My name is Hisana, I was born thirty years ago in the south 77th rukon district. Life was rough but I had a gift, a gift that would save me from death and consequently become a reaper of death. I entered the Academy and completed my six years there. Never was I at the top of my class in zanjitsu or kido but I excelled at hakuda and shunpo. Upon my graduation from the academy I secured for my self a position in the stealth force under Captain Sui-Feng. I committed my self to the Onmitsukido it was my pride and my duty. But as I saw myself rise through the ranks of the stealth force I found my self twisted in a fate I could not undo. Higher and higher I rose and tighter and tighter fate wrapped its claws around me digging me into a life I knew I wouldn't survive no matter how strong I became. Ironic, I left the rukon district to live my life free and yet here I sit like a caged animal unable to undo the bonds that fate has on me.

On the outside I appeared strong, in control and content, but on the inside I was screaming.

Six months ago the Captain made me head of the stealth force. It was an honor and a privilege to lead those I respected so much. Not long after the Shihoin clan suggested I take over full command of the Onmitsukido. With their support I became the Commander in Chief of the stealth force under Captain Sui-Feng. I was grateful for their support. I felt truly acknowledged for my hard work and dedication. However, not long after it was the Shihoin clans wish that I would marry their heir. I was dumbfounded they insisted a union would be beneficial to my career. A true accomplishment they suggested I would never be able to match. But the truth was, ever since Yoruichi Shihoin the former Captain of the second division and Commander of the Onmitsukido abandoned her post the Shihoin clan lost their position with the second squad, along with their power over the stealth force. The heir to the Shihoin clan was talented without a doubt but he was not exceptional as a noble should be. I was right when I thought they had seen something in me, they had acknowledged my talent and saw what I was and what I could be. They figured they could use my power to their advantage and put the power of the stealth force back in their hands by having me marry their heir. Accepting a commoner into a noble family is against the law and would tarnish the bloodline, but the Shihoin clan saw past all that and believed if I was strong so would be my child and therefore their next great heir.