Warnings: this story will contain sexual situations.

Beta'd by Hima-Alaya.

家庭教師ヒットマン REBORN! © 天野明

Chapter One—Amphibian vs. Carnivore.
You will find me where it's quiet. Listen closely, listen closely.

As a gentle breeze caressed Kyouya's pale face, he yawned lightly into his hand. His day almost seemed monotone; the hues and tones of each individual and situation he had been involved within being only boring. The only person that he had found a challenge, although it was somewhat, was the smaller male that was sitting beside him. The brunet raised a narrow eyebrow as he saw that Fran was close to falling asleep, too.

They were seated within the park, the small glow of the lampposts around them being the only other company. It wasn't lonely, though; the soft sound of their breathing was filling the air around them. As Kyouya averting his eyes from the green-haired male—who had apparently found the stars within the sky more interesting—he chose to shiver lightly to himself. Having clothed himself within a school uniform, the blazer hanging elegantly upon his shoulder with his tonfas hidden within, it wasn't the best choice for the time of year, nor the time of day. It was nearing the time for certain delinquents to appear, yet that wasn't why they were outside. If it was delinquents that they were after, Kyouya could hunt them down within a minute.

"Why was it you wanted to come to the park?" Kyouya asked, leaning back against the cold wood of the bench. The hairs on his arms were standing on end from the low temperature around them. The only indication that he had crossed his arms was the quietly shuffling of his white shirt before breathing replaced the noises again. "Amphibian," he pressed. Why is he so quiet?

"This is the first step of no return, Senpai." Fran gave the taller male a pointed look before straightening his shoulder, leaning back into the bench more. The breeze caressed the soft features of his face momentarily, the wind lifting his teal bangs to reveal his pale forehead. "You're actually outside; I'm impressed."

"I go outside daily." The brunet snorted, tilting his head to the side to get a better view of the other. Kyouya raised an eyebrow, waiting to see what to real reason was. It was ridiculous that they were out at that time of night, especially when nothing significant was happening; after all, they were merely perched upon a bench.

"Please, don't give me that look," the smaller male mock grimaced, turning his head away before crossing his ankles. Gently moving them, he gripped the wood of the bench while staring into the sky again, his expression still emotionless. "Someone might walk by and think you were trying to seduce me," he continued bluntly, "and convincing me to go home with you."

"Of course, I'll get you to go home with me," Kyouya replied, rolling his eyes. "You live with me." He was unaffected by Fran's attitude, though, if it were any happier he would've been worried. The green-haired male hardly showed emotions, only the occasional flicker within his teal irides. "You're not the type of person I'd spend time on to seduce."

For a few moments, they were silent again. The air around them suddenly became colder, but that could have just been the waft of air that travelled across Kyouya's shirt for an opening, finally finding one and caressing the soft skin of his neck. With the hairs on the back of his neck standing up, Kyouya shivered again.

As Fran was still silent, he tilted his head, peering at the brunet through his teal bangs.

"Senpai," he started softly, "have you ever gotten laid?" The question was abrupt enough to make Kyouya blink. He stared ahead of him incredulously, refusing to flicker his eyes to the left to check to see if Fran was serious about his question. Yet, it seemed like he was persistent. "Senpai," he whined monotonously.

"I don't see how that's any of your business," Kyouya replied quickly, averting his eyes so he couldn't see the smaller male within his peripheral vision. Like hell I'll tell him.

As the sounds of their breathing were barely audible again, Kyouya's finger twitched as he stared ahead.

The question was bound to come at any point, yet it still caught the brunet off guard. It was a common question at their age, random individuals querying each other with it. Kyouya had recently turned seventeen, Fran still left behind at the age of sixteen. They were supposed to have been sexually active, yet it didn't mean that Kyouya had experienced anything of the sort. His lips pulled down into a frown as he attempted to avoid the subject.

He was far too busy with his life to have thought about relationships—Fran didn't bother going outside to collect money often. If he did, it was a very rare occasion. They had been together for almost a decade, having learned each other's quirks within that time. Kyouya certainly wasn't related to Fran, but it was a relationship close enough to have been brothers, almost. Apart from the fact the green-haired male tended to attempt to annoy him more than anything else.

