Disclaimer: We own nothing. XD

Co-written by Tinkerbell90

AN: Prologue to start us off. Each character will get to tell their story.

First Kiss

"Will it taste like candy?
Will it be that sweet?
Will our hearts be racing to a heavenly beat?
Will the moment sweep me off my feet, and draw me under"

Elena wished for nothing more than for a pill against her headache. She didn't even know if she had ever such a headache before in her life. That was worse than any hangover. She growled and closed her eyes for a moment. She wished to be home in her bed, but that was impossible. She was in the living room at the Boarding House, surrounded by loud people and wondered how she ended up there.

"C'mon Elena, give me a smile." Damon said cocky like always and sat down next to her. He took her feet and placed them into his lap. Elena shot him a death glare. Damon chuckled.

"Kitten, kitten, kitten. You look like you are angry…I just don't understand why." His tone was sarcastic, sure what else would it be.

"Go away, Damon…." She moaned.

"Oh 'Lena, don't look at me like I screwed this up. My plans are never going that wrong." He was proud that the actual mess wasn't his fault. "Speaking if the guilty one…" Stefan sat down in the arm chair and looked utterly tired. "Hey, baby bro! Your plan was really amazing. I never had this much fun in my entire undead life before!

"Drop it, Damon." Stefan hissed annoyed. "I know I messed up this time."

Damon nodded. "Yup. You and –" He pointed in the direction of the kitchen, were Bonnie, Caroline and Jeremy were captured in a heated discussion, "Little Miss Judgy over there."
Bonnie noticed Damon's look and rolled her eyes.

"It was a good plan, Damon." Stefan complained. "We couldn't know that it would go wrong."

Damon laughed. "Sure, because the plan was so save in the first place."

Stefan looked at Elena seeking for her help. He didn't like it that she was so close to Damon at the moment. Elena sighed. "Sorry Stefan, but I'm with Damon on this one. The plan was kinda meant to fail."

Damon couldn't hide a smile. He loved it when Elena was on his side and not on Saint Stefan's for once.

Elena felt sorry for Stefan as she looked at his obvious hurt expression, but she didn't want to lie to him. She looked around. The living room was drunk to the gills. There were her, Stefan and Damon, Caroline, Bonnie and Jeremy, Tyler, Jenna and Alaric. Even John and Isobel were there which made her of course very happy. She took a deep breath and continued her observation. There was Katherine which made her even happier. And Elijah with Klaus. That was beyond weird.

She watched Klaus from the corner of her eye and hoped he wouldn't notice. That guy creeped the hell out of her. They wanted to get rid him tonight, but as usual when they planned something, it went totally wrong.

It was three days before full moon, which meant three days before Klaus wanted to sacrifice Elena so they had to act quickly. Damon suggested using Katherine as a distraction while Stefan would leave town with Elena, but no Stefan had to come up with a "better plan".

They wanted to use Elijah to arrange a meeting with Klaus at the Boarding House, Elena supposedly agreed to hand herself over to him if he would spear the lives of her loved ones, a plan Elena disagreed with in the first place. She thought it was a bad idea to invite Klaus over and she was right.

Klaus agreed to the meeting and Stefan was sure his plan would succeed. Bonnie should've used her newfound powers to trap Klaus via magic into the Salvatore basement so they would have gotten enough time to figure out how to kill him. Of course the whole gang showed up, totally unwanted, to help and made things worse. Klaus got angry, Bonnie was distracted by all the people around her and messed the spell up.

Now they had the fat's in the fire. They all were trapped into Boarding House. No one could get in. No one could get out. Trapped with Klaus. Elena wanted to scream.
She thought Klaus would kill everyone out of his anger, but to her surprise he found the whole scenario kinda amusing.

Bonnie tried for hours now to reverse the spell, but nothing worked out. She got frustrated and even Jeremy's encouraging words couldn't help anymore.

So everyone tried to make the "best" out of the situation. Damon was teasing Stefan, Caroline and Jeremy tried to help Bonnie, Tyler was still getting to know the whole "Klaus story" and was taught by Alaric, along with Jenna who was more than confused by everything, John and Isobel were fighting over some past issues, Katherine was smirking all the time, Elijah felt obviously uneasy, Klaus observed everyone, true to the motto "Know Thy Enemy" and Elena had headaches.

It was a normal day in Mystic Falls after all.

Damon stood up. "Guys, we really should do something. It's getting boring."

"No strip poker." Alaric said.

"I didn't mean –" Damon tried to say, but Jeremy was faster. "No spin the bottle."

Damon crossed his arms. "What I wanted to say –"

"And of course no Truth or Dare!" Bonnie demanded.

Damon grinned. "Guys, c'mon. I'm not that obvious."

"Yes you are." The three said in unison.

Damon looked a bit offended, but his eyes had a wicked sparkle in them. "I thought more about some good old campfire stories."

Stefan raised an eyebrow. "Campfire stories? Seriously?"

Damon patted his back. "Oh Steffy, Steffy. We both know you would've made a terrific scout. Your love for bunnies and squirrels proves that."

Caroline raised her hand. "I've nothing against some storytelling. We don't have anything to do until Bonnie knows how to break the spell."

"What kind of stories?" Tyler asked curiously. "Please not some stupid horror stuff about Bigfoot please."

Damon grinned. "I thought about something more sweetly." He said and glanced briefly at Elena. "How was your first kiss?"

Jenna put her arms in her hips. "You gotta be kidding me. The first kiss?"

Damon nodded. "There's always a good story behind the first kiss." Jenna agreed silently with him and wondered how Alaric's first kiss was.

Elena thought Damon had lost his mind. They were trapped with Klaus. Klaus. And he wanted to talk about kisses?

"Don't give me that look again, Elena. I know what you're thinking, but since Klaus here has no killing intentions right now and is trapped like each of us, I think we can have some fun."

Klaus chuckled. He kinda liked Damon and his behavior.

Alaric grabbed one of Damon's bottles with scotch. "If we do that, not without a drink."

Damon smirked and pointed at the showcase behind Alaric. "Glasses are in there."

They all sat around the fireplace. Even Klaus and Elijah, which was a way to odd to talk about it afterwards. Katherine crossed her legs. "We could rather talk about other first times." She said seductively and briefly touched Stefan's leg.

Stefan gulped. "That wouldn't be a good idea."

Alaric handed them all something to drink, even Jeremy was allowed "this one time", according to Jenna.

"Who's starting?" Caroline asked.

"Well, since it was Damon's idea, I think he should be first." Jenna said and Damon smiled.

"It's my pleasure." He nipped at his drink and started to tell his story.