt had more muscle from his football practice 3 times a week and add the perfect tan with a six pack and a blonde mop of hair and bright blue eyes like sapphires. He was a hell of a catch.

"Chris are you sure you want to do this now?" Wyatt asked.

"God yes Wyatt make love to me, it's not like I can get pregnant. (A/N: Ha, ha evil laugh that's what you think)

"Okay then let's get these things off then," Wyatt said indicating the jeans the still both had on and once he was naked Wyatt started to devour Chris's body with kisses while Chris couldn't believe that this was happening finally.

He was with the one person he loved in this world and the next; suddenly Wyatt started to kiss lower and lower till he reached Chris's cock he teased it before to suck on the masterpiece in front of him. Chris was in heaven as his love sucked his 9½ inch cock and while Wyatt was sucking him Wyatt had found Chris's hole and started to stretch it with a finger.

Chris grunted out in pain but nodded to Wyatt it was okay to continue before Wyatt moved back up his lover's body and whispered a sweet "I love you" before passionately kissing him. When Wyatt felt Chris relax with the one finger he started to push a second one in and Chris let out another moan. After a while Chris could not take it anymore and told Wyatt to make love to him now.

"Okay baby," Wyatt replied and orbed the lube to him as he started to lube his 10 inch cock and once it was well lubed he started to push in to Chris while Chris let out a loud moan. "Chris...baby, relax."

"Okay Wy." Chris replied

Once all the way in Wyatt started going in and out and Chris slowly lost his virginity. After a good ten minutes Chris told Wyatt to push harder and faster and Wyatt did as he was told by his cherub and started thrusting faster. It didn't take long for Chris to reach his orgasm with a loud moan while his Telekinesis started to float him and Wyatt and trophies around the room.

At the same time Wyatt hit his orgasm and griped onto Chris as he exploded into him as small fireworks exploded around the room. His seed shot in Chris and was making its own magic within Chris that neither one of them could imagine.

"I love you Chris." Wyatt kept repeating, trying to get his breath back.

"I love you too." Chris replied

"Do you regret it Chris?" Wyatt asked

"No Wy, not a single bit of it."

"Good cause I don't either." Wyatt responded

"I think I'm gonna take a nap." Chris said as he placed his head on Wyatt's broad chest and closed his eyes soon all that was heard was slow and steady breathing as Chris slept; while Wyatt was stroking his hair he slowly whispered "I love you" before joining his soul mate in the land of dreams.

A few hours later...

"Boys your dad and I are home!" Piper's voice called out.

Up in the room...

The pair slowly woke up to hear their mother and said "oh shit!" in unison.


There you go I hope you enjoyed my first installment to this story. There is a lot more to come. Chapter 2 will see the boys deal with Chris inheriting his birth right, a new source coming to power and Chris trying to find a way to tell Wyatt he is pregnant. Ha, ha till next time.

Please review. Also be a little nice it's my first attempt of a story.