A Cold War FanFic

Alfred clenched his hands into fists. His knuckles turned white. That smile was so annoying. So annoying, that as an absolute fact, Alfred couldn't think of anything more annoying than that lame-ass smile. But yet there he was. He always found himself there. Infuriated but not so much that he wouldn't keep coming back.

"You have not touched the vareniki I made" Ivan said politely from across the table, unfolding his hands from his lap to reach over and push the dish of a dumpling-like Russian cuisine closer to the American.

Alfred didn't even bother to attempt not wrinkling his nose at the food. As a silent rule (and an extra mile in their rivalry) the two countries made it a point to insult the others culture by any means. Food and cuisine sometimes was the easiest option. Today, it was America's turn and he was feeling preticularly vengful after a rather vicious bashing his precious hamburgers had taken just a few weeks ago. Had they really just been apart a few weeks?

"Dude. I wouldn't even consider eating that slop." Alfred scowled, sticking his nose into the air as if to accentuate his superiourity, "I wound never ever eat Russian food."

Ivan chuckled in response, pulling the plate back towards himself, delicately picking up a dumpling and nibbling on it. Alfred made an obnoxiously audible gagging sound, pretending like he was going to vomit. This only proved to amuse the Russian and further prod him to attempt to provoke his American "companion".

"Oh do try one, Alfred! They are fresh, da?" Ivan said in a mock-pleading tone.

"No, dude. Thats totally gross. I'm not touching your nasty vareniki cra- oof!" Alfred was cut off, the Russian dumpling shoved into his mouth in mid-sentence.

Ivan had leapt onto the table with surprising agility and speed, then shoved the dumpling into Alfred's mouth. Alfred, propelled by the force of Ivan's sudden movement, flew out of the chair he had been sitting in. He crashed into the floor with an intense thud. He swallowed hard, barely tasting the damn vareniki dumpling.

"Fuck, Russia! What the hell is your problem?" America snapped.

This further amused the Russian, causing an loud peal of laughter to errupt from him. Alfred growled and began to sit up, only to be pushed back down by Ivan's boot. Alfred's eyes widened as Ivan leaned down and grabbed him by his shirt's collar, then lifted him up where only his toes were touching the ground. That annoying was plastered to his face. That ridiculously annoying smile. That ridiculously annoying childishly... adorable smile.

"We both know what's going to happen next, мы не Альфред?" He leaned in closer, Alfred felt a blush pooling in his cheeks.

Alfred knew all too well what was coming next and his thoughts swirled with the fact that he didn't fight it as the Russian continued to lean in until their lips were almost touching...

Author's Notes

Bahahahahahaha! I'm such a little tease... Yeah. I don't know whatthefuck this is. It's shit. That's exactly what it is. Crack fiction. It's that, too. I suck at this kind of stuff... but it had been festering for awhile not and who am I to deny it? I'm going to crawl back into my hole now...

Music used:
Imogen Heap:
- "Have You Got it in You?"
- "I Am in Love With You"
- "The Moment I Said it"

- "Your Love is My Drug"

Katy Perry:
- "E.T."