Half Breed Repercussions

Chapter 9: Oh boy or girl?

"Yes, Harry you are right everyone deserves a second chance, I'd be a hypocrite to say otherwise." Severus said with a pained yet thoughtful look on his face.

Harry turned to the Dark Arts professor and asked, "Sir, if my sister is tom Riddle's daughter, could we create a 'husk' using her blood and transfer the horcrux into it?"

"Este posibil, dar apoi coaja ar fi ea clona exacta fizic."

[It is possible but then the husk would be her exact physical clone.]

"Dad, I want to try the husk thing. Oh oh, Dad in my memories of another life I met a girl by the name of Hermione."

"And?" Severus asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"She has the same father as Pandora! Professor, if we used both of their blood would the husk be a 'new' body and not a clone?" Harry asked excitedly.

"Da, ar fi un corp nou, am într-un sens ar fi crearea unui om nou. Vom avea nevoie de ceva tesut de la o rudă de sex masculin, care este magic pentru a face sex masculin coajă. Nu am știu de nici o astfel de persoană?"

[Yes it would be a new body, we in a sense would be creating a whole new person. We'll need some tissue from a male relative that is magical to make the husk male. Do we know of any such person?]

At that point Petunia stepped forward and spoke up. "I know where we can get it, as long as it does not have to be a living male relative."

"Who might the male donor be?" Severus asked.

Petunia grinned evilly and looked at Severus as she asked him a question, "How would you like to desecrate a grave?"

"Exactly who do you have in mind Petunia?"

"James Potter." Petunia replied before cackling menacingly.

"James Potter? How was he related to Tom Riddle?"

"They share a common ancestor. The man who fathered the Peverell line. The children's story about the three brothers is based on fact. The Ancients have documented magical human families since the beginning of magic." Petunia said smugly.

"Asta va fi chiar mai bine. Ne putem izola codul genetic de la unul dintre fete și James pentru a crea o coajă. Sever am nevoie de tine pentru a merge obține Horcruxes celălalt. Perseus ar trebui să fie în măsură să-ți un portkey internațională să ajungi la Anglia. Harry, cât de repede puteți obține această persoană Hermione aici?"

[That'll be even better. We can isolate the genetic code from one of the girls and James to create a husk. Severus I'll need you to go get the other Horcruxes. Perseus should be able to get you an international portkey to get you to England. Harry, how soon can you get this Hermione person here?]

Severus grinned excitedly and rubbed his hands together as he muttered to himself, "Finally, RETRIBUTION! Maybe I'll even piss on his corpse after getting a bone from it."

"Dl Snape, în timp ce au plecat s-ar putea Am permisiunea dvs. pentru a preforme Legilimens extinse pe fiul tău? Sub supravegherea desigur! Am nevoie de a comunica intentiile noastre de a parte din Tom Riddle, care este în fiul tău."

[Mr. Snape, while you are gone might I have your permission to preform extensive Legilimens on your son? Under supervision of course! I need to communicate our intensions to the part of Tom Riddle that is in your son.]

"You have my permission, as long as Harry is okay with it. I will go now."

"Wait dad, you should be here. If Riddle is agreeable to the plan he'll most likely tell us exactly where we can get the rest of the Horcruxes and what protections he put on them. You might also check in with Uncle Sirius. After all wasn't his younger brother a Death Eater? He might have hid a horcrux in his house. If so you could get it and bring it here along with the others." Harry said as he grabbed a hold of his dad's hand.

Severus nodded in agreement and looked at Professor. "Professor Întuneric while you are preforming Legilimency on my son I shall be holding him on my lap so that I can restrain him in case somehow the horcrux gains control, as long as you are okay with it."

"Aceasta este o idee bună. Asigurați-vă că indiferent ce asezat pe e confortabil, acest lucru ar putea dura mai multe ore. Ai face mai bine asta mâine dimineață? Astfel, toată lumea este bine odihnit și a avut un mic dejun bun."

[That is a good idea. Be sure that whatever you are seated on is comfortable, this could take several hours. Would you rather do this tomorrow morning? That way everyone is well rested and has had a good breakfast.]

"Yes, that would be best. I'd hate for there to be a slip up due to exhaustion." Severus said as Harry nodded in agreement.

