
Whoa! Scary chic with claws! Yikes how does she point those things like that…? I couldn't keep my eyes off of the cotton candy-blue haired girl dressed in death heels and a skirt so small it defeats the whole purpose, she had two other girls behind her and it seems they color coordinated between blue, purple and green. I felt chills run down my spine as her eyes zeroed in on me, while I lounged on my warm hood.

After a bit of arguing Nicolai seems to deflate and give in to whatever she was saying and a new flame ignites in her eyes and she and her pack strut over to Nadi, the girl I'm supposed to be racing, and whisper angrily and fiercely in her ear. Suddenly I think she may be bi-polar as she smiles and saunters over to me in a predatory way.

"Hello! My name is Yuri Koma Asagi, but u can call me YuriKa! You're from America right?"

Feeling slightly disgusted by her nasally, sickeningly sweet voice I lift an eyebrow speaking to her as if she were demented.


"Well I wasn't sure you knew how things worked around here…Nicolai Fujamashi is MINE. I've been working that since 7th grade and some skinny lil American skank is not gonna change that. Got it slut?"

Oh she did not.

"Excuse me Yuri Kamikaze but this is not WW3 and I am not gonna fight with some psycho chic over a guy who frankly, I'm sure doesn't like girls with fake…everything and enough face paint to decorate a Childs party. Now I don't know-or care who you think you are, but I am Not some petty lil school girl who actually cares about this crap. If you couldn't tell by my appearance that starting stuff with me was a bad idea maybe these words will: F#k off lil bi#!$

Crossing my arms and leaning forward to look her in the eyes. I smirk as she turns slowly, shakes off her shock/embaressment and wobbles off to her crew and proceeds to yell at them. Aaah classic spoiled brat.

Whoa…just whoa. I mean…..whoa.

The PA system turns on and it's announced for us to head to the starting line. Nadi looked me up and down from her car, smiled after popping her gum and blowing me a kiss…disturbed. Cotton candy head strutted over in a supposedly 'sexy' way and raised up a bandanna looking to one side and the other she nods and the crowd in excitement starts chanting: Five, four, three…

Two…one. With that thought I sped away onto the track.

On the narrow drive way it was head to head until we made a sudden turn straight onto a ramp. She was taking the lead…ill have to change that. Switching gears I sped forward than releasing the clutch drifted hard left than punched it straight on. I was way ahead of this Nadi chic by now so why was Nicolai making this so easy on me? Lame. I hear boos but drowning out the boos are shouts of 'HA you owe me 2,000 dollars you...' and 'I knew it! I knew it!' The best however was Yuri 'anal' expression….

Nadi climbs out of her car and bows to me deeply than grabs me in a random hug. "I want rematch one day, ok?" I smile and nod but soon have my attention drawn to the boy swaggering towards me with the bandanna cotton candy had earlier.

"Well, well, well you crushed her."

Indeed I had.

"What was the point of this pretty boy?"

His cryptic reply," I always have a plan to get what I want doll. Always." Handing me the scarf he adds "wear this Monday."

I walk away without looking back. ''Whatever."

''By the way I'm glad someone finally told Yuri off. She was asking for it."

"Yes yes she was" I couldn't help the small smirk that appeared on my face as I jumped in my car and rolled away.