CeruleanAndGray: Thank you for your lovely review. I'm glad that you like my writing style on describing Tsuna :D It's in Italy. I hope you will like this chapter as well ;)
daotrang: Thank you for your review. And I'm glad that you found my story interesting. I'll try my best to keep them not OOC. I agree with you on that, 1827 are really hard to write especially when you write one from Hibari's POV. He just so difficult to write even I sometimes gets a little frustrated on writing him. I tried my best though because I still like him even though he is a difficult person :D
ben4kevin: Thank you for your review on each chapter. I hope you like this as well :D
Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn! Although I wish I could own Hibari Kyouya –hics-
Pairings: 1827, slight D27, one-sided 2795 and 2786
Genre: Angst, Romance, Hurt/Comfort
Italian Glossary:
Arrivederci! Stare al sicuro: Goodbye! Stay safe
I want you to know who I really am, to show you my true self
I never thought I'd feel this way towards you
You're the first and the last one for me
Hibari was still struggling with his own emotion since the time he realized his feeling for the Vongola Tenth Boss. He just can't control himself every time he nears the brunette's presence. That's why he always asks for the mission which needs him to be as far as possible from the Headquarters.
Because by being far from the brunette meaning he could have a lot of time to think more about this new feeling within himself. After all, Hibari Kyouya is never one who associate himself with this thing called as love. So for him to experience something like this is like how the ices in the North Pole melt suddenly.
Which practically mean that the world will probably end soon if the skylark doesn't find a way to handle this new emotion. Even though Hibari had managed to perfect his technique on hiding his emotion from being showed, there is no harm on being cautious. After all with Sawada Tsunayoshi, everything could happen.
The brunette is just one of the wonders in the world for Hibari. Making Hibari fall in love with him had proven that because like everyone had known, Hibari Kyouya is never one to fall in love. So for Sawada Tsunayoshi to manage make the aloof Cloud Guardian fall in love with him is one of the miracles the brunette had performed.
When he was coming back from his mission to give a brief report about his mission towards the brunette, he had been so anxious. But being Hibari Kyouya means you couldn't show your emotion freely that's why, he keeps his poker face firmly. The Vongola Tenth Boss was watching at the sky from his window when Hibari walked inside the room.
Like always, the brunette gives Hibari his warm smile which always manages to make Hibari's heart beat a little faster than Hibari likes. Still, the raven haired man tried his best to hold back himself and keeps himself professional in front of his so called boss. It won't do him any goods now if he lost his composure just because of that smile on that herbivore's face.
"Welcome back, Hibari-san. You're back earlier than the appointed time," Sawada Tsunayoshi smiled warmly at him.
The mention of his so called mission brings back an unpleasant memory to his mind as he glared at the herbivore known as Sawada Tsunayoshi. That mission had been a total waste of his time even though it had managed to help him control himself facing the Vongola Tenth Boss still Hibari can't help but scoffed at the mission.
Those herbivores were really weak and the skylark found no satisfaction on biting them at all. Even that little herbivore known as Thunder Guardian was stronger than those herbivores. He can't help but snorted at the thought of that Thunder Guardian is strong after all; the child was the weakest from all the Guardian in here.
"Hn. Those herbivores don't even worth my time."
The brunette merely chuckled at the answer he was given. And Hibari found himself liking the sound of the brunette's laughter. He never found any sounds pleasant at all before but somehow he knows if it was Sawada Tsunayoshi's laughter; Hibari won't mind to hear it everyday.
That thought were enough to make Hibari stared unflinchingly at the brunette, just what it is about this herbivore that manages to catch his interest? Could he find it if he looks closely?
The sound of his name coming out from the brunette manages to snap him out of his thought as he inwardly scowled at his lost of composure even though it just for a few moment. It seems like he really has to get out of here soon before he really lost all his self-control and kiss the brunette senseless; something that he is sure he will regret afterwards.
He quickly turned to leave once he had stated his report to the Vongola Tenth Boss, completely determined to get as far as possible from the smaller man. But that simple question from the brunette manages to stop him in his place as he gives the man a side glance. He doesn't know why but it seems like his simple answer manages to make the smaller man look dejected.