It had been that way for as long as he could remember; back when they were within the orphanage together, the first words they'd exchanged were insulting. They hadn't changed much, to Kyouya's own relief. He was fine with their relationship as it was.

"I'll take that as a no." Frank clicked his tongue quietly in disapproval as he nodded, his lips twitching upwards slightly. "I bet you'll never get laid at the rate you're going," the green-haired male commented condescendingly before standing up, adjusting his black coat in the process. Unlike Kyouya, Fran had strode into the park with the right type of clothing. "Come on, Virgin Senpai, we don't have all nig—"

"Fran," Kyouya hissed, his eyebrows slanted down in anger as he glared. The tresses of his black hair had fallen to partially hide his expression, but that didn't hide the scowl that was featured upon his face. "Are you trying to mock me?"

"No, why would I mock you?" Fran drawled sarcastically, pivoting upon his heel before his hands were shoved within his trouser pockets.

The brunet scowled to himself, eventually standing up as well as a gust of wind came by. His black jacket almost fell off of his shoulders, but he saved it quickly before delivering Fran a pointed look that clearly said he didn't want to hear about what had just happened. Fran always liked to be sarcastic with him, barely ever showing emotion; it annoyed Kyouya to no point when they were younger, but he quickly realized that it was a sign of strength, though somewhat. If the small male was able to mask his emotions for years on end, even making it so only the slightest twitch of his lips—when he was feeling generous—gave him away, he definitely had self control.

"This is pointless." Kyouya sighed, running his lithe fingers through his hair. "I'll leave you to freeze."

"Really? I see you're feeling generous." Fran whistled quietly, watching Kyouya walk away as he shook his head slowly. "Ignorant, Senpai."

"You've survived worse; you'll still be annoying me in the morning," Kyouya pointed out sardonically.

"Is that your way of telling me that you plan to wake up beside me in bed?" Fran raised an eyebrow.

The brunet stopped walking, stilling in all movements as he looked over his shoulder incredulously. With his eyebrows furrowed together, Kyouya stared at the smaller male, as if waiting for him to continue. When Fran kept his mouth shut, a sigh slipped through Kyouya's lips.

"No," Kyouya said bluntly. "It's my way of saying I can leave you alone."

"Of course you can, you can leave everyone alone." Fran snorted. "You don't have a social bone in your body."

Kyouya blinked before his lips curled into a smirk, eyes narrowing at the same time. "Oh?" he humoured the other.

The green-haired male nodded accordingly, eyeing Kyouya carefully as he walked away. "I bet you don't." He shrugged his shoulders dramatically, letting them fall back down to their previous position the next moment.

"What are you insinuating?"

"That your social skills are weak," Fran replied matter-of-factly.

"I'm not weak in any way," Kyouya defended himself, baring his teeth at the smaller male.

"Prove it," Fran taunted, titling his head to the side. Only a minuscule glint of amusement flashed within his teal irides before it was good. He thrust his hand into the air, gesturing to the street across from them. "Go charm someone with your badass social skills."

As Kyouya continued to stare at Fran, his eye twitched.

"I'll see you back at the apartment," The teal-haired male said, pushing himself forward to walk in front of Kyouya. "It's doesn't matter who," Fran proclaimed. As he walked ahead, he breathed slowly through his teeth. "It can be anyone."

Kyouya didn't bother looking over his shoulders to look back, he simply carried on the trudge forward. A challenge flashed within his eyes as he walked. Kyouya wasn't weak; he was going to prove that, no matter how dreary it would be to prove.


With his lips curled down into a frown, Kyouya turned the corner. It was an unwelcome reminder of the events that had happened last year; when Fran and Kyouya were within their first year of high school. The brunet was used to people not listening to him, sometimes defying, too, though he wasn't that much of a threat. He'd acquired a reputation through middle school from his attitude—it wasn't on purpose, of course, but it was merely because of his short tolerance for annoyance. When someone stepped out of line and uttered an inappropriate comment, he snapped.

