Don't ask why… but I'm in a crazy mood… so this fic should be worthwhile! =D

Anyway, I was thinking of all the TP crossovers out there, and I noticed one was missing…

Invader Zim!

So, here are some random, hilarious skits I made up of what it would be like if the IZ characters were in TP.

Disclaimer: I don't own either cartoons. I just enjoy writing weird stories about 'em :p

Intro- Dib

(JIM and DIB are sitting on the bed, looking at the book)

DIB: Wait a minute? Where am I? …And why am I suddenly three? WHAT'S GOING ON?

THE AUTHORESS: You're being included in a crossover! Just go with it! (walks out)

JIM: Hey, check this out! (shows DIB holo-book)

DIB: What the…? What kind of book is THAT?

SARAH: (walks in) Boys! I thought I told you to go to bed an hour ago?

DIB: I don't remember that! Heck, I don't even remember YOU! What's-


Dib: … okay…

(So, they read the book, there's a fluff moment between JIM and his mother, and then she turns the lights out as she exits)

JIM: (opens book under covers) Cool…

DIB: (holds pillow over head) This is going to suck…WILL YOU TURN THAT THING DOWN?

Benbow Dining Scene- Dib

(SARAH is serving the patrons when DIB enters)

DIB: (looking at paper) Hey, Mrs. Hawkins, what the heck are cerellian jelly wor- (pauses, sees all the patrons) No… it can't be… Aliens- they're everywhere! They're EVERYWHERE!

SARAH: -face palm- (faces audience) THIS is why I have him working in the kitchen.

DIB: (is taking snapshots of all the aliens) They said I was crazy, that I was out of my mind! (snaps a picture of DELBERT) I'll prove them wrong! I will!

DELBERT: 0_o …Good luck with that.

Billy Bone's Arrival Scene- Gir and Gaz

(JIM sees BILLY BONE'S ship crash and hurries down to it)

JIM: (bangs fist on window) Hey, mister! Mister, you're okay in there, right?

GIR: (hits window) HOWDY!


BILLY BONES: (bursts out of ship) I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE! (shoves chest into JIM'S arms) HERE! YOU DEAL WITH IT! …Oh, and beware the cyborg! (runs off, laughing like a madman, jumping off the cliff)

GAZ: (walks out of ship) About time we got here. (starts playing her videogames)

JIM: 0_o …

GIR: Do you like tacos?

DIB: Hey, Jim! I heard a crash! Is everything alri- GAZ! (hugs GAZ) Oh, my little sister is ali-

GAZ: (Punches DIB) Don't... interrupt... my game! (goes back to game)

Pirate Invasion- Dib, Gaz, Gir, and Zim

(PIRATES arrive, and start breaking into the inn. The others run up the stairs to an open window)

SILVER: (from downstairs) WHERE IS IT? FIND IT!

ZIM: (from downstairs) HEY! If anyone is to give orders, it shall be ME! ...FIND IT!

DELBERT: Don't worry, Sarah. I'm an expert in the laws of physical science. On the count of three-


DIB: HURRY GAZ! (pulls GAZ out the window)

GAZ: If we live, I promise I'm going to kill you in the most slowest, PAINFUL way possible!

GIR: JERONIMO! (jumps) I'm flying like a squirrel!

Map Scene- Gir, Dib, and Gaz

(JIM unlocks the map and everyone is surrounded by holograms)

GIR: (points at random planets) What's that? What's that? What's that? What's that? What's that? What's that?

DELBERT: (tryind to answer GIR) Montressor- megalenic cloud- coral galaxy- zignus cross- kinaWILL YOU SLOW DOWN?

DIB: Gaz, I don't think we've entered a world beyond our kind...

Gaz: You just figured that out?

DELBERT: (sees Treasure Planet) Wait, what's this?

GIR: Stop copying me!

JIM: That's Treasure Planet!

DIB: Greeeeaaat... Now, where's the route to Earth?

RLS Legacy Boarding- Gir, Dib and Gaz

(JIM, DIB, GAZ, and GIR board the ship)

JIM: How cool is this?