After sensing that there's nothing else his so called boss want to say, Hibari turns back to his way on leaving the room. It wasn't until the brunette blurted out that question did Hibari halts on his step. That question had managed to catch him off-guard. After all, Hibari never think that he will be the receiver end of that question from Sawada Tsunayoshi.
It's not like the question itself was something unusual but to hear it directed towards him, Hibari just couldn't believe his ears. It just likes the brunette to surprise him like this even with a simple question. Somehow Hibari can't help but feel the urge to groan at the brunette's behavior.
Sawada Tsunayoshi was and still is too innocent for his own good. If Hibari is another man, surely he will be already jumping on the poor brunette and ravish him. Fortunately or unfortunately he isn't; that's why even though it takes every single bit of his control, Hibari managed to not follow his instinct on this one.
Still, it doesn't mean that he can't tease his so called boss on this one. After all, it was rare for him to get such an opportunity like this. And Hibari Kyouya was never one who wastes any opportunities thrown at him. "I didn't know you really need my presence that badly, Sawada Tsunayoshi. Why? Do you miss me that badly?" Hibari smirked.
He had braced himself for the denial that surely will come from the herbivore but what he didn't expect was to hear that response coming out from the smaller man. That was something uncalled for even in his mind, beside it's not like he could picture the brunette to say such things towards him of all people.
But it was the truth. Sawada Tsunayoshi had just answered his teasing with an honest answer, one that Hibari never expected. It was good that the Vongola Tenth Boss doesn't look at him at the moment and instead only staring interestedly at the buttons of his suit, if not surely the brunette will see the surprised look on his Cloud Guardian's face.
Not wanting to let the brunette see the effect of his answer, Hibari immediately turns around from the smaller man. His back facing the other in the room before he resumed his walk to the door. He gave the brunette his reply right before he steps out of the room.
Hibari walks back to his own base quietly. Eyes furrowed in deep concentration at what he had just said to the Vongola Tenth Boss. He didn't just say that now, did he? It seems like his meeting with the brunette really affects him more than what he thinks it is.
It's a good thing that he doesn't have to stay in that room any longer. Or he will probably end up saying his feeling to the smaller man. Now that won't end up good for him. If just seeing Sawada Tsunayoshi for that brief moment could affect him like this, who knows what will happen if he spend the rest of the day on the brunette's company?
'That herbivore surely will be the death of me soon…' he sighed inwardly, already feeling a migraine on his head at the thought.
The sound of laughter and yelling could be heard clearly even from the place he is walking. There's no doubt that those herbivores have returned too. And just likes what he thought, he could already see their figures even from afar.
The Storm and the Rain Guardian. Another herbivores who like to crowd around the Vongola Tenth Boss. It just his luck to meet them of all people when he just returned from giving the small brunette his report. Yamamoto Takeshi was the first one who notice his presence as the taller man waved enthusiastically at him.
The baseball player had grown taller even from him, something that manages to irritate Hibari. Just what it is that could make that man that tall? The act didn't go unnoticed from the Storm Guardian's eyes as jade eyes stared at Hibari's figure. There's no doubt in Hibari's mind that the silver haired man was displeased to see him in here.
It's not too hard to guess that the relation between the skylark and the Italian man wasn't one that you could call friendly. Although it's not that bad like Hibari's relation with Rokudo Mukuro still Gokudera Hayato isn't that fond either with the raven haired man's presence.
"Yo, Hibari! Giving your report to Tsuna?" Yamamoto asked, a big grin on his face.
The raven haired man doesn't say anything to answer the question although he did glare at the friendliness Yamamoto Takeshi emitted. Hibari turns his eyes away from the man across him as he sighed inwardly. There's no point on answering the ex-baseball player, Yamamoto Takeshi will keep bothering him even though he doesn't answer the taller man.
"Tch. Why are you here, bastard?" Gokudera Hayato huffed, his jade green eyes staring at Hibari unflinchingly.
It's true that after some years Gokudera Hayato had matured still it does nothing for the man to change his displeasure towards the ex-prefect or towards anyone for that matter. He only more subtle on showing it now. The only person who doesn't seem to agitate the silver haired man was only Sawada Tsunayoshi and that fedora-wearing hitman.