When Kyouya was back within the orphanage, he had to make himself a figure of authority. Someone for other's not to cross; it was something that he had to do. When another within the home had had the nerve to kick Fran, Kyouya was there immediately to sort it out. Of course, that was back when they didn't know each other before. They weren't acquaintances, so when Kyouya had stepped forward and thrust his tonfa into the stranger's head, Fran had insulted him.

Kyouya shook his head, remembering back to their first meeting fondly. The green-haired male had guts, he had to admit that. His guts were only becoming more apparent over the years, too; the pair had inevitably become closer, somehow leaving the orphanage together and ending up within the same apartment. It wasn't as though they spent a lot of time together. Kyouya preferred to be alone while Fran was simply, well, himself.

As Kyouya walked across the road he sidestepped a stray couple that were in the way, he scanned the street in search of where to go. Fran wasn't specific about what he had challenged him to do—he simply said that he needed to prove he was sociable. Arching a dark eyebrow to himself, Kyouya continued walking, passing multiple shops. He peeked inside the ones that were lit up, deeming them inappropriate for his quest straight away.

When he'd walked down the whole street, Kyouya pivoted on his heel before scowling to himself.

This is ridiculous. "All I have to do is talk to someone, right?" he muttered, mostly to himself. Crossing his arms over his chest, he continued on to walk.

The sound of a laugh came from behind him as he had walked past another bar, Kyouya's body freezing when he heard the sound. It was easy to distinguish the laugh from the ones that other's possessed; that particular one was low, the sound far too creepy containing weird sounds to have been normal.

The laugh was too familiar, anger flowing through him immediately. Grinding his teeth together, Kyouya looked over his shoulder momentarily—to pinpoint the location of the person—before choosing to walk away quickly.

His strides were precise as he stepped into the nearest bar which had lights upon in, grimacing to himself as he could tell how crowded it was from the outside. He stared at the bouncer momentarily, noting that they had rather a lot of piercings on their face and a moustache before walking through the door.

It had to have been luck that the moustached man hadn't stopped him to show identification. Kyouya was a minor; someone who definitely should not have been inside a bar. He glanced down at his clothing, somewhat relieved that he had slipped on the black jeans instead of slacks as usual. A school uniform would've gave him away straight away, drawing more attention then should have been directed at him.

Clearing his throat quietly to himself, Kyouya scanned the room while trying to fight off a grimace. There were a few individuals who were alone, but there were couples, too. He tried not to show his disgust at that pairs that were hanging all over each other, languidly licking the length of their necks without respecting where they were. The brunet slid into the stool at the end of the bar, crossing his arms over his chest as he pondered over what he wanted to do. Proving that he could stay in there for a few hours without hurting someone should have been enough to prove to Fran that he was capable; if there were no police officers involved, he was okay.

Unintentionally Kyouya stiffened when the bartender cast a glance towards him. The brunet averted his eyes—not staring at the mohawk he had—choosing to stare at the bottles of liquor in front of him before partially moving his head. They had misinterpreted his action, though, placing a shot glass in front of Kyouya the next moment.

He raised an eyebrow to himself before picking up the glass within one hand, letting the liquid travel down his throat the next moment. He grimaced to himself, the liquid burning his throat slightly before he loudly placed the glass back down. He shuddered to himself, not enjoying the taste that it possessed before trying to get rid of it by swallowing his saliva.

Kyouya placed his elbow upon the bar, resting his chin in his hand while waiting for the time to go by. The best plan of action was to stay quiet, simply sitting at the bar while no one came up to him. That was for the best, he had internally decided.

Another shot was placed in front of him the next moment, Kyouya raising an eyebrow again before shrugging his shoulders. He'd never drank that much alcohol before; he didn't know what kind of effect it had on him. Before he internally mused about what kind of effects they were, the liquid was sliding down against his throat and making him feel somewhat dizzy. He blinked, the glass slammed down onto the bar again before shaking his head. The brunet decided that he wasn't weak enough for alcohol to knock him out; if anything, he welcomed the third shot of liquor that was slid in front of him.