DIB: Cool? COOL? We're surrounded by aliens who could rip our lungs out any second, and you think it's COOL? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?

GAZ: (is playing videogames)

GIR: (climbing up shrouds) I'm a monkey!

DIB: I mean, look AROUND, Jim! How can you handle living your life surrounded by extraterrestrials?

JIM: T_T …Because, I grew UP here?

MR. ARROW: Is there a problem here, gentlemen?

DELBERT: Oh, one of the lads just has a phobia of being surrounded by other crea-

GIR: Talking statue! (jumps on MR. ARROW) Yee-haw! Giddy-up!

MR. ARROW: What the-? Well, I've never!

AMELIA: (swoops down) What's going on down here?

DIB: Our captain is a CAT?

JIM: (to DELBERT) WHY did we bring him along, again?

Galley- Dib and Zim

(Mr. Arrow shows the travelers down to the galley)

SILVER: (steps out of the shadows) Ah, who do we have, here? Oy, Zim! Git out here! We've got company!

DIB: He's… a cyborg… e.O (his eye his twitching)

ZIM: How DARE you try to order ZIM around, you half-metal Ursid! (sees DIB) YOU!


MR. ARROW: Well, since you all know each other well… The boys will be staying down here, in your charge, Mr. Silver.

SILVER: -spit take- Ah, c'mon! I've got enough tah deal wit' bein' stuck wit' THIS one! (points to ZIM)

ZIM: So, you scummy earth-boy, you've decided to cross my path, trying to foil my plans once again?

DIB: A-HA! So, you ARE up to something!

ZIM: I didn't say that!

JIM: (pinches bridge of nose) This is going to be a LOOOOONG voyage…

Brawl- Gaz and Gir

(GAZ is still playing her videogame, GIR is hanging upside-down tangled in a rope, and JIM is mopping, hearing the PIRATES whispering)

PIRATE 1: What are you looking at, weirdo?

PIRATE 2: Yeah, weirdo!

SCROOP: (climbs down) Cabin boysss ssshould learn to mi-

GIR: SPIDER! (tackles Scroop) Surrender your web!

SCROOP: WHY YOU LITTLE! (pins GIR against mast, and the rest of the PIRATES gather to see a fight… the commotion causes GAZ to lose her focus) Any lassst wordsss, you pessst?

GAZ: (angrily reaches and grabs SCROOP by the throat, pulling him down to eye-level) Listen, you sorry excuse for an insect! You just caused me to lose a game that I've been playing for THREE WEEKS STRAIGHT! Do you know what HAPPENS when people CAUSE me to LOSE MY GAME?

SCROOP: o.o …no…

GAZ: (whips out bug-spray, sprays it in SCROOP'S eyes) This…


GAZ: (tosses can to Jim) Keep this on you. (returns to her game)

GIR: (singing) Spider-pig, spider-pig, does whatever a spider-pig does…

Private Galley Scene- Zim

(All the PIRATES are gathered as SILVER walks down)

SILVER: Are we all here? …Now, if ya pardon my speakin', gentlemen, are ya all- STARK RAVING TOTALLY BLINKIN' DAFT? (swings sword around) After all me trouble of getting deh doc tah hire us as an upstanding crew, ya wanna blow deh whole mutiny before it's coming?

SCROOP: (has ice-pack over his eyes) The boy wasss sssniffing about… and that sssstupid robot attacked my face!

SILVER: Just stick to deh plan, you bug-brained twit! As for the boy, I'll run him so ragged he won't have time to think…

ZIM: And I have an EEEEVIL scheme to keep that dreaded earth-boy from discovering our plans!

GIR: (pops out of barrel) And I'll do the hula! (starts swinging his hips) Doo doo, doo doo dee doo doo doooo…

SILVER and PIRATES: 0_o -thinking- how did HE get down here?

A/N: Well, that's it for now! If any of you guys have some scenes you'd like to see, don't hesitate to send them!

Please review. No flames or I'll spray bug-spray in your face!