"I don't see why that is something that you have to know, Gokudera Hayato." Hibari said coldly, eyes narrowed back at the hot-headed man.
"Maa…maa…Hibari doesn't mean it that way, Hayato." Yamamoto tried to calm the now agitated Storm Guardian.
"Shut up, baseball-freak! And who gives you the permission to call my name?"
"Hahaha, Tsuna does."
"Don't lie you idiot! Juudaime is the only one who could call me like that!" Gokudera shouted, eyes practically glaring daggers at the man beside him.
"I don't lie, Hayato. Surely you still remember what Tsuna said to you, right?"
"Of course, I do. There's no way that I could forget what Juudaime had said to me, baseball idiot!"Gokudera was practically fuming now and it seems like nothing Yamamoto had said could calm him.
"Herbivores, for being so noisy I will bite you to death." Hibari stated coldly, holding both of his tonfas in his hands.
Apparently the sound of their bickering really manages to snap the last bit of Hibari's patience as he glared at both of the man in front of him. He was just going to attack them when a bullet flew past them. Dodging the bullet a few centimeters from his face, Hibari turns his gaze towards the newcomer. The fedora-wearing hitman smirked at the look that greets his onyx eyes. It was obvious that his students' guardians were all preparing to fight with each other again.
Really watching them like this never cease to amuse him. They were all just too entertaining to pass up. Although he was never one to stop their fighting, but Reborn doesn't think this building needs another damage again. After all, his useless student was just signing the papers for Varia's Headquarters repairs. It won't be good if they need to repair Vongola's Headquarters too.
"Reborn-san!" Gokudera's eyes widened at the sight of the hitman.
"What do you want?" Hibari glared.
Reborn merely smirked at the look on the Cloud Guardian's face. Trust him to be upset for being interrupted in the middle of the fight. But what interest Reborn was the slight unusual behavior from the aloof man. It's not like Hibari to look so frustrated like there is something that bothering him.
Because even though the skylark tried to hide it, there's nothing that could go unnoticed from Reborn's eyes. And to know that there is something that manages to agitate the Cloud Guardian interest the hitman greatly. The spiky raven haired man will make sure to find out just what it is that bothered the floating cloud.
But before that, first he has to make the Storm and Rain Guardian go to see his students. There is no use on wasting times now. "Gokudera. Yamamoto, Dame-Tsuna was looking for the both of you." He said calmly, tilting his fedora to the side slightly.
"Juudaime? I will go to see him right away. Thank you, Reborn-san!" Gokudera's face brightened immediately at the mention of his beloved Tenth.
"See you later then, Hibari!" Yamamoto waved as he walks quickly to catch up with the bomber man.
Reborn averted his eyes from them as he focused his attention at the ex-prefect in front of him. An amused smirk make its way to his face as his eyes glinted with mischievousness. "So Hibari, I heard you've decided to stay in here for a while until your next mission."
That gets him the reaction he wanted as the skylark narrowed his eyes at him now. So it's because Dame-Tsuna…No wonder, his student always manage to attract any troubles even the dangerous one. Sometime his student is just too innocent and too oblivious. It seems like he really has to teach that useless student of him a certain lesson about people's personality and the danger of attracting dangerous people towards him.
"Do you have anything to do for this weekend, Hibari?" Reborn asked once again, his mind already working on the idea for his useless student and the Cloud Guardian.
"What it has to do with you?" Hibari asked coldly.
"I take it as a no. Then I guess you could accompany Dame-Tsuna for his meeting this weekend in Paris." Reborn continued causally.
"Why it should be me? I'm sure those herbivores will more than happy to accompany Sawada Tsunayoshi,"
"That's true. But I'm sure Dame-Tsuna is going to give them another mission to take before the weekend. So there's no doubt that they will be unable to go with him. And I can't ask the other guardians either since everyone is so busy these days. Which leave me with you as the last option," was the reply Reborn gives to the ex-prefect.
It was clear that Hibari has no other choices except to go with it. After all, he is also one of Tsuna's guardians albeit how solitary he is. Without saying anything to that, Hibari walks away from the hitman. Reborn watches the raven haired man silently, a small smirk on his lips at the look on the other's face. It will be interesting to see how everything is going to be for his student and the Cloud Guardian.