When that shot was gone, though, the bartender placed another in front of him, that time speaking.

"It's from the blond-haired guy over there," he said, somewhat high-pitched while pointing to the corner of the room.

Kyouya blinked in surprise as the bartender walked away, turning his head to look towards where he had pointed. The brunet raised an eyebrow when he saw a man, his appearance that of someone within their early twenties. He grinned at Kyouya, showing the whites of his teeth before bringing the bottle of beer within his hand to his lips, taking a gulp of the liquid.

The brunet merely stared at him for a moment before turning back around in his seat. He had a small spout of dizziness, but with a shake of his head it was gone. He downed the shot, the glass being added to his collection before he rested his chin upon his hand again.

I've been here more than half an hour, right? Kyouya asked himself. God, time was starting to seem irrelevant at that point in time; almost like he couldn't comprehend how long he had been there. He glanced around the bar quickly for a clock, his expression becoming exasperated when he only caught sight of couples flirting. At least he hadn't walked into a bar that was supposed to be for one gender, that would've been more awkward.

The bartender with the mohawk eyed Kyouya after a few moments, raising an eyebrow when he saw that the brunet wasn't moving.

Just because someone had bought him a drink didn't mean Kyouya had to go out and say thank you. He certainly hadn't asked for someone to, as well, meaning it wasn't his priority to go out of his way to talk to them. He didn't know the blonde either. Shrugging his shoulders the brunet reached within his pocket, pulling out his phone to check the time.

"What time do you have to be back in heaven?" a low voice asked beside him.

Kyouya blinked in confusion, placing his phone back within his pocket before turning to his side. The male from before had seated himself within the free seat beside him. He was grinning, that time his white teeth standing out against the tanned shade of his skin. Kyouya raised an eyebrow as he took in the shade of blond that his hair possessed, the somewhat shaggy cut before the sienna irides, specially the small glint within them.

Not worth my time, Kyouya concluded, pivoting within his seat. He eyed the the empty glasses in front of him, the corner of his lips twitching up before he glanced at the male beside him again. It was a perfect set up; it seemed more than easy to attempt to swindle the blonde out of his money. Trying to see how many drinks he could get out of him, too, before he turned him down seemed like a good idea.

Half-heartedly trying to contain his smirk, Kyouya leaned forward to rest in his palm again.

"Not the talkative type, huh?" the blonde mused, arching an eyebrow. "I'm perfectly fine with that."

"Hn," Kyouya grunted lowly, the sound almost inaudible. Apparently the blonde had heard it though, his smile increasing as he rested one of his elbows onto the bar.

"I haven't seen you here before," the man mused, his eyes straying from Kyouya's face to look at his body. The brunet furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, mentally slapping himself when he realized what was happening. It was a violation, almost; he didn't like the way the man's eyes seemed to take in his appearance. "I'm sure I would've recognized you."

I don't recognize you either, herbivore. He wanted to say that sentence, yet Kyouya firmly kept his lips pursed. He knew almost everyone inside of Namimori; there was no doubt within his mind that he would've known the blonde. Even if he was older—definitely, by the fact he was inside of the bar—there was sure to have been a sign of him before.

"Well, I did only get here a few days ago." The man chuckled, taking another gulp from his bottle the next moment. "That could explain it."

No shit. Kyouya stared at him questionably, not trusting himself to open his mouth. There was the fact that he felt like he might have stumbled over his words, too. It must have been the alcohol that was within his body at that moment; if Kyouya had known that his tolerance for the liquid had been so low, he would've only pushed himself further. He frowned when he realized he had no drink left, all that was in front of him were the empty glasses from previously. Staring at the somewhat suspicious male beside him, who happened to be smiling still, the corner of the brunet's lips twitched. Time to swindle him out of his money, Kyouya decided.

As he opened his mouth to speak, the blonde cut him off. Kyouya blinked in surprise when the man grinned at him before rotating his head to speak to the bartender. "Can I have another drink for my friend, please?" he asked.

