No Rules

Hey everyone! I am starting a new story, and I know. Everyone knows of this plot and blah. But no one has ever done the things I plan on doing. I have already planned through chapter 10 so hopefully I will be able to update and write faster. I will write the outlines of 10 chapters, write the chapters, then outline 10 more.

I hope everyone knows of my plan about Poverty and Riches...I put a poll up. Look there if you read it or not!

WARNING: Their pasts and ages have changed for the plot of the story. Shikamaru and the Konoha gang are seniors along with Temari. Gaara, Matsuri, Sari are freshies. Kankuro is a junior. Also maybe OOC.

Here is the beginning!


Chapter 1: Beginning of a New Life

Clothes...bathroom supplies...oh yeah gotta make sure Gaara and Kankuro are ready to leave. Need to check their bags...especially Gaara. He might pack some deadly items.

I couldn't believe my father was actually letting us leave this hell hole. I'm pretty sure I was going to love it even if it was the shittiest school ever. Which from the pamphlet didn't look crappy. Tsundae's Academey for the Academics and the Arts. Such a long, fancy name. In fact, it looked like a bunch of rich snooty kids went there. The buildings looked nice and there was lush grass and beautiful, large oak trees. You could see a fairly nice fountain, three layers too it. The top was shaped as a rose, and it was pouring out clear water. Students were scattered in the picture. Most doing school work, handing out fliers, etc. You know school stuff. Then it had all of these academic classes, extra-curriculum activites, even an art class for the students (my favorite thing to do of all time). Plus the shopping center wasn't that far off, you could practically walk to it.

Even though this new school had all these pretty amazing things, those weren't even the best part. Best part is that parents can't come visit you or take you back home until parent day which isn't until around January. A whole five months without my dad. Then a day with him, then ANOTHER five months without him!

I think I was in Heaven.

"Gaara. Do you have everything together?" I questioned him. He looked at me and squinted his eyes under the torrid sun. See, my dad hates my little brother the most out of us all. So he even goes as far as to keep him outside in a poorly made dog house. Even has a collar chained to the wall. I know, weird right? But the weirdest and most hurtful part is that he doesn't use his name anymore, apparently his name is "Fido the Dog" people can see why I'm glad we are getting the fuck outta here.

"Yeah Temari. I have everything." He glanced at me and sighed. Knowing full well I wanted to see his bag. "Here you go. I'm keeping at least 3 knives and 2 guns. Plus the bullets needed."

I rummaged through his bag pulling out weapo- I looked up at him with saucer wide eyes. "A bomb? Gaara what the hell are you doing with a bomb? Where did you get it in the first place!"

"Black market, and you never know when you are going to need one. You know...maybe when we leave...I can blow this house to bits." He stated nonchalantly. I just shook my head. I wondered about him sometimes...

"Father said to pack the car up, we're leaving." Kankuro spoke when he came out the door with his two large suitcases and a small backpack. I had one extra-large suitcase and a messenger back slung over my shoulder. Gaara had a small backpack and an extra-small suitcase. Yeah there is no favortism in this family, can't you tell? I just wanted to roll my eyes at the image fo my father. He was such an asshole.

I loaded the car and sat in the back with Gaara. Getting ready to endure the all day drive. How freaking wonderful.


"Kiba Inuzuka and Hinata Hyuuga report to my office. NOWWWWWW!" I cringed at the sound of Tsundae's voice. New students were coming to the schoool today so were acting like the perfect school we are meant to be. Even the druggies are pulling it off. I glanced at a group of them, they were in nice outfits and get this. Not doing drugs for the first time in about a year.

Yeah it is pretty bad around here.

Tsundae made this school have no rules, except for two crucial ones. First, don't tell your parents/family about what REALLY goes on here. Second, parents/family can never, EVER, pick us up or come for an unexpected visit. So anything else goes. Sure we listen to the teachers...well sometimes...truthfully I don't know how the hell this school hasn't been found out yet. It's been existing like this for 32 years. Not once did the police ever catch a whiff of what goes on behind the gates locking the secrets away.

"Kiba-kun! I'm so excited! New students! So you think they'll like me?" Hinata twiddled her fingers nervously. I beamed my brightest and biggest smile at her. she was so insecure all the time.

"Of course they will! Your an amazing person, who wouldn't like you? Besides we should be worried if they actually can defend themselves against the bullies, rapists (yeah they are here too), and murderers (not all the time, but we do get an occasional crazy)."

She nodded her head along with my statement. "Yeah I guess so...I want a new bestfriend...maybe there will be a girl! Then we can finally make Shikamaru happy. He doesn't deserve Ino." She had a spark come to life in her eyes just thinking of the meddling.

I sighed quietly to myself. That's Hinata for you. Always meddling, always matchmaking, and always butting in other's lives. Despite that, she is great. Intelligent, stunning, hilarious, the sweetest person I have ever met...and someone I'll never be able to have. Damn Naru-

"GET THE HELL IN MY OFFICE!" We both scampered into the office finding three students. One girl and two boys. "This is Temari, Kankuro, and Gaara Sabaku No. You will give them a tour of the campus and show them to their rooms. Also show them where their classes are located. It's a pretty big school. Well introduce yourselves."