"Dad, can I go and play with my sisters now?" Harry asked as he bounced in place.

"Sure, just stay away from any Fae circles okay? I don't fancy losing my three kids to creatures from the Fae Realm just when I have gotten them in my life,"

"Sure dad, we'll stay away from all inter-dimensional portals, at least until you are ready to go with us." Harry said as he grabbed the girls' hands and dragged them out of the room.

"So Elliane, Pandora we need to find a Romani girl by the name of Hermione. She is your half-sister Pandora. Tom Riddle is her dad too. We also can contact Remus Lupin. He's her distant cousin. That way he can take custody of her and she'll know she has relatives that don't want to murder her."

"One of the Trackers can contact both of them. Come on." Elliane said as she ran off.

"Harry, are you sure Hermione's family wants to kill her?" Pandora asked as she jogged next to Harry.

"Not really, but it's a gut feeling I have. I have prophetic dreams and also have the memories of two different versions of myself. The 'fates' reset time at least twice and for some reason I have retained the memories. It is quite confusing at times."

"Harry that means you are predetermined by the gods to be a changing force. The choices you make determine how the flow of history in the making goes. Also the decisions that are made that have repercussions on your life are triggers too." Pandora said in grave tones.

"What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Well, I happen to be a Pantheon nut, I love mythological deities. If the Moirai, otherwise known as the three Fates, have reset time and you remember previous timelines than it sounds as though they have taken an interest in you. Your 'thread' must be one of the main weft strings. Harry having a deities focused on you is not a good thing. Most of the legends concerning those that are focused on by a god or goddess well, end badly for the individual." Pandora said with sorrow in her voice.

"Pandora everyone dies at some point. I just want to be happy and make a positive mark on a small section of the world. If I can do that than good. Even if a god or goddess is taking an interest in my life that does not matter to me. They cannot change the face I have free will. I am free to choose what I do in any situation. With the knowledge I possess I can do good so that is what I shall strive to do. I am resilient. They might tread upon me but nobody can kill my spirit but me."

Elliane at this point turned around and sighed in exasperation, she whistled and a blue and silver phoenix landed on her shouldered. Elliane smiled softly and began petting the bird.

"Hello Frosty, we need a message delivered to and some people brought here. Would you like to go for a bit of a flight?"

The bird trilled excitedly and began bobbing and hopping on her shoulder.

Elliane looked at her brother and with a smirk on her face spoke to him. "Harry, Frosty wants to help us find Hermione and Mr. Lupin. You won't need to write a letter. Frosty can communicate telepathically."

Harry grinned and held his arm out; Frosty flew over to him and carefully perched on him.

"Okay Frosty, I need you to find Remus Lupin, he is one of my unofficial godfathers. If my memories are correct he's in South America somewhere. He is with his late mate's people, the Jaguar people. Explain to him that he and his daughter are needed here to take custody of Hermione. She is a distant cousin of his through his grandmother on his father's side I think. Her mother's tribe was planning on killing Hermione because they feel she is half demon, because Tom Riddle raped her mother and passed on the ability to talk to snakes to Hermione. Keep bugging him until he consents to be brought here. Also can you let him know that at the trial it came to light that Peter was the secret keeper not Sirius?"

Frosty trilled and then took off into the air. The three children watched as the ice phoenix flew in a circle before vanishing in a flurry of snow. Two older students came up.

"Fleur Delacour, Ecaterina Bureata, I'd like you to meet our brother Harry." Pandora blushed as she looked sheepishly at Harry. "Harry, what's your last name?"

Harry chuckled before introducing himself to the older witches. "Hello, my name is Harry Corvinus Evans – Snape. Meeting two beautiful young ladies such as yourselves is an honor."

Both girls looked at Harry in confusion. They then turned to the girls.

"Que voulait-il dire? Il n'est pas de porter un bracelet nous ne pouvons pas le comprendre."

[What did he say? He isn't wearing a bracelet so we can't understand him.] Fleur said as she shook her translator bracelet in the girls' faces.

Just at that point a woman walked over and with a kind smile placed one of the translator bracelets on Harry's left wrist.

"Tur jums iet, tagad jūs zināt, ko visi saka. Jums ir tik skaists jauneklis. Izmantot labi. Izdarīt saprātīgu izvēli. Un vai mēģināt palikt no nepatikšanām nākotnē."