Hibari was sipping his tea calmly while his hand patting Hibird gently absentmindedly. His mind was too busy thinking about this new feeling inside him that he didn't notice another occupant on his room until a loud voice startled him out of his mind.
"Hibari! I need to talk to you TO THE EXTREME!" The loud voice of Sasagawa Ryohei echoed around his base.
Hibari placed his cup in the saucers gently, already used to with the disturbance. It doesn't stop him from feeling annoyed with it though. He narrowed his eyes at the sight of the enthusiastic boxer. "What do you want now, Sasagawa Ryohei?"
"There are some extreme things that I need to ask to you immediately!" The boxer answered, not even bothered by the sour mood the other's emitted.
Hibari says nothing to reply the enthusiastic man but the look on his face was enough to show that he was listening to what the other says. "A very nice old lady told this to me when I was on my mission in London. And when I told her that my wedding anniversary is coming soon, she told me to give Hana a bouquet of extreme flowers! She said that flowers have its own language. Since when flower could talk? I never know it to the extreme!"
Hibari raised his eyebrow at what the other had said to him. Trust Sasagawa Ryohei to not understand something like this. And to think that he was the first person the boxer will come to just to ask such a question, Hibari doesn't know if he should be flattered or annoyed at that.
"It's called Hanakotoba. It was used during the 19th century on Victorian Era. Each flower has its own meaning, Sasagawa Ryohei. You could say a lot of words only by giving the person a flower." Hibari said calmly, sipping his tea leisurely.
"I extremely don't get it!"
"Just tell me what you want to say to your wife, Sasagawa Ryohei." Hibari glared, feeling his patience running out just by talking with the boxer.
"Just give him a bouquet of red and pink roses. Now leave me alone before I bite you to death," Hibari answered coldly, already holding both of his tonfa menacingly in his hands.
"Thank you for your help, Hibari." The herbivore known as Sasagawa Ryohei said before he leaves the ruthless guardian immediately, already determined on giving his wife the flowers.
Hibari sighed softly, feeling himself getting tired just by talking with the boxer. He really has to add some trap doors the next time. Somehow those herbivores keep coming to his base these days.
Hibari's mix blue and grey colored eyes look at the brunette with a mild curiosity. It was obvious that the brunette hadn't known anything about this arrangement as the Vongola Tenth Boss keep glancing at him from his seat on the plane to Paris. "What do you want, Sawada Tsunayoshi?" He asked, finally feeling agitated with the brunette's behavior.
"Uh…did Reborn ask you to come, Hibari-san?" The small brunette asked, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. Reborn will hit Tsuna if he finds out about this of course. Thankfully, the hitman isn't coming with them this time.
"Hn." Was all Hibari's reply before he averted his gaze out of the window.
The trip to Paris was spent in silence since none of them found the will to say something. When they finally arrived at the City of Light, the limo which ordered to take them to the meeting place had waited for both of them. The ride to their meeting place which is near with L'Opéra Bastille was only disturbed by the small talk between them, something that seems to go a little awkward for the brunette.
When they finally reached their destination, the chauffeur opened the door for the Vongola Tenth Boss politely as Tsuna gives the man a small grateful smile. Hibari steps out of the car silently, following the Vongola Tenth Boss calmly. Though the aloof guardian still keep his distance from the smaller man.
He has to remember to keep the distance between them if the skylark doesn't want anything to happen. It won't be safe to let his guard down. Just when they reached the top floor where the room of the meeting will be held, a very familiar voice called out for them; making both men stop in their step.
"Tsuna! Kyouya!"
The Tenth Boss of Chiavarone Famiglia was walking towards them. From the look of it, it seems like the blond haired man was once again escaped from his subordinates. It won't be long for his clumsiness to be showed as Dino tripped on nothing when he was just walking towards them.
"Dino-san! Are you okay?" Sawada Tsunayoshi asked, immediately rushed to his so called brother's side.
Something that makes Hibari feels agitated all of sudden. Hibari doesn't know why but he doesn't like it when the Bucking Bronco was near with the Vongola Tenth Boss. "Hahaha, I'm fine. It's been a while since the last time I see you though. You really have grown a lot, Tsuna." The blond haired man smiled, ruffling the brunette's hair softly.
