A/N: Uh... Yep, suckiest author in history here, how are ya doin'? So, this has been sitting on my computer for a while. A while being half a year. Sorry about that. Been meaning to post this said while ago. I have no chapter ten written at this point. Problem is I know where I wanna go with this story but can't find the time to write it down. :( I'll definitely try though. Sooo sorry, again. Doing my best to update soon!

Also this is unbeta'd. My beta is awesome. I'm the one who keeps forgetting to send stuff in. -.-"

Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Except for Zip. And Miles. And Vince.

Kurt was pulled through time. He could feel it. Something was literally pulling on his arm. And he heard some creepy laughter which he supposed must have come from Zip. Something about that man was off. He looked so utterly broken physically. Terribly worn out really and not just in the 'he's sick' kinda way. More in a 'he's a dead man walking' kinda way. And now this dead man walking had Kurt by the sleeve and was pulling him to who knows when.

That was the moment Kurt felt something under his feet again. The dizziness was worse than before. He felt really sick now. Not just a little. But really, really sick. Which was his cue to turning into a direction he hoped wasn't the one Zip was standing in and threw up.

"Oh, that's new," Zip said, sounding awfully perky. Kurt couldn't ask what he meant. He was kinda busy emptying his stomach. "A time-sick keeper. I'm pretty sure that's a first."

'Great,' was all Kurt could think. Luckily his stomach had calmed just a bit. Or maybe he had gotten rid of everything that had been in there.

"You feeling alright?" Zip asked, not sounding too worried. Kurt simply gave him a look. Zip nodded more to himself than in response. "Let's go then."

Kurt didn't move. He was finally able to stand upright again but his legs felt shaky and he wasn't sure whether it was save to change positions at this point. Zip stared at him with annoyance.

"Do you want to learn stuff about time travel or are you going to stand there all day feeling sorry for yourself?"

So Kurt made a step forward. And then another one. And soon they were walking slowly down what Kurt figured was some kind of road. He couldn't be sure though. There were some stones on each side of the track but nothing else indicated that this path was actually being used. Around the two travelers was nothing but endless green of grass. Hills here and there and Kurt could make out some mountains in the distance. No people though. For a second Kurt thought that this would probably be the perfect location for a murder and he eyed Zip suspiciously.

"It's really nice and quiet, isn't it?" Zip asked, sighing.

"Uh, sure."

"Oh, you kids. Can't appreciate anything." He paused. "When are you from anyway?"

"2011," Kurt answered.

"Oh, you're Molly's boy then," he said, excited.

Kurt's eyes grew wide.

"Yes," he whispered.

"I'm very sorry." He didn't sound sorry though. "She was lovely."

"How did you know her?"

"I fought her," Zip said casually and stopped walking to turn to Kurt. "She was a very fierce fighter. I was very sad when she died."

Kurt didn't know what to say.

"What do you mean you fought her?" The panic in his voice was apparent even to himself. It suddenly occurred to him that his going with a random stranger was possibly stupid enough to be fatal.

"I am not on your side of this game," Zip told him cheerily, "In fact, I am the other side."

"You didn't bring me here to help me, did you?" Kurt felt numb as he spoke.

"Oh, I will help you." He paused but continued when he saw the Kurt's questioning eyes. "How much do you know about Victor?"

Kurt swallowed the nonexistent lump in his throat, "I was Victor."

Zip nodded happily. "Continue."

"I had a lover." Maybe Zip didn't know about Blaine.

"Yes. Blaine, your guard." So much for that theory. "Do you know anything else?"

"Uh, I lived in Rome?"

Zip waved a dismissive hand. "Not important. So I guess that's all you know about Victor then. What do you know about Blaine?"

Kurt furrowed his brows.

"Well," he began and realized that he really didn't know much. "Uh, he was Victor's lover. He's a fallen angel and he guards the keepers of time." He paused. "My family. He protects my family."

Zip snickered. "Is that what he told you?"

"What do you mean 'what he told me'?"

"Blaine's mission isn't the protection of you keepers. You are bound by blood to the key anyway. His mission is to make sure the key is protected."

"Yes. And? The key is save if the keeper is save," Kurt argued.

"Only as long as the keeper cooperates," Zip finished.

"Why wouldn't the keeper cooperate?"

"Many reasons. Over the years I have seen a number of keepers die for the stupidest ideas. Protecting their families. Unwillingness to fight," he trailed off. "And naturally as soon as a new possible keeper is born the old one can be disposed off if he or she doesn't play by the angels' rules any more."

'I work for the angels,' Kurt remembered Blaine telling him.

"And what are the angels' rules exactly?" Kurt asked quietly. He stared at the endlessness around him. He didn't like where this was going. He didn't like it one bit.

"Well, you'd have to ask the angels. I myself have broken quite a few of their rules. It's been a long time since then. I'm sure they've added some since then."

"What are you?" Kurt knew the answer before he asked.

