Disclaimer-I own nothing!

Kagome took in the pretty blush on Naruto's face as she continued to inch her face closer. She knew the boy was a virgin but he had to have some type of experience. So she let her breath caress his and then asked, "Naruto have you had your first kiss yet?"

She could feel him stiffen and hear the gulp he took. A smile pulled at her lips,and that's when she decided she was having way too much fun messing with him.

"Well Naruto?"She said seeing that he still hadn't found his voice.

"Y-yes but it was with a boy."His whispered answer was a shock to her.

'A boy?'Kagome said the words in her head a few times before pulling back.

Pulling back from him she tilted her head to the side and looked at him with a quirked eyebrow. "So you're gay?"

She didn't think it was possible but the boy turned even redder as his face contorted into a horrified expression. "NO!"

His loud voice only brought another smile to her face. "It's okay Naruto I won't judge you. If that's what you're into then it's fine."

"I'M NOT GAY!"He yelled out to her and that's when everybody stopped to stare at them.

Kagome wanted to fall down and laugh right there,but instead went on with her little game. "Don't lie about it Naruto it's not good to be indenial."

And with that she disappeared in a poof leaving a red faced Jinchuuriki to sputter about how he wasn't gay.

Plain Ole' Renee-Randomlly popped up in my head so maybe I'll add more. But tell me what you think.