Kyouya didn't object when another shot was placed in front of him. He eyed the liquid distastefully for a second before accepting the silent challenge, placing the glass to his lips and swallowing quickly. With the aftertaste strong within his mouth, Kyouya scowled to himself before he heard the blonde laughing beside him. Although he shouldn't have reacted like he had, the brunet averted his eyes when he thought that man was mocking him. It was possible, though. After all, that was the first night that he had drank alcohol in such a quantity; he certainly hadn't engaged in any type of bet with Fran before with alcohol as the forfeit option.

"That's a pretty soft drink," the blonde commented, shuffling closing to Kyouya.

He grinned at him again, that time turning his head momentarily to move his light bangs out of his eyes. Kyouya could see a glint of mischief within the sienna irides, but he quickly chose to ignore that while trying to avoid narrowing his eyes. The man was within his personal space at that moment, their shoulders almost touching as the other showed no sign of discomfort.

"You look like you can deal with stronger." He shrugged his shoulders. "Looks can be deceiving, I guess."

Fucking herbivore. Kyouya gritted his teeth, keeping his lips firmly pressed together in denial.

If he didn't object, that man would assume that he had offended him, at least that was what he had hoped. If the brunet did what he wanted to—and that was reaching within his jacket and striking him in the head with his tonfa. The metal hitting against the man's temple and knocking him unconscious would've been pleasing; the smirk across Kyouya's lips would've only increased.

I'll kill Fran later.

"How rude of me," the blonde exclaimed, blinking innocently. "I forgot to introduce myself to you."

Kyouya blinked when a tanned hand was placed in front of him, the limb in the air obviously indicating that the man wanted him to shake it. Trying to fight back a groan, he eyed the lithe fingers distastefully.

"I'm Dino."

Pursing his lips together into a thin line with disdain, Kyouya eventually shook the blonde's hand. He narrowed his eyes when he saw that Dino was grinning more than previously before he realized what was expected of him. The brunet had to reveal his name, too, but his name was well known within the town.

Gaining a reputation from having delinquents piss him off too many times apparently wasn't a good thing. He didn't want the blonde to know who he really was, so while straining his jaw not to show his disgust, he had to give in.

"Kyouya," he admitted, inwardly grimacing that he couldn't give his last name.

"I'll make sure to remember it," Dino said huskily, "Kyouya."

Kyouya's frown increased; he didn't like the way his name seemed to fall of the other's tongue. Pressing his fingers onto the bar, gently tapping them against the material he tried to stray his attention. He'd assumed that doing so would keep his irritation at bay, too, along with the dizziness. From the last drink that he had consumed, his head was only starting to feel worse. Like hell I'll let alcohol beat me, he thought, I can handle this fine.

"You look a lot younger than you are," the blonde mused, not noticing that Kyouya had stiffened. "My tattoos give away my age."

"Tattoos?" Kyouya questioned, mentally slamming his head against an imaginary wall the next moment. His voice had shown the curiosity that had momentarily flashed through him, but it was enough to make the blonde's eyes light up.

"Yeah," Dino confirmed, eyeing the brunet with far too much interest. "You'll have to get a lot closer to me if you want to find out where."

When Dino winked at him, Kyouya wanted to pale. Instead his body chose to defy him, the sickening feeling of his face becoming hot apparent the next moment. He turned his head quickly, letting his ebony bangs fall into his eyes as he tried to ignore the male beside him. His reactions were getting out of hand.

The blonde whistled quietly beside him, taking a swig from his bottle afterwards. Dino smiled to himself when he let his eyes travel across the brunet's body, noting the thin waist he could roughly see from within the jacket.

His eyes snapped back up to the pale face when Kyouya cleared his throat.

Kyouya looked pointedly at the bottle of beer within the blonde's hand and then back to the shot glasses in front of him. "Why do you prefer that?" he asked, interest leaking into his voice. He had tasted beer before; it wasn't pleasant.

Dino smirked slowly, keeping eye contact with the brunet as he did so. "It's stronger," he proclaimed.

It stills tastes disgusting. Kyouya didn't voice his thought out, though, choosing to scrutinize Dino's expression for a few moments before he had to blink a few times, not expecting the sudden spout of dizziness.