"I am a fallen one, of course."

For some reason the feeling of panic had vanished. An odd calmness started filling up Kurt's body instead. "Of course."

"I didn't bring you here for training. I brought you here because it is the place where I fell to earth and I knew no one would disturb us here. I cannot teach you exactly how to travel to specific places in time," Zip told him, "But you mostly travel to places that have some connection to your life. That's why when your body is exhausted, you get pulled home. That's where your mind and heart want you, so that's where the key takes you. I suppose you could say the same about times and places you want to visit. You just have to set your mind to it." He smiled. "It will seldom be exact. You may have to spent a few hours at a place to get to the exact time. Sometimes even days. I hear it gets easier. I wouldn't know," he said and shrugged.

"You don't travel a lot," Kurt realized.

"I have spent years at the place I found you."


Zip's smile grew into a smirk, an ugly smirk.

"I can't travel on my own."

Kurt didn't understand. "But you said-"

"I lied."

"We travelled both with the help of the key then?"

"No. There is something the angels haven't realized yet."

"And what is that?"

"They know that the key only works if you have a keeper." Zips eyes locked with Kurt's. "The key was made with your family's blood after all." Kurt tried to hide his surprise. He and Blaine would have to have a little talk once he was back. "However, it's the old blood reacting to the fresh blood in your veins that makes the key work for you. The true key," he said and took Kurt's hand. Kurt didn't even realize he had a blade in his hand before he felt the cut in his thumb. "-is your fresh blood." He let it drop into a little phial.

"Blood that's still running." His eyes looked mesmerized by the bloddy drops. "And that-" he looked Kurt straight in the eyes then, "is also why Victor had to die." Kurt finally pulled his hand away, too shocked to do it faster. "You should talk to Blaine about your family. I'm sure he has loads of stories to tell you." And then Zip just disappeared. Him and a few drops of Kurt's blood. It took Kurt some time to realize that this was not good.

Even an hour later he hadn't relaxed enough to travel. He tried over and over again. Just standing there like Blaine had taught him to. But whenever he thought of Blaine he got incredibly angry. How come Kurt didn't have this information before? And Kurt still hadn't worked out what exactly Zip had meant by keepers being disposed of or what Blaine's part in it was. Then Kurt would look at his thumb that was buzzing a little from the cut and he would freak out because there was a fallen one out there traveling with his blood and Kurt didn't even know what the consequences of that would be because nobody fucking told him anything!

So no. Relaxing? Once again, not an option.

Vincent was really mad. They were sitting under a tree in the park. 'They' that would be Miles, himself and Blaine. Blaine had a bloody lip that was already healing. Vince was sure his nose was broken.

"So," Miles broke the silence, "He's back."

Vince looked around excitedly but saw no one. He realized Miles meant in general. So they were talking about Victor. Again.

"Yep," Blaine said.

"And he knows how to travel."


"Oh, come one, Blaine! You know he's our only chance to get back into heaven. Unlike you we weren't given another chance! We have to create some kind of loophole in time. It's not like we're trying to kill you. We just need the keeper and the necklace and we'll be on our merry way."

"Well, that's too bad. You can't have Kurt." Blaine sounded almost amused. Like a parent who told his kids that they wouldn't get ice cream tonight.

"Oh please, he's human. He'll die eventually. You can make this game end right here and now and maybe we'll be nice and take you with us in time." He winked at Blaine. " It's not like Kurt could be around forever. Evan may even get bored with him as soon as a new keeper is called."

"He'll be waiting a while for that." Blaine chuckled. Miles looked at him confused. "Kurt is gay," Blaine clarified.

Miles shrugged. "I know. You're sleeping with him. So what? I'm sure his genes are still around somewhere. An aunt, a cousin, a new keeper has always been found."

"Kurt won't die." He paused and added as an afterthought "And I'm not sleeping with him." The 'yet' was left unspoken.

"Every keeper has died, Blaine. You of all people should know that." Miles smirked. Blaine remained silent. "Blaine?"

"I won't do it," Blaine said looking intently at the ground. A moment passed before Miles started laughing loudly.

"Whatever, man. You're probably the worst of us all. We at least regret that we broke the rules and fell. You? You would just go ahead and do it all over again!"

Blaine looked up then, straight into Miles' eyes.

"I love him, Miles. I will protect him."

"Against all of heaven and the underworld?" Miles asked and Vince snorted.

"Against all of them, all of you."

"You clearly don't realize what you're getting yourself into." Miles looked almost sad as he said that.

"I'll always choose him."

"He'll die, Blaine. Again. And you'll suffer. Again." Miles was whispering now. "It seems everyone remembers your pain except you." He shook his head.

"I'll take my chances." The corners of Blaine's mouth turned into a tiny smile.

They continued to sit in silence.

A/N: And once again: Sorry. Really. (I should have probably stuck to Oneshots what with my inability to update regularily. xDDDD)