A blue love
By NocoXD
This is jour Author saying; if you don't like yaoi, go away! And I am not the owner of any characters.
It was 7'o clock. 15 years old Timothy(Timmy) Turner yawned, and opened his eyes. It was Monday, means back to school.
It was the first school day in the New Year. Who knows what 2011 could bring? Love, happiness, maybe he would understand his heart.
What Timmy meant whit the last, was that he taught he maybe was gay. Sins last time he, Cosmo, Wanda and Poof had fought Anti Cosmo, had he felt a little different. He had felt a little different for Anti Cosmo! His enemy!
Timmy stood up, got some clothes on,(a purple v-necked sweater and white jeans) took the fishbowl whit his three godparents inside and walked down to the kitchen.
Because his parents jobbed far away the next month he was alone, or was he?
,,Hey twerp!'' a loud voice jelled from the kitchen. Timmy sighted, Vicky! Of curse.
In the anti fairy world castle:
,,Dear Clarice! You must focus! There is something I must tell you.'' Anti Cosmo said, he felt a little bad for what he was about to say. ,,what's it Ac?'' the moron of an Anti-fairy asked. ,,listen. I-I think that I can't love you.'' Anti Cosmo said. ,,What? Y-you don't like me?'' Anti Wanda said hurt. ,,I still like you! B-but I think I am homosexual, so I don't love you.'' The green-eyed anti answered. ,,What?'' Anti Wanda said, totally confused. ,,in other words : I am gay.'' Anti Cosmo said. ,,you can keep Foop, I am going to move to earth. God bye.'' He Fooped away.
Timmy sat in the bus, chatting whit his friends; Chester, Mark(an alien of the rase jugopotamian, who were running away from his Hot, but incredible scary wife. And is using a belt as can make you look like everything to look like human.) And A.J.
,,Yo, dude.'' Chester suddenly said. ,,look at the new kid.'' Timmy turned around, and let out a small gasp. The boy had blue hair, green eyes and a monocle on his right eye, Anti Cosmo!
Anti Cosmo sat down next to Timmy. ,,Hello Timothy. How are you. Long time sins we met.'' Anti Cosmo said. ,,dude! Who is this?'' A.J asked. ,,oh! I am sorry, I am Ac, a friend of Timothy.'' Anti Cosmo said, handshaking Chester, Mark and A.J.
This is going to be a long day. Timmy taught.
After school:
,,Ac, you must do something whit your style!'' Timmy laughed, as they walked. They were good friends now, but they booth wanted it to be more then friendship between them.
,,Welcome to Turner's residence.'' Timmy said as they walked inside. Anti Cosmo closed the door behind him and looked around, it was joust as he remembered the place.
They walked up to Timmy's room, there were a few new things, but except from that it looked exactly as before. ,,Cosmo, Poof and Wanda are on vacation, they don't come home before tomorrow night.'' Timmy said.
Timmy began to look in the closet. ,,he need other shoos. An other sweater, and something instead of the monocle.'' Timmy said to himself. ,,the black pants are cool enough.''
After a wile Timmy got out from the closet whit a bounce of clothes and laid them on the floor.
,,ok, first you need some lenses''
,,I can foop some up.'' Ac said and did so. ,,good! Then put these on!'' Timmy said and lifted up a pair of shoos. ,,good! Then take off jour shirt, and put this on.'' Timmy said and gave Anti Cosmo a long-armed white sweater.
Ac took off his shirt and was about to take the new one, when his bright green eyes met Timmy's baby blue one. And he figure out that he couldn't resist it any more.
He cupped Timmy's face and looked into the eyes of the boy he loved. Anti Cosmo pressed their lips together.
Timmy's eyes widened in surprise before slowly close. The moment was perfect.
Timmy felt Ac's thong liking over his lips, asking for enter. Timmy laid his arms around Anti Cosmo's waist, pushing himself closer to the older man. He opened his mouth, and Ac's thong entered at once. Their thongs slide against eat other. ,,A-Anti Cosmo!'' Timmy moaned. Ac froze and let his lips go away, before whispering: ,,Did you hear that?'' and in the next second, Timmy understood what Ac meant.