"Would you like to try some?" Dino offered, gesturing to the bottle that he had placed upon the table.

Almost immediately, Kyouya shook his head. He wasn't going to share anything with the male beside him, certainly not when his lips had been upon it, too.

"Okay," the blonde said slowly, "I'll buy you a drink instead."

Before he could protest, although it would have been only momentarily, Dino had called over the bartender again. He ordered the beer quickly, exchanging a mischievous grin with the male before turning back to face Kyouya.

When the bottle was settled down in front of the brunet, he frowned. "I'm not paying you for this."

"I don't want you to." Dino laughed before continuing to talk, his voice possessing a husky tone. "I wouldn't mind if you repaid me in another way though."

Kyouya blinked incredulously, not realizing how close the blonde had gotten to him before he felt Dino's fingers brushing a stray strand of hair behind his ear. He furrowed his eyebrows, not understanding the action or the implications behind his words. After realizing that his thinking was becoming sluggish Kyouya gulped before reaching for the bottle in front of him. He drank heartily, regretting it when half of the liquid was gone as he tried to hold back a cough. Placing the bottle down loudly upon the bar, he stared at the blonde beside him while trying not to reveal the distaste he was feeling within his expression.

Dino merely raised an eyebrow, whistling lowly again before leaning one of his elbows onto the bar. "I guess I doubted you." He beamed. "You're only impressing me more, Kyouya."

"Don't doubt me again, Herbivore," Kyouya demanded, pressing his lips into a thin line when he realized he'd unintentionally drawled his words. The derogatory name had slipped through as well, the word replacing the blonde's name in defiance. He didn't want to say it aloud; just like Dino was saying his own. It seemed to intimate for strangers.

"Herbivore?" the blonde questioned, the corner of his lips twitching. "That's an interesting choice of words."

"Oh?" Kyouya raised an eyebrow.

"Would you like to test out whether or not I'm a herbivore?" Dino asked, grinning wickedly as he stared at the brunet's face.

In return, Kyouya blinked in mirth. His lips curled into a smirk when he'd processed Dino's comment, taking it the implications behind it wrongly. He'd assumed that it meant that the blonde had wanted to fight him; that he wanted to prove he was strong rather than weak.

As Dino saw that Kyouya had become somewhat more interested than before, he chuckled lowly under his breath.

Can I consider him charmed if he wants to fight with me? Kyouya internally mused. It's not like I started it. He'd lost track of time at that point; not reaching within his pocket to check his phone.

With a small shrug, he reached for his drink, gulping the rest of the liquid before inwardly grimacing. The taste was still displeasing, especially when it lingered upon his tongue. He'd shut his eyes for a moment, stopping the spout of dizziness that came over him again.

"Kyouya," Dino whispered directly into his ear, "are you okay?"

Kyouya pulled away quickly, eyes widening when he realized that he had been resting upon Dino's shoulder. He couldn't remember how he had got there, but quickly cursed under his breath at the alcohol. His movements felt somewhat slower, the thoughts inside of his head becoming erratic. Fuck sake, he internally groaned.

He didn't resist when Dino's fingers slipped into his hair, his thumb pressing against his jaw. Kyouya gulped as Dino leaned in closer, making it so his breath splashed across his face.

"Either you're intoxicated or I'm too much for you."

Kyouya pulled back quickly, watching as Dino's hand fell back down by his side. He tried to ignore the fact that his face felt hotter, most likely because it was from the lack of personal space between them.

"I'm fine," he lied, "I slipped." The brunet winced slightly from having to admit to a weakness, no matter how small it was.

As Dino hummed beside him, Kyouya could feel his eyes on his face. His skin prickled where they were directed, the small shudder that was sent down his spine clearly indicating that he was becoming affected by the gaze.

"This is nothing," Kyouya lied through his teeth.

"It is?" queried Dino, raising an eyebrow.

The brunet bit down onto his lip, not trusting himself to speak again only to find out his words were slurred. Dino grinned briefly at him, Kyouya taking it as his chance to close his eyes for a few moments as he called the bartender over again. He snapped his eyes open when the sound of a drink being put down on the bar came again. He played it off as though he hadn't closed them at all, scowling when he saw Dino laugh quietly.