[There you go, now you'll know what everyone is saying. You are such a handsome young man. Use it well. Make wise choices. And do try to stay out of trouble in the future. ] The woman said before walking off.

"Who was that?" Harry asked as he stared after the woman.

"Asta a fost profesorul Aija Rézeknes. Ea învață Magics Seer. E din Letonia. Ea are tendința să se întrebe motivele excepția cazului în care ea este de predare."

[That was Professor Aija Rézeknes. She teaches Seer Magics. She's from Latvia. She does tend to wonder the grounds unless she is teaching.] Ecaterina said.

"Harry what is Hermione's last name?" Elliane asked.

"I don't know. What I do remember is that her mother was a Romani 'princess' that was attacked at a young age and became pregnant. Her twin brother died trying to save her. The 'princess' became pregnant and died soon after giving birth to Hermione. Her mother was slurring English and called Hermione 'Her My Enemy' the midwife thought she said Hermione. That's how she got her name. I know she within the last year ran away because the tribe leaders were planning on murdering her."

"Da, știu cine ești vorbesc despre. Pot încerca să o contacteze. Ei cred că tatăl ei este diavolul, așa că a fugit de mai multe luni în urmă. Va trebui să utilizați Tracker, deși. Vrei adus-o aici?"

[Yes, I know who you are talking about. I can try to contact her. They think her father is the devil, so she ran away several months ago. I'll have to use the Tracker though. Do you want her brought here?] Ecaterina said.

"Could you? She's Pandora's half-sister. I figure she can be with family she didn't know about if she comes here." Hare said hopefully as he looked at the Romani girl in gratitude.

"Ei bine, voi bufnița ei și vorbesc în seara asta tracker. Te las să știi ce vom afla mâine."

[Well, I'll owl her and talk to the tracker tonight. I'll let you know what we find out tomorrow.]

"Thank you."

Ecaterina whistled and a red and gold phoenix flew over. She pressed her forehead against the birds and winced as the phoenix dug it's talons into her arm. An angry scream burst out of the bird as it flapped its wings and vanished along with Ecaterina in a burst of flames.

"Merde, Ecaterina pauvre, elle déteste voyager par phénix. Je me demande où elle a fini? Oh bien. Si ce Hermione est blessé ou malade en aucune manière Ember les mènera directement à l'infirmerie. Nous devrions tous y aller."

[Shit, poor Ecaterina, she loathes traveling by phoenix. I wonder where she ended up. Oh well. If this Hermione is injured or sick in any way Ember will take them directly to the infirmary. We should all go there.] Fleur said as she darted off across the campus followed by Harry and his sisters.


Ecaterina and Ember appeared in a flash near an emaciated and obviously ill young girl holding a cat.

Ecaterina knelt down and gently got her attention.


"Cum m-ai găsit? Eu nu va reveni! Vor să mă omoare."

[How did you find me? I won't go back! They want to kill me.]

"Ember ma adus aici. Sunt de la o școală magic. Mi sa spus că aveți o soră vitregă prin tatăl tău. Mama ei a trecut prin același lucru ca și a ta a făcut. Ea ar dori să vii se alăture familia ei. Îți dau cuvântul meu că nu va fi rănit. Vei avea un camin adevarat, unde vei fi îngrijit. Nimeni nu va reține alimentare sau îngrijire medicală. Vei veni cu mine?"

[Ember brought me here. I am from a magical school. I have been told that you have a half-sister through your father. Her mother went through the same thing as yours did. She would like for you to come join her family. I give you my word you shall not be harmed. You'll have a real home where you'll be cared for. Nobody will withhold food or medical care. Will you come with me?]

"Cred că da, pot aduce aceasta pisica cu mine?"

[I guess so; can I bring this cat with me?]

"Sigur lucru. Ai să păstreze o dețin bună de ea în timp ce te-am îmbrățișat. Ember ne va lumina intermitent la infirmerie, la Karpatii."

[Sure thing. You keep a good hold of it while I hug you. Ember will flash us to the infirmary at Karpatii.]

"Bine, hai să mergem."

[Okay, let's go.]

In a flash of light and flames they vanished.