Hey guys! ^^

Again, I apologize for all the grammatical mistakes! I try my best despite not being English, I swear!

This fanfiction is just an excuse to satisfy all my sick fantasies about four of my favorite Hetalia characters. xD Italy, Romano, Germany and Prussia.

I own nothing at all and it's rated T for now... may change sometime.


[slight Itacest]

"Hey, hey, Germany~"

"… Italy. What are you doing here?"

"Ve~ I came to see Germany~ and look – look! My big brother Romano even came along with me!"


"Aw~ don't be so mean, Lovino!"


Germany stepped back to allow the two Italian brothers to enter his house. He wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, but it looked like this wasn't going to happen soon, with North and South Italy screaming at each other like two maniacs…

"Hey, hey Germany~ I brought pasta – are you hungry, yes? I can cook some pasta for you!" Italy said while stepping through the door, closely followed by Romano. He showed his basket full of food with a delighted expression on his face and Germany just scowled at him.

"Italy… seriously. It's late… couldn't you have come visit me a little bit earlier?"

"But Germanyy~ I've stopped by three times today and you weren't here ~ that's so mean! I'm really happy to have gotten a hold of you at least now! And Romano is really happy, too~"

"I swear, Feliciano… these hands have done worse things than just killing…" a pissed off South Italy hissed warningly.

The two brothers started to quarrel; Italy whining and pouting, Romano cursing and glaring. Germany sighed dramatically and turned around to return to his wonderfully warm and soft bed… Well, at least these were his intention before a sobbing Veneciano tackled him.

"Germanyy~ Lovino's being totally mean to mee~"

The little Italian buried himself deep in his arms and Germany started sweating a little from the stress. He looked down at the petite country, who was trembling like a leaf and rubbing his cheek in a comfort-seeking manner against his broad chest. Then he glanced at Romano, who immediately averted his gaze, directing his nose towards the ceiling in what was supposed to be a really arrogant façade.

"Yeah, sure – go cry to the freaking POTATO-FACE, you crybaby!" the angered South Italy teased.

"Look… guys… I actually wanted to get some sleep tonight." Germany tried again, with a pleading tone in his voice.

"Can I sleep with you, Germany?" Italy asked, stopping almost immediately to cry and beaming at him.



"You can both sleep in the guest room… we can all spend some time together tomorrow morning…" Germany proposed, trying to peel Veneciano off his body, but failing miserably.

"But I want to sleep with Germanyy~" the petite country whined.

"I'm not staying alone in this house!" his older brother repeated annoyed, panicking at the thought of having to sleep in the German's guest room without his North.

"We should all sleep together in Germany's bed! Vee~ that would be really, really nice!" Italy said happily, finally releasing the taller nation from his death grip.

Germany wished he could kick the both of them out and he felt his fingers twitch, ready to actually grab first one and then the other by their collars and then throw them out of the door. But Italy was using his puppy eyes and his own started to water as a clear sign of defeat.

"Alright - you can both sleep in my bed, but I swear, I don't want to hear any more laments!"

"Vee~ Germany's so nice~"

"Whatever… stupid potato-face."

His bed felt like heaven. Well, at least until two foreign bodies which definitely didn't belong in THAT bed slipped in it right beside him.

Veneciano almost immediately snuggled up to Germany, pulling his brother's arm (without consent) over himself, forcing him to hug him.

"This is awesome~" he sighed contently.

"Not in the least." the southern Italian mumbled, retrieving his arm and turning in the opposite direction.

"Don't be so grumpy!" Veneciano scolded him, turning around as well and tugging at Romano's special curl.

The older Italy startled and gasped loudly, grabbing his brother's wrist and deepening his nails into its soft and delicate skin.

"F-Feliciano, I'm losing m-my patience!" he warned him, but couldn't stop himself from gasping another time, when North Italy slightly tugged at it again.

"Will you two be quiet or what?" Germany complained, starting to be annoyed.

"Oww~ Feli, stop - it hurts! I'm not in the mood to be touched there!"

"Then stop being so naughty!"


Germany practically jumped into a sitting position and stared terrified at the two struggling nations beside him.

"Ahh~ it's just hair. I was already afraid… well… never mind." he sighed in relief, but was so tired that he was ready to take drastic measures.

"That's it – Italy, you're staying here. Romano, you're coming over to this side, immediately!"

"WHAT? I'm not sleeping right beside you, you sausage-sucker!"

Germany reached out to separate the two brothers and then grabbed the older one, (who squealed like a pig) to lift him up over himself and lay him down beside him.

"I don't want to hear anything anymore." he warned one last time, sounding rather threatening.

Some minutes had passed in complete silence and Germany was positive that he was finally going to get some sleep now. He relaxed and sighed contently, slowly drifting off. Italy had snuggled up to him and was lying with his head on his chest, but he didn't care – actually it was even okay. He unconsciously shifted his arm to curl it around Veneciano's narrow shoulders and turned slightly in his direction. The petite nation seemed to be pleased by the purring sound he emitted.

Everything seemed alright, until somebody snuggled up to him also on the other side. What the hell…

He opened his eyes in shock and slightly turned his head to warily eye the southern Italian. Strange enough there wasn't a knife in his hand as it wandered across his clothed mid-section to captivate him in a surprisingly strong grip.

"I'm personally going to invade and destroy your vital regions if you don't take your filthy hands off him this instant." Romano spat as his fingernails suddenly deepened themselves through the pajama-shirt into the taut skin of Germany's abdomen. Now he wasn't a nation to get scared off easily, but South Italy's eyes were glowing red in the dark. He hastily released the bony shoulders he was holding and scrambled into a sitting position.

"He was t-the one who initiated it! And I-I was just holding him!" he stuttered nervously.

"Hand over my brother. NOW!" Romano hissed, gesturing wildly.

He had pushed himself up and was supporting his upper-body with an arm. Unsure of what to do, Germany just did what he was told and climbed over North Italy, the way he was lying on the other side of him. Then he rolled him over, careful not to wake him up. The still slumbering nation's back collided softly with Romano's chest and the southern Italian flashed another hateful glare in Germany's direction, before closing his arms tightly around his younger brother's frame, almost crushing him against himself. He flipped them over the way Veneciano was lying almost underneath him, protected against possible glances and touches from the German's side.

"He is MY North. MINE!" Romano growled over his shoulder.

Germany just stared. For two parts of a country which constantly quarreled with each other, the scenario in front of him was quite something… different.

"You touch him again and I kill you." the blonde nation heard the older Italy mutter, but he had clearly calmed down now that his precious brother lay safely in his arms.

Germany caught himself thinking that he had just witnessed one of the most intimate things in the whole wide world. And he couldn't help but blush lightly as the scrawnier of the two Italians turned around in the protective embrace to stuff his face into the crook of Romano's neck, mumbling something about pasta and pizza.

This was how it was supposed to be, he realized.

They did belong together, just like this.

But damn, how much would he have given right then to have them both for himself.

Thanks for reading! Reviews make my day =))

P.s. Part 2 will be Germancest