The blonde one analyzed us pretty well before she even spoke. She had bright blonde hair and teal eyes that struck through you, like they were picking out pieces of your life and analyzing through each one meticously. She was wearing a white shirt that was short-sleeved. It cut across her chest (above her uhh area) and from there hugged her stomache up pretty nicely. Above her right elbow was a band, it was black with white ruffles on each end. She was wearing a skirt that went to about mid-thigh and it was pitch black. Around her waist was a red chain with a bright gold cross hanging from it on her left side. She was wearing knee-high socks that were also black with some type of black boots that reached to her shin and it also had at least four buckles going up the entire boot. Overall, extremely hot. In an obvious way.

"The name is Sabaku No Temari. Try not to be annoying." She spoke with confidence, hand on her hip, chin held high, daring us to try to be defiant towards her demands.

The next one was the tallest boy. Brown hair, brown eyes. Nothing daring or special about them. Although he had a smudge of paint on his face paint. You know the stuff clowns use for their performances. Anyways, he was wearing a brown jacket that had short sleeves also but he wasn't wearing a shirt underneath. Showing his chest for the ladies I'm guesing. A silver chain necklace dangled down from his neck, on the end of it hung a dogtag. I couldn't read it from here, my speciality isn't eyesight. He was wearing a gray baseball cap with a red hankercheif tied around it and in a knot in the back of the hat. He had a band around his right wrist (a sibling thing?) but it was brown with a strip of grey and a few beads that were grey attached to it. He was wearing grey pants with grey and brown shoes.

"Sabaku No Kankuro. And I hate kids." ...okay...what a weirdo. Probably a cocky jerk.

The third was...demonic almost. It was the aura he radiated off of him. He was pretty much wearing all black. A shirt that went to his elbows, and an over vest-type thing made of leather. It isn't one of those nerd things, its like something you'd see on those cool action guys in the spy movies. His jeanes were the darkest blue with a white belt hanging from his left side, draping over his left leg and tying through a loop in the back of jeans, then continuing to drape over his right leg and hook on a loop in the front. He had black fingerless gloves on his hands that led up to bands going all the way up to his elbows until they reached the end of his hair was as red as the blood flowing through everyone's veins in the room. His eyes were such a light sky blue that it was such a contrast to his appearance. Around his eyes was what looked like black eyeliner, but from what I knew was a disease. it was called insomia and it causes you not to sleep. On his forehead, "love" was etched into it. Most likely was a tattoo.


" the hell out of my office." Tsundae demanded with a glare.

Pretty soon the door was slammed into our faces. Lovely principle. "Hi. I'm Hyuuga Hinata. It's a pleasure to meet you." Hinata bowed slightly. Kankuro scoffed and muttered something like I'm out of here. Then he was gone.

"Okay. Umm you don't have to bow or anything. I'm not a freaking royal or anything. Geez..." Temari scolded.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I-I-I didn't mean to m-make you mad or anything..." Hinata stuttered.

"Don't listen to my sister..she is difficult to deal with." The creepy one stated to us. Whoa...he seemed a hell lot more calm and nice than Temari.

"Anyways! So this is the courtyard. Basically you can get to the dorms, school, parking lot, forest behind the school...practically anything."

They both nodded along.

"Anyways so this way is to the dorms. Can I have you papers? I want to make sure you get to your dorms safely. And I'll have to warn you about the people here. There aren't any rules so people do whatever they want. So you better be able to fight. Like Hinata here, can't fight. So I protect her."

"We can take care of ourselves." Temari rolled her eyes as she said this. Think someone doesn't like the new school or maybe she doesn't like new people. Oh well.

This should be great, I love meeting new people.


" then she said I was too...chubby...for her." Chouji talked sadly, as the depressing story continued on.

I looked away from him. Chouji can get so troublesome sometimes. I sware, he is always thinking of falling in love. Love is troublesome. And doesn't usually happen often.

"Chouji look...she isn't worth it. If she is just basing it on looks then she doesn't matter. Just because she's hot doesn't mean you need to sacrifice your whole..."

And that is when trouble began. That is the moment my life turned upside down. I just knew it by the way her teal eyes lit up when she saw the trees. Then she looked at me. I instantly froze up. How the hell can she make me want her when I don't even know her. I mean my own girlfriend didn't make me want her this much. Not in some sexual way either. I just wanted to talk to her, get to know her, I don't know. Maybe I'm going crazy. Maybe I'm not. She looked away as fast as she looked at me.

The worst part was that I didn't look away so...great. I'm a stalker. Wonderful.

"Shikamaru. Shikamaru! What are you looking at? Ohhhh I see. You think she is pretty huh? I've never seen you stare at anyone like this. Even Ino, your own girlfriend! You should try and talk to her you know."

"Too troublesome. Besides I have a grilfriend."

You know I think this is the first time, I wish I didn't have a girlfriend. In my entire life.


"Mom! I'm home! Where are you?" I walked into the living room looking for my mom. She said she wanted me home to talk about something important.

"I'm in here. Your father and I have some good news. Well we know how much you miss living in Japan." I nodded along, wondering where this was going. "So your father talked to his boss and we are moving back to Japan! Just for you!" My mother screamed at me in joy.

What? NO FREAKING WAY! I was going to see Shikamaru again! Oh how much I missed him...

"When are we heading back!" I yelled at my mom, I couldn't contain my excitement.

"Miyako! Calm down. We are leaving in about two-three months. We can't afford it until then."

In two-three months, I was going to see the love of my life again. I was so excited and I bet he missed me so much. Afterall, we are soulmates.


Author's Notes:

Well here it is! And Miyako is my own character. You'll find out about her more later on. Tell me what you think of this! Thanks for reading and please review. They make me happy haha.