Disclaimer: Not mine
The final chapter is finally here! And before anyone says anything yes there are some big time jumps cause I am not writing hundreds of chapters to cover centuries of them living.
Chapter 18
Dean held Sam in the tub as he cried silently, grieving for his Dad. His Dad had given his life, his very soul for them and it hurt. All Dean could do was hold him and let him grieve. He hadn't really known John very well but he had seemed very sorry for the way Sam's childhood had gone and had obviously wanted to try again since he'd come back. All this because they had gotten sloppy and felt safe here. Tomorrow they were leaving for a new town far away. At least they now had their own transportation with the Impala.
Bobby walked into the house and sighed, it was abandoned. The boys had obviously moved on recently. There wasn't a lot of dust so he guessed within the last week, maybe a little more. He left the house and headed back to the road, looking for the nearest crossroads, once there he got out and searched around, eventually finding a burnt section of ground. So someone had at least given John a hunter's burial. Had they found him, had Sam seen John after the hounds? Poor kid if that was the case, no one needed to see a family member who had been mauled by those things. He'd tried tracing the phone John had given Sam but no luck, he hadn't turned it on once. He was out of ways to track them and even if he did find them what then? He loved Sam like a son but he wasn't comfortable around them. He sighed and got back in his truck to head home, he'd keep an ear out on the hunters' grapevine for them. He would do what he could if another hunter targeted them but that was all.
Sam sat on the river bank just watching the water flow by. Finding a house on a lake again hadn't happened but they had managed to find a good size river. Of course they had to be a lot more careful here as there was more risk of fishermen but it was manageable. He smiled as Dean sat down beside him, leaning against him. "Okay?" Dean asked and Sam nodded. It had been three months since John died and while Sam figured it would always hurt it was now a controllable hurt. "I'm sorry Sammy, I wish there was something we could do to save him."
"There isn't." Sam answered, he knew that very well from a previous hunt dealing with hellhounds and deals. His Dad was in hell and one day, hopefully many centuries from now, he would become the very thing he had hunted.
Sam swam through the water as fast as he could. He could feel Dean gaining on him and he wanted to win! They were back at the house they had lived in when John and Bobby had shown up but after fifteen years they figured it was safe enough and they missed having easy access to a lake. Soon they would be headed for South Dakota to see Bobby. Sam had managed to overhear a conversation between to idiot wannabe hunters and from the sound of it Bobby wasn't doing too well. He didn't want Bobby to die without the chance to say goodbye like he had with his Dad.
So a week later he slipped into the salvage yard, wincing at how deserted and rundown the place appeared. Yes it had always been a mess of car wrecks but this was….he swallowed and made his way into the house silently. Dean was ensuring they didn't have unexpected company. He made his way upstairs and found Bobby lying in bed asleep and had to bite back a sob at how changed the man was. Sam slowly sat on the chair beside the bed and reached out to take the hunters hand. "Hey Bobby." He whispered and the man's eyes slowly opened. Bobby stared at him in confusion before his eyes widened in recognition and Sam smiled sadly.
"Sam." He croaked out, voice hoarse.
"Yeah, I'm here." Sam squeezed his hand. "You look terrible." He tried to joke.
"You haven't changed." Bobby countered and Sam shrugged.
"Longer lifespan remember? Overheard two idiots talking about you a few weeks back so here I am. I'm going to look after you Uncle Bobby." He promised, getting a small smile in return before Bobby fell asleep again. Sam got up and moved about the house, quietly cleaning the place up.
Dean finished piling the wood and stepped back. He watched as Sam carefully lit the pyre and they stood silently, watching the wrapped body burn until the sun rose. The last link to Sam's human life was now dead. All he had now was Dean. They finished up the sale of the salvage yard easily with the help of Bobby's will and then they vanished from the town as silently as they had come. The townsfolk had never even learnt their names as none had recognised Sam from his visits years ago. Most were just glad the old man had some family at his side when he passed. He may have been a crazy old coot but he had been part of the town.
Sam sat on the top of the cliff, staring out at the ocean. He hadn't been to the seaside since they had stayed in the caves after his transformation. He had almost forgotten how vast it was. Part of him longed to swim beneath those salty waves but he ignored it, he knew the danger and he had already suffered Dean's death once. If it happened again….he shuddered and turned away, heading back into town and to Dean's side.
Sam ran his fingers through Dean's hair as their breathing slowly regulated after their previous activities. He was surprised and saddened when he found some grey hairs beginning to mingle with the blonde. After four centuries together it appeared age was finally catching up to the Siren. Sam had noticed decades ago that they both looked older than they had when they first met although he had yet to gain any grey. They still looked far too young and healthy but they would even in 'old age', that was just the way things worked for Sirens and mermen. He'd looked into average lifespans and figured Dean had a century at most left, he had maybe eighty years. He was glad that he should die first, he didn't want to live without Dean, especially in that manner. Though he would die quickly after Dean with no one to care for him at least.
Luke hesitantly knocked on the door, the couple that lived there hadn't been seen in a few weeks and people were getting concerned. So his boss had sent him out to check on them. With one hand on his weapon he entered the house, looking around for any sign of danger or violence. There was nothing he could see. The house was a strange mix of the modern and things that belonged in a museum. Some things looked centuries old. "Hello? Police! Is anyone here?" He called but received no answer. Finally he came across the master bedroom and froze in the doorway. Curled together on the bed was the couple he had been sent to check on. He could tell even from the doorway that they were gone and had been for a few days most likely. He sighed sadly but then made the call to report it. From all appearances they had slipped away in their sleep without pain which was always a good way to go. They had never really been close to anyone in town but they were always so happy and kind that they would be missed.
The End.