The brunette blushed from the look his so called brother gives to him. Hibari could feel his anger boils at the sight. How he wished he could just bite them to death. Unfortunately, he can't do that now since their Famiglia still needs them alive.
It doesn't stop Hibari from glaring daggers at the blond haired man though. Dino who seems oblivious with his sour mood only smiled back at Hibari, giving the skylark a very big smile. "Kyouya! How are you?"
"Uh, Dino-san…I don't think we should be in here any longer. The meeting will start soon and Reborn will shoot me if he finds out that I'm late." Tsuna said quickly, noting the dangerous look on Hibari's face.
That managed to make Dino get his composure as he quickly adjusted his suit and stands up. He extended his hand to help Tsuna up which the brunette takes gratefully. Another thing that agitates Hibari to no end.
When the meeting finally over, Hibari was already itched to just bite the Tenth Boss of Chiavarone Famiglia to death without any mercy. Watching the entire meeting progressed was something that Hibari had been used to do but to watch the Bucking Bronco tried to get close with Sawada Tsunayoshi and talking to the brunette for almost the entire time of the meeting was another thing.
There's no doubt that the entire occupants in the room was well aware with the skylark's irritation except for Dino and Tsuna who seems so oblivious about it. The brunette seems to notice Hibari's displeasure though it was obvious that he doesn't know the reason behind it. So he is not too different either from Dino.
"I guess I will see you again later, Tsuna. I will make sure to come and visit you next time," Dino smiled brightly at his so called little brother.
"Have a safe trip, Dino-san. I will look forward for your visit," Tsuna replied, smiling back at the blond haired man.
"Arrivederci! Stare al sicuro, Tsuna!" Dino gives the brunette a small peck on the cheek. The brunette who seems surprised from the gesture only stared wide-eyed at the blond, a tinge of pink painted his face.
That did it. It was the last thing that Hibari could tolerate from the blond. "Dino Chiavarone. I'll bite you to death." Hibari stated, eyes glinted menacingly as he approached the blond man who just looks back at him confusedly.
"What do you mean, Kyouya? Uh…Kyouya?" Dino sweat dropped, he could feel the hair on his neck tingling from the murderous aura the Cloud Guardian emitted.
The blond man steps back from the dangerous Cloud Guardian who already holds both of his tonfas in his hand. Dino's eyes glanced nervously to find his subordinates to no avail. The blond had sent Romario to pick the car before as Dino wants to say his goodbye with Tsuna and his student first. If he knows that something like this will happen, he won't let his subordinate go.
Now he left with nothing but his dangerous student. But before Hibari could bite the annoying blond man to death, the herbivores steps up in front of him; stopping him from harming the blond. "Step out, Sawada Tsunayoshi."
Hibari could see the look of fear and confusion on his so called Boss' eyes but the brunette stays firmly at his place, refusing to step out and let Hibari bites the Bronco to death. It wasn't long before the limo which supposed to take Dino arrived in front of them. Sensing how dangerous the situation is if he stays longer, Dino immediately jumping into his limo as he bids Tsuna a quick goodbye.
Hibari narrowed his eyes in annoyance as he watches his prey escaped. Turning on his heels, the aloof man was determined to just go back to Italy as soon as possible. But the tug on his wrist halted him as he glanced behind his shoulder to see the brunette holding his hand hesitantly.
"Uh…Hibari-san…do you mind if we go look around before we back to the hotel?"
Hibari looks at the brunette silently, seeing the hopeful look on the smaller man silently before he sighed softly. There is no way he could refuse that, not with that look on Sawada Tsunayoshi's face. Seeing that Hibari was agreeing to him albeit reluctantly manages to brighten up the Vongola Tenth Boss' face.
The both of them walk together to the shopping street in Paris. The brunette seems to be delighted with this as he doesn't stop talk since the time they left the meeting place. The sight of the brunette chatting happily makes Hibari wants to smile but he holds it back before it could happen.
"Hibari-san, do you think this place beautiful? I always want to visit Champs-Élysées but I never get the opportunity to come to here on my last visit. That's why I'm so happy that I could go with you to here now," Tsuna smiled softly, his honey-colored eyes look at his companion happily.