Kyouya stared down at the shot glass, that time the liquid amber in colour.

"As I said before, I don't want you to pay," Dino said lowly, his voice making the hairs on the back of Kyouya's neck stand up. "Consider it a present."

"I've done nothing to deserve a present," Kyouya said, but his slurred words didn't hold the impact that he had wanted. He frowned to himself, not moving from his seat when Dino moved closer. He could clearly feel feel the other's breath splashing across his face, yet he didn't budge. It wasn't that he didn't want to; rather, it was the dizziness that hit him again.

"That's besides the point." Dino beamed, his appendage darting out from between his lips the next moment to moisten them. "It's a thanks for keeping me company."

Kyouya's eyebrows both became raised, his better judgement kicking in so he didn't believe the words. Does that mean I'm being good company? he had to ask himself, smirking slightly from the ridiculous thought.

It had to have been the alcohol that had got the better of him. "Do you consider yourself charmed?"

Dino blinked, his eyelids momentarily covering the amused glint within his sienna irides. "Quite," he said slowly.

When he'd processed the blonde's words, Kyouya smirked in victory. He had barely had to do anything; the main thing was having to keep his temper under control. As he tried to recall what exactly he had done, his head started to throb. He pressed his index finger to his temple, trying to stop the slightly painful throbbing that was being produced. Hissing under his breath, Kyouya closed his eyes.

"Hey," Dino called, his voice becoming husky again. "I think you've had enough."

Had enough of you, Kyouya thought dryly. "No."

Dino's mouth was next to ear the next moment; the brunet could almost feel his lips pressed against his cartilage from the hair that had fallen forward.

As Dino spoke again, a shiver ran down Kyouya's spine. He mentally groaned when he felt an uncomfortable feeling become present within his stomach.

"Kyouya," Dino whispered huskily.

The brunet frowned to himself, trying to fight back the heat that was spreading across the flesh of his cheekbones. The way his name was being said was far too intimate; even more than before. It was as though the blonde had known him longer that a few hours—the estimated time that Kyouya had guessed they'd known each other.

The next moment Kyouya could feel Dino biting down softly onto the top of his ear. He groaned quietly under his breath, not enjoying the odd jolt that shot through him. He refused to move; to show weakness any more than he already had. He wasn't particularly in pain, though, it was more a feeling that he couldn't place. He put down onto his bottom lip when Dino gently trailed his lips across his ear, taking his earlobe into his mouth the next moment.

If Dino's actions were supposed to have been similar to a test for Kyouya, he was surely going to fail. He bit down harder on his lip, trying to stop the feeling within his stomach as he felt Dino's teeth trailing across his cartilage again. When he blew lightly on the moistened skin, Kyouya shuddered, trying to contain the moan at the back of his throat.

As he realized what kind of noise almost escaped his lips, Kyouya moved away from the blonde quickly. He'd forgotten about what the alcohol he had consumed and the effect that it had on his body, though; meaning that as he shuffled away, he had forgotten that he was seated upon a stool. His backside slipped off of the seat, his momentarily opening as he went to fall onto the floor as his actions were delayed.

Before Kyouya could properly comprehend what had happened to him, he was aware of the arms wrapped around his waist, also the fact that he was still standing. His head had been pressed into Dino's chest, making him finally realize how much smaller he was compared to him. Kyouya blinked incredulously as he tried to detach himself from the older male, yet it didn't work. Instead another spout of dizziness became apparent.

"I think you need to lie down for a bit," Dino commented lowly. "Do you want to come to my place?"

AN: This is a collab between Kuro (Kurosawa-Kun) and myself. She's writing the Fran lines while I'm doing everything else. Thank you for agreeing to do this story with me! A huge thank you to Aki, Demu and Hima for suggesting Dino lines, haha. I'm hopeless at writing him.

I'd like you to vote who ends up with Kyouya in the end, too. Just say who within a review, please. Votes so far are:

Dino: 16 / Fran: 8