Mmkay... Sooo... I haz a new story! My first iCarly fanfiction... EVER. I just HAD to write this after my true spasms and fangirl squees. It will also be posted on my Fanpop: .com/fans/pftfan99 and onto my wordpress blog: TheSeddieWorld .
Anyways, ENJOY!
Disclaimer: I do NOT own iCarly or any of the iCarly characters.
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iFall In Love With My Enemy
Sam just stood there... her red and white striped shirt flapping around her body in the strong wind. Freddie was frozen, in pure shock. Carly had the same problem. She just stood there... eyes wide as plates. None of them expected this, not even Sam. Freddie's encouraging words flew into her body and shoved her feelings out, like ten million fireworks on the 4th of July. Sam soon regretted what she did, afraid that it would ruin everything that she had planned. Freddie was not upset, not at all, but he was utterly confused and, of course, shocked, so he just stood there, mouth agape, waiting for Sam to say something.
"So..." Sam said, awkardly.
Freddie really didn't have anything to say, so he just said, "I should be... uh... heading back inside..."
Sam watched him walk back in, his legs not being very stable. Sam sat back down until he left, and drunk her water, to keep tears from bursting down her face. When Freddie was out of sight, she buried her head in her hands, and let all of her tears explode from her eyes.
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Freddie was still not walking very unstable when he saw Carly turn to him.
"Freddie..." she said, her voice slightly hoarse. From the shock, of course.
"So, you uh... saw that?"
Carly quickly nodded. Freddie sat on the ground, and pulled his knees to his chest.
"I don't know what to do, Carly!" He rested his chin on his knees and stared off into space.
Carly slid down next to him and said, "It depends... Do you love her back?" Freddie raised his head up from his knees.
"Well, do you?" Freddie quickly stood up, and ran out the door.
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Sam heard the door fly open, and she tried to stop the tears, but the wouldn't stop coming.
"Sam? Are you okay?" This was the first time that Freddie had seen her cry like this. He quickly ran over to her, and pulled her into a tight embrace.
"Don't cry, Sam. I know that you may feel like you made a mistake, but I can assure you that you didn't. Please stop crying. I can't stand seeing you like this."
Right then, at that moment, Sam stopped crying. "Y-you can't?" She lifted her head from Freddie's shoulder and looked into his eyes.
Freddie began to speak. "No... I can't... And I know that there is only one thing... in this whole world... that will ever make you feel better."
Sam looked at him, confused. "What's that?"
Freddie moved his head closer to her face, and said, "I love you, too, Sam." He let his lips collide with her's once more.
At first, Sam was in shock, but as Freddie's lips danced across her's, she began to feel the mood and she kissed him back. This kiss was filled with pure passion than any of any other kisses they ever shared. They were both taking part this time, like their first kiss, but better... with more love and passion. The little sparks of love they both used to feel for each other boomed into a giant firework. As Sam and Freddie pulled apart, they both stood there, and stared straight into each other's eyes.
Sam said, "I love you... nub!" Freddie smirked and said, "I love you, too, Princess Puckett."
The Seddie End...
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WELL, WHAT DID YOU THINK? =D Now I am filled with pure Seddie Love. 3 3