Hibari says nothing to answer the brunette but the looks on his face showed Tsuna that the raven haired man was also enjoying his surrounding. It was lucky for both of them that the street wasn't too crowd that day since Hibari always dislike any type of crowd wherever it is.
Sawada Tsunayoshi had bought a lot of things for his family since they walk in the street. But never once did the brunette buy something for himself. Something that caught Hibari's interest as he never sees a selfless person like Tsuna before. Usually people will go straight and buy something for themselves first before they buy things for the others but it seems that case doesn't work for Sawada Tsunayoshi.
It wasn't until the brunette locked his gaze on a music box in a certain store did Hibari finally notices that there is something that Sawada Tsunayoshi wants as well. But what confused him was the fact that even though it was clear that the herbivore wants to buy the music box, the Vongola Tenth Boss does nothing to buy it. Instead, he just looked at it and then asked Hibari to visit the Notre-Dame Cathedral next.
The Cloud Guardian says nothing to refuse him as he lets himself be dragged away by the brunette. Along the way, Hibari can't help but to think that this thing they were doing at the moment could be called as a date. Of course the aloof guardian immediately throws the idea away.
It won't be good if he is thinking something like that now. But when they were walking around Parc du Champ de Mars, one of the famous parks in Paris; they heard the sound of someone crying. Looking around their surroundings, Hibari found the sources of the voice coming out from a little girl who sit in the corner of the park.
"Why are you crying, little girl?" Sawada Tsunayoshi who immediately approached the girl asked in French.
The girl's teary eyes look up at the Vongola Tenth Boss as she hiccupped, "I got lost. I don't know where my mommy is…"
Hibari watches how Tsuna tries to comfort the small child before the little girl stop crying and look hopefully at the Sky Guardian. "Will you really help me find my mommy, mister?" she asked.
Now it was Hibari's turn to receive the hopeful look from his so called boss. It was clear that Sawada Tsunayoshi wants them to help the young girl to find her parents. He raised his eyebrow at the look his boss gives to him; it never stop to amuse him how the 22 years old man still manages to put that kind of innocent cute face even after all this time.
Sometimes Sawada Tsunayoshi is just really powerful like that when the brunette wants to. Hibari averted his gaze away from the man as he gives the brunette his agreement. It doesn't stop the raven haired man from notice the look of gratitude in his boss though.
With Sawada Tsunayoshi's intuition, the three of them visited Louvre Museum to see if they could find the little girl's parents in there. After all, the girl had said that her parents do love art so it was possible that they were in that museum. But they don't find them in there although one of the guards in there told them to look in Château de Versailles.
It was easy to tell that along their way to find the little girl's parents, Sawada Tsunayoshi and the girl had quickly become friends. They even enjoyed the sight around them, forgetting the fact that they weren't sightseeing at the moment. But Hibari found it cute to see the brunette act like he was young again.
It wasn't long until they found the little girl's parents who apparently were really worried about the girl's sudden disappearance. The couple said their gratitude towards them for finding their daughter as Sawada Tsunayoshi smiled at them kindly.
When Tsuna was distracted, Hibari slipped away from his so called boss as he walks back to the store which sells the music box that Sawada Tsunayoshi had been watching with interest before.
The aloof man found himself purchased the music box before he even notices it. 'There's no harm on giving it to the herbivore later…' he thought inwardly as he placed the box which contained his gift inside his pocket. When he was walking back to Tsuna in Château de Versailles' garden, he saw the brunette smiling happily at the little girl.
The little girl gives a flower to the brunette as the brunette pats her head gently. A soft smile on Sawada Tsunayoshi's face as the Vongola Tenth Boss listened patiently to the little girl's chatting. Hibari could hear the sound of their conversation from the place he stands.
"Thank you for the flower," Tsuna smiled gently, his hand patting the young girl's head.
"You're welcome, mister. Thank you for helping me earlier." The small girl smiled happily.
"It's a bluebell, right?"
"Yep! This flower symbolizes my gratitude for you! It means grateful," The girl nods her head enthusiastically; her eyes sparkled as she tells the older man about the flower.
