A/N: So I wrote a very short story called bitten. After reading a lot of the stories on here, I wanted to write a much longer one. This follows the life of one of the survivors from Bitten. It is not necessary to read, but might give some insight into what the main character is dealing with. Hope you enjoy and as always, I don't own Left 4 Dead.

Sorrow and Tears

The pain was just unbearable. How could all of her hope be stripped away just like that. A thin eighteen year old girl sat in the shadows of an abandoned gas station, head in her hands softly crying. No it was not a physical pain the plagued her, though there was still plenty of that as well. It was the mental anguish of so much loss in so few days.

The infection had spread quickly changing most of humanity into violent, hungry mutations bent on eating anyone left alive. Two weeks ago, Carina had been your average first year college student still living at home. By some funny twist of fate, she had gone to the police station to file a report about someone having stolen her identity and racking up an outrageous credit card bill in her name. At the time, the mound of paperwork in front of her had felt like the end of the world. A mere few minutes later and she would never think about these problems again.

When the infection hit, all chaos broke loose. The streets of the city filled with infected and their fleeing prey. Many tried to seek refuge inside of the police station. As the police station was overrun with the fleeing and infected, two police officers, realizing the futility of the situation grabbed Carina and another woman and locked themselves inside the evidence room. The screams had been horrific from outside. After several hours of waiting, Carina and the others emerged into a totally transformed world. The police station, the streets, pretty much everything was bathed in blood.

As the group stepped outside, one of the officers commented on the silence. It was as if the world itself had died. The eerie lack of sound was only broken by the occasional scream of some unlucky soul and the delighted moans of the infected as they fed. The first time Carina's little group ran across one of the infected, it had been chasing a small child. The infected creature had caught up to the poor boy and attacked without mercy before they could intervene. One of the Officers shot the infected in the head dropping in instantly. As they walked away in search of other survivors, they had heard a rustling behind them. The small boy was standing awkwardly on his feet, his stomach completely torn open from the attack. The boy let out a hellish scream and charged. The second Officer shot the boy in the head. That was the first time Carina had seen a bite change someone into the infected.

The small group had spent the next five days moving from one safe location to the other. Always forced to move as the infected hoards began to mass and track them. The small group had been surviving side by side day in and day out. Carina and the older woman in the group grew very close. By day five they were thinking of each other as sisters. And then the unthinkable happened. A small lapse in alertness due to fatigue and Carina's new friend was bit on the arm. She changed quickly and in the end, Carina had fired the bullet keeping her promise to her friend to not allow herself to be bitten.

Three days later one of the Officers was bit as he was tackled by a powerful jumping mutation they had deemed a 'Hunter'. The three had sat around for hours after the attack waiting for the moment that their friend would turn and have to be put down like a rabid dog. Then to their surprise, after a full day, nothing happened. The Officer had a natural immunity to the infection. For a brief moment their spirits were lifted, there was still a chance at survival.

Then three days later, while fleeing from another wave of infected, the other Officer was bit. He held no such immunity and the fear that crossed his face as he began to turn would haunt Carina for weeks to come. As the wave of infected drew near, the infected officer had carried a pipe bomb into the middle of the street drawing a hoard in towards him so Carina and the immune Officer could escape. That night, the two survivors had holed up in the back of a small café. Neither had said a word, each silently dealing with their grief in their own way.

A few days later, Carina was grabbed by a smoker. The special infected had shot out his long tongue and snagged her leg dragging her into the shadows. As she tried to free herself, two of the common infected swarmed on her clawing at her and biting her arms. The remaining police officer managed to fight his way to her and kill the smoker and other infected before she was killed. Those hours of waiting for the infection to take hold had felt like an eternity. Luckily, Carina too was immune to the virus. It seemed such a small hope amongst all the terror that she now faced.

Then earlier today, after two weeks of fighting for survival, she had her first run in with a Tank. The freakishly large muscular mutation of a person had charged straight at them. When their shotgun blasts had done little to slow the monster down, the Officer had made a quick decision. Whether it was his training to protect others, or the natural instinct of a male wanting to protect a female, Carina would never know, but she found her self being shoved through a glass window and into a small convenient store. The Officer then took off running, drawing the rampaging beast away. He almost made it a block before he was grabbed from behind. The Tank slammed him into the ground killing him instantly. Carina turned away to avoid seeing her last friend in the world torn to pieces.

And now she had no one. She found herself huddled in a corner crying. Her family was long gone. She and the other survivors had passed her house on the second day. It was destroyed on the inside and there was blood strewn about the floor. Even if her parents had somehow survived, they were no where to be found.

Her three fellow survivors were dead. Carina, pushed the shotgun she had been carrying across the floor. With no ammo it was no more then a club. She pulled out the pistol that the infected officer had shoved into her hand before he sacrificed himself. She had eleven shots left. Barely enough to cross the street let alone escape the city. With a dejected sigh, Carina curled up into a ball sobbing ever so softly to herself. She just couldn't go on anymore.

Carina awoke with a start. She hadn't realized she'd fallen asleep. She could still hear the sobbing and painful cries of sorrows. The young girl froze as she realized she wasn't the one crying. The crying was from someone else, there was someone else alive in the store with her.

Wiping her tears away, the young blonde slowly crept her way towards the back storage room. It was completely dark except for the flickering light of an old beer sign. As she entered the room, the crying began to grow louder.

"Hello? Are you okay?" Carina asked in a hushed voice too afraid to call out in fear of attracting the infected to her and the other survivor.

The only answer was more sobbing. The beer sign flickered on again, and Carina caught sight of a young girl huddled in the corner. The girl appeared to be no older then herself, but it was hard to tell, the girl was covered in blood. Carina spared a glance at her own self and realized she too was soaked in blood. She made a mental note to get herself and this girl cleaned up as soon as she found the chance. The girl was extremely pale. 'Pale…oh God don't tell me she's changing right now.' Carina thought.

"Hey…have you been bit?"

The sobbing suddenly stopped and the other girl whirled around noticing Carina for the first time. Carina let out a gasp at what she saw. The girl's hair was a sickly silver color that matched her pasty white skin perfectly. Her eyes were solid red and held a very primal look in them. Despite the hair and the eyes, what scared Carina the most was the girl's hands. Her fingers had mutated into long claws that looked very very sharp.

Scared out of her mind, Carina collapsed into a heap and began sobbing. The witch of a girl let out a low guttural growl causing Carina to pull her legs to her chest tighter.

'Don't look, if I don't look at her maybe she'll leave me alone….please…please….plea…..'

Carina let out a small squeak of a yelp as she felt the large claws of the mutated girl brushing through her hair. "Please just go." Carina sobbed burying her face into her knees.

For several minutes, Carina waited for the witch to slice her to pieces. There was nothing she could do but cry. Then to her surprise, she heard a second voice join in with her sobbing again. Carina spared a glance to find the witch sitting next to her crying as well.

'Covered in blood and sobbing…she must think I'm just like her.'

Relief at being alive, sorrow at all her lost friends, and the weight of seeing so much carnage in such a short time overwhelmed the young girl. Not able to hold back, she continued to cry aloud. The two wails intermingling into a horrific song of sorrow so fitting to the current state of the world.

2nd A/N: Hope you are enjoying it so far. I will be updating a new chapter every week give or take a few days. Please review. The more reviews the more inspired I am to write. Us authors like to know what our audience is thinking.