Seeing Sawada Tsunayoshi smiles like that just because of a simple flower makes Hibari thinks about what Sasagawa Ryohei had told to him before. It seems like what the old lady told to the boxer were true after all especially, when Hibari looks at Tsuna now.
That look on the brunette's face gives the raven haired man a certain idea. One, which he can't wait to do once they arrived back at Italy. The next morning before they returned to Italy, Tsuna found a little box in front of his hotel room door.
The only thing that tells Hibari for the fact that the brunette had found his present was the happy look on the Vongola Tenth Boss when they go back to Italy. The brunette can't stop smiling all day; Hibari even caught the brunette looks grateful at him once.
Apparently, the herbivore seems to know just who it is that had left the present in front of his hotel room door. Tsuna even go as far as to whisper his gratitude to Hibari when he thought the ex-prefect was sleeping on the plane. "Thank you, Hibari-san." Sawada Tsunayoshi whispered.
Hibari says nothing about it though, determined to not alert the smaller man to the fact that he was awake. Although a soft smile crept its way to his face without him noticing it. Some weeks later, Hibari had gone again on his another mission.
But not without doing what he had planned to do. He had asked the florist, the one he had known to send a bouquet of flowers to Sawada Tsunayoshi before he goes to his next mission. He had asked the florist to send a different bouquet everyday so the Vongola Tenth Boss won't receive the same bouquet.
It was sent as anonymous of course. So the brunette won't find out that those bouquets are from him. He had expected to see Sawada Tsunayoshi's happy face when he arrived at the Headquarters some weeks later but what he doesn't expect to see was the Vongola Tenth Boss' happy face and that person beside him.
Sawada Tsunayoshi was holding a bouquet of gardenia on his hand while his other hand was holding Dino Chiavarone's hand. Hibari could feel his heart freeze at the sight. The Cloud Guardian doesn't show what he is feeling though as he guarded his face to remain as impassive as ever.
"Welcome back, Hibari-san! Look what Dino-san gave to me! He sends these to me and everyday it was a different type. It's really pretty," Tsuna said dreamily, a small smile on his face as his honey-colored eyes stared at the bouquet in his hand,
That manages catch Hibari's attention. The Bronco gives the bouquet? Just what that herbivore means by this? There's no way that Dino Chiavarone is the one who gives him those bouquet everyday because it was Hibari who gives it. It was him.
But he couldn't say it, even though he wants to tell the Vongola Tenth Boss about it. Hibari can't bring himself to say those words. After all, who knows if Sawada Tsunayoshi will believe him or not? As far as the brunette knows, Hibari isn't the type who will give a bouquet of flower to other people.
Surely, the brunette will believe it more if the bouquet was from Dino. Because the blond man was just that type of guy who will does something like that. It still doesn't Hibari's heart from twisting painfully within heart though as the skylark listened to the next sentences that come out from Sawada Tsunayoshi's mouth.
"Oh and Hibari-san, I and Dino-san are going out now."
If one ever says that Hibari Kyouya is a ruthless person without any feeling before, surely they will think again about it if they see the look that passed on the skylark's face for a few minutes before Hibari quickly put his indifferent mask back again. After all, there's no one in this world who doesn't have any feeling even the most ruthless one.
Author's Note: Okay, that was another chapter from Hibari's side. It was so hard for me to write it down. I'm so glad that I finally manage to finish it off! Really, it just so hard to write Hibari sometimes no matter how much I like him. Anyway, the next chapter will come a bit longer from this because even though I was on my holiday at the moment, my family had decided to drag me out for a vacation. So I won't be able to write anything for next week. But I will try to write as soon as possible once I got back from my vacation.
I tried my best on writing Hibari and Tsuna's interaction in this chapter. I hope it turns out well. And their date too if it could be called as that, I'm sorry it's too short but it's because they weren't in a relationship yet. And for how Tsuna could end up dating Dino, I will write that part on Tsuna's side since this one is from Hibari so yeah…Anyway, I hope I don't make them OOC but do forgive me if I do it unconsciously. And like always I'm sorry for some grammar errors and tenses errors. This chapter is unbeta so just bear with it.
Lastly, please give me your review. It will help motivate me on updating this story. Also it helps me to know what you're thinking over this chapter and this story. Anyway thank you for reading my story, hope this chapter